A/N: So you'll want to kill me, for various reasons may I add. I do know I have about 10 multi-chapter stories going on, yet I can't stop new ideas. Do know that I am working as hard as I can to update the other stories I have. I really hope you enjoy this story and if not I hope you enjoy my new story of a Glee crossover with Harry Potter.

As always this is a Faberry/Klaine/Brittana/Tike/Samcedes other couples I am still working through.

"Come on Britt, relax, it'll hurt much less if you don't try to stop it," Rachel coaxed.

Brittany stood about a foot away clutching her stomach, tears leaked from pure innocent blue eyes.

"Hurts," Brittany moaned before screwing her eyes shut.

"I know it does, honey, but you have to relax. I know its hard, but try, believe me," Rachel cried out hating how her friend was in so much pain.

Brittany managed to nod before falling to the floor. The arms that were wrapped around her torso were now reconstructing, shorter and stronger, her hands and feet shrinking into paws, a tail grew, and fur started sprouting from Brittany's body. The blonde's sweet face contorted and shifted into that of a wolfs. Rachel stared in both horror and beauty as her friend suffered she didn't realise she was shifting until she felt the agony of her bones breaking. A few second later Rachel stood shifted next to a panting Brittany.

'You okay?'-Rachel

'Is it suppose to hurt?'-Brittany

'Yes, but the pain lessens after the first shift. C'mon you need to run. Let's go catch up to the rest of the pack.'-Rachel

'Ok.'- Brittany

The two wolves took off, running through the forest behind Rachel's home. They came to a clearing and halted, Brittany stayed behind Rachel while, Rachel walked to meet the rest of the pack. Two light gray wolves kneeled before her and Rachel nodded, barking slightly Brittany moved into the cleariing.

'John, Alexa' Rachel nodded her head at the two grey wolves.

Nodding back and bowing their head to their alpha, Rachel beckoned Brittany forward.

The grey wolves gasped before bowing their head and going to lick their cub. Brittany was a light white with a hint of yellow, silver almost except for that small tint of gold, her eyes were a electric blue not the light blue they normally were. She truly was beautiful.

Rachel gave their family a moment and turned to look at the remaining wolves, two black wolves stood next to the grey wolf couple.

'Mia, Victor' Rachel greeted.

'Alpha,' they replied bowing their heads.

Another black wolf stood close to them.

'Cooper' Rachel mentioned.

'Rachel,' the wolf replied.

Looking around Rachel noticed two more wolves were missing, her mother and another new born wolf.

A few minutes later, a brown wolf that resembled Rachel walked through the clearing followed by a black wolf. Making their way to the center everyone, but Rachel and Brittany bowed their head.




'Good to know you guys recognize yourselves'-Rachel

'Why didn't I know, Tina was one of us?'-Brittany

'Rule, Britt no one outside the pack even if they are becoming a werewolf can know about the members.'-Rachel

'Stupid rule.'-Tina


'Rach, why is their a pack meet today?'-Brittany

'I get to choose my Alphas in command.'-Rachel

'Oh, I thought you already had chosen.'-Tina


'Do we have to prove something to be eligible?'-Brittany

'Don't worry about it Britt.'-Rachel.

A howl interrupted their conversation.

Rachel did a quick scan of the pack, they weren't missing anyone. They weren't expecting someone from different pack or any other newborn. The only thing that could mean was a—

'Mutt,' John and Victor mentioned.

'Stay' Rachel ordered her pack. 'Britt, Tina. Come with me.'

'They're going with you?'-Cooper

'Yes, Cooper. Now watch out.'-Rachel

'But they're new!'-Cooper

'They're also my Alpha's in command! They rank higher than you!'- Rachel


'What?'- Brittany

'Later! Let's go!'-Rachel

The three wolves dashed back through the forest. Following the howls of the mutt, they made it to an empty ally. It was completely empty except for the big dog in the middle of the road. It was a light gray closer to a yellowing than gray, but still gray. The eyes of the wolf were a blue, a blue that Rachel, Brittany and Tina immidiatley recognized.



The wolf looked scared, he turned to look at the other three wolves. And on his own accord bowed his head to the three.


'I was attacked a few days ago by a dog. What happened to me?'- Sam

'Now is not the best time to explain. Come with us, nothing will happen to you.'- Rachel

'I'm scared.'- Sam

'It's going to be okay, okay? We're going to take care of you. Come with us.'- Rachel

The wolf nodded his head before walking towards Rachel, Tina, and Brittany.

Together the four of them ran back to clearing where, Sam was welcomed into the pack. He was promised answers and he would be damned if he didn't get them.

At around two in the morning the new born wolves retired to Rachel's house. Brittany, Tina, and Rachel drifted towards the bed and settled in, Sam was less inclined to. After Rachel beckoned him forward, Sam snuggled into the Alpha's, questions could be left for the following day.

Streching out, Sam noticed many things.

Number one and probably the most important one; he was naked.

Number two and second most important thing; he was surrounded by three other naked bodies, female naked bodies.

Number three; he was slightly, okay slightly was a lie, but very very horny.

Number four; he was also very hungry.

And number five; he was very confused.

'First thing first, get rid of this boner and find clothes,' Sam made his mental list.

