Pre-Season 2

Two Months after Auld Acquaintances

Connor looked around the street, Gotham really is as bad as Robin said. During his stay with Robin he had noticed how afraid some of the people were, he and Robin had stopped five robberies tonight alone.

"Is it always like this?" he asked, turning to his friend. Robin looked grimly downwards from the building they were on, an expression the clone wasn't used to seeing on his friend's face.

"No," he broke his gloomy expression with one of his signature smirks, "tonight was slow, definitely was feeling the aster."

Robin and Connor smiled at each other, happy that he had tried to make light of the corruption of the city. Their respite was cut short as Connor cocked his head to the side, his hearing picking up a struggle, "Something's happening at the docks."

"Let's go."

Superboy tackled Robin, knocking them both behind a pile of shipping crates as Intergang's Apocalypse fuel weapons burst across where they were moments ago.

"I thought we had already taken care of these guys!" Robin cried out over the laser fire.

"Apparently not!" Superboy roared as he vaulted the crates, taking down one of the aggressors as he landed.

Robin followed suit, somersaulting out from the crates, tossing his discs as he came up into a leap over another Interganger. Robin turned to kick the man he landed behind, but was knocked across the dock and into Connor. They crashed into a sea-train crate and fell atop each other. The brothers in arms raised their heads to see the barrels of the rifles pointed at them, point-blank.

Before they could respond, three arrows struck the ground before the criminals and sent up smoke. A second later a yellow-red blur cut through the smoke and the bad men therein. The rest of the villains were lifted by a wave raised from beneath the pier, and slammed down by telekinesis. The runners were picked up by boards from the dock that came alive seemingly of their own and trapped in a glowing bubble of energy.

Zatanna walked over to Robin and kissed him on the cheek, "Sorry we took so long ninja-boy."

He kissed her back, "Hey, you were just in time Z."

M'gann helped Connor back to his feet and they embraced. M'gann took a step back, "Hey," Superboy smiled back, "Hey, thanks."

Raquel chuckled at the two couples, "We going to check the crate or smooch?" She glanced slyly at Kaldur, "not that I have a problem with that." Kaldur cleared his throat a little, slightly embarrassed, then looked at the crate Intergang was moving, "Rocket is correct. M'gann, Connor, would you two please-"

"Sure Kaldur." Connor interrupted, moving over to the oversized box, M'gann shortly behind him.

Connor tore the lid off and tossed it to the side, revealing a small stasis pod. Suberboy became rigid with a mixture of anger and shock, still sore from the experiences he had had with the technology. The others gathered around, but the windows were tinted, obscuring the inside. Robin brushed the top of it with his hands.

A second later the seal broke and the pod began to open, the team instinctively jumping back…nothing happened for a second, then crying broke out from the pod. M'gann stepped closer, and gasped.

"M'gann?" Artemis pulled the bowstring a bit tighter, but M'gann didn't respond, but took off her cloak and leaned in to the pod. She leaned back out with it bundled around something in her arms, then she came forward, making shushing noises and rocking the bundle.

"Guys…it's a baby."