Disclaimer: I do not and will never own naruto or inuyasha 'damn it' (no editing done here)


She stared on, looking at nothing in particular as the village she grew to know as her home burned on. The flames continue destroy everything in its path, she continued to stare with her golden eyes devoid of emotion that seem to glow in the darkness of the night.

The scent of burning wood and flesh was strongly permeating the air, the smell made her feel nauseous as it cling tightly at the back of her throat, she could taste the fear of the fellow people she had to kill, constantly reminding her of the deed that had to be done.

She took one last look at the village that she was ordered to destroy, time passed as she thought back to all the good and bad times reaching up to now. She sighed as she turned her back refusing to look at the village any longer as the flames ate at what was left of the village, she brought up her hand covering her face as she finally let the tears that she held back flow at full force 'why?' was the only thought going through her mind, 'why?' she repeated it like a mantra within the confines of her mind, 'why?' repeatedly asking herself, it left a bitter taste within her mouth, she wanted to scream, to wail into the heavens, release all the anger, bitterness, hatred, regret, and loneliness she felt.

She never felt this emotional before, her tears continued to fall silently on to the ground, no she refused to wail and show her moment of weakness, but screw it, screw everything, she wanted to release all the emotions, the turmoil she felt so she did the only thing she could think of, dropping her hand to her side, she ran.

She ran fast, the wind slapped her face as she ran to speeds that most ninja would envy, her raven hair with silver tips whipped around, she felt her muscles burning with the exertion but she didn't care it distracted her from the emptiness the void that was slowly consuming her heart.

Her ears were ringing, she could hear the blood pumping through her veins as she continued to run, she felt the adrenaline, the rush, even for a moment she forgot. Her tears have long stopped flowing as she ran from the place that she called home, where her family, friends, and comrades used to live. She continued on for what felt like hours, she paid no attention as she passed the world like a blur, with the crescent moon as her only source of light, she continued to push herself using all her energy and chakra she has left .

She stopped, finally exhaustion claiming her, sweat trickled down her face and she took gulps of air as if it were her last, she clutched her knees and grabbed a branch to support herself, she felt as if she wanted to empty the contents of her stomach but she pushed the feeling down, she felt a slight warmth as she noticed the sun peaking over the horizon, she laid down leaning against one of the trees, she evened out her breathing, she her limbs felt like lead and various parts of her body felt a dull ache. She felt an impending head ache come on and felt her eyes getting heavy and soon let darkness claimed her.