Standing up and untangling himself from three girls, proved to very difficult. After five minutes of struggling, he was free, except now he was even more worked up. About to get up from the bed, Sam was stopped by a tan hand on his chest.

Rachel had woken up a few minutes previous, thanks to someone trying to get up.

She felt amazing except for the need to have sex, damn the wolf and their need to be sexually active. In fact Rachel didn't mind being a werewolf, all she hated was the fact that she was horny for three days before the new moon, and the day right after the change. It was like having a sex marathon for four days straight, without a break.

So today when she woke up to three other people on her bed, she felt pretty excited, Brittany and Tina knew vaguely about the need to have sex, Sam, however, Sam was a completely different story. And sure, she felt bad with what she was about to do, but Sam would thank her later. And Rachel would be very happy with having calmed down the wolf so early.

Finally deciding to make her presence known, as Sam was about to stand up, Rachel's arm snaked around his waist and landed directly on his chest. Her breast rubbing down Sam's back.

"Where you going, big boy?" Rachel husked into Sam's ear.

Shivering at her voice Sam stuttered through his answer, "Ba-bath-bathroom."


"I need to take care of myself." Sam gulped feeling Rachel's hand drop lower.

"I can help you with that, in return you can calm me down," Rachel mentioned seductively.

"Isn't this cheating," Sam struggled to say feeling Rachel's hand start to run along his cock, along with open wet mouthed kisses Rachel was placing on his back.

"No, well not really. You really have no idea, what happened to you do you?" Rachel questioned feeling bad for taking advantage of Sam, but the fact that she was horny overlooked that.

"No," Sam panted.

"Well, Sammy, you're a werewolf. And becoming a werewolf changes a lot of things. For example, you're going to be extremely horny four days out of a month, every month, like right now," Rachel explained squeezing Sam member.

Moaning out, Sam tried to reply only to be cut off by Rachel's lips. "Don't try to fight it, Sam. It's instinct."

Nodding, Sam flipped over, forgetting about the other members on the bed. Rachel's back was now pinned onto the bed, her hair sprawled out and her eyes dilated. Her gaze was directly aimed for Sam and all Sam wanted to do was pound into her.

"Come on, Sammy, fill me up." Rachel taunted.

Nodding furiously, Sam started to descend onto Rachel, he entered her, warmth surrounding his cock instantly. He moaned as did Rachel, giving her a few seconds to ajust to herself to his size, he wasn't huge, but he wasn't small, five and half inches long and two inches thick. Giving him a signal of alright, Sam thrusted into Rachel. The kept a fast rythm and within minutes were on edge of an orgasm. A few more thrust and Sam came inside of Rachel, both moaning a the feeling. Coming down from their high, Sam landed on top of Rachel, both catching up on their breathing. Sam's blond locks were glued to his face and Rachel's own brown tresses hung against her forehead, pulling out from Rachel, Sam relaxed on the bed.

"Wow, that was hott!" Brittany breathed out.

Turning to their heads to left, Rachel and Sam stared at both a very very naked, Tina and Brittany.

"Seriously, I am so turned on right now," Tina agreed.

"Are you?" Rachel smirked smelling the arousal both females had.

Tina and Brittany nodded.

"Does this encourage you," Rachel teased dragging her left hand down her chest and down Sam's chest, settling on Sam's cock.

Twitching Sam, moaned his cock becoming erect almost instantly, Brittany and Tina groaned.

"Do you want to play?" Rachel fauxed.

Nodding lazily, Rachel fingered them forwards, and Tina stumbled towards the brunette. Brittany did the same except she drifted closer to Sam.

"I'm going to make you feel good, kay?" Rachel husked out to Tina, the Asian smiled.

Not taking time, Rachel's hand dove towards Tina's pussy. It was dripping wet and made it incredibly easy for Rachel to start pumping in an out of her. Besides them Sam and Brittany could be heard and seen doing the same thing, Sam's penis deeply burried in Brittany's vagina.

Around an hour later, once the four teens had been settle on sex, they made their way down to the kitchen.

Shelby stood in the kitchen next to the stove makign breakfast. She looked over when she heard the kids make their way inside. Raising an eyebrow at the four of them, Sam and Tina blushed, Brittany smiled shyly and Rachel just smirked.

"Good work out, Rach?" Shelby asked passing plates to Rachel who helped set up the table.

"You bet, mom," Rachel mentioned kissing her cheek before guiding their guest to the table.

"What am I going to do with you," Shelby laughed shaking her head.

"I don't know ma, get a boyfriend," Rachel snickered passing out a platter filled with pancakes and another one filled with scrambled egg, bacon, and sauges.

"Rachel, you know I don't date." Shelby sighed taking a seat.

"I know, I know, you're waiting for your one." Rachel mentioned taking a seat at the table.

Shooting a glare at her daughter, Shelby turned to look at the new wolves.

"How was it?" Shelby asked.

"Amazing!" Brittany squeled.

"It's outstanding to see everything from the perspective of an animal." Tina said.

The older woman turned to Sam.

"You don't know about any of this, do you?" Shelby questioned.

Sam shook his head.

"Rachel," Shelby inquired.

Taking a bite from her pancake and forming her thoughts together, Rachel turned to look at Sam.

"In simple terms you're a werewolf."