A/N: Hello everyone, this is my new series, Teacher's pet. I hope you enjoy it and a new chapter will be up tomorrow. This is just giving you a taste of what is to come. I do not own any characters in this story.

Teacher's Pet

Dante Fanfic

Chapter 1: Class is in Session…

You made your way into the room and took a seat in front. The university was a huge place and this class was one of the biggest ones you've had. It sat over fifty students in this room, rows upon rows of seats. Many were either unoccupied or taken by book bags or purses. Many of the students there never paid attention to their professors… that is… until there was a new one in the building. It was all throughout the building that the university was going to get a new Biology professor. You were a bit anxious yourself to see who it was.

The last biology professor was driven into retirement, in other words, the students drove her mentally insane and made her quit. She almost strangled a student because of her 'unwillingness' to learn. You swore, why do some kids come to college when all they were gonna do was party, drink, smoke and have sex the whole time. Their poor parents, having no idea what their money was paying for. You, however, did what you were supposed to do… most of the time. Parties were rare for you but you had your share of them.

You sat there, taking out your note book to take down notes from today's lecture. The professor wasn't there yet and you looked up at the clock. It was really early anyway. Class didn't start until another five minutes.

"Hey, you heard there's a new teacher today?" A girl spoke to you.

"Yeah. Is it a guy or a girl?" You ask, getting your biology book out.

"I heard it's a guy. Don't know what he looks like though. He's probably all old and obsessed with rabbit sex like our last professor." She laughed, making you laugh as well.

The clock struck noon and the door opened slowly. Everyone's eyes shifted over to the right side of the room, waiting for the figure to come in front of the class. A tall, lean, and handsome male, looking in his mid to late 20s made his way over to the desk in front of the class. His skin, not too tan, yet not too pale was the perfect shade. His lips, not too thin and not too thick were perfect and pink. God he was hot.

He had a black suit on with a blood red dress shirt under his blazer. He stood, placing his teacher's edition biology book onto the desk and sat his black leather bag on the floor. What set him apart from normal, was his hair… it was… white. As white as snow. But he looked… so young. TOO young for white hair. You stared at his heavenly appearance, waiting to see his eyes and hear his voice. He opened his book and rubbed his stubbly chin for a few seconds. The class was silent.

"Okay…" He began, picking the book up and moving his eyes over the class. A perfect, icy blue. "Recessive traits… let's begin there first."