I apologize for any (grammar) mistakes. Nobody's perfect (not even me v.v)

Love Wouldn't Be Love Without Obstacles

Part 15: My Boyfriend Spent Money When He Had None

"Kiba? Kiba!" Hana cried and ran towards her younger brother. She embraced him in a strong and loving hug, letting her emotions go wild. "You idiot! Don't you ever do something like this again!" Hana hit him on the head.

"Ow! 'm sorry!" the brunette apologized. Naruto patted his head and smiled. "Where is mom?"

"She went shopping for groceries."

Suddenly a giant white animal jumped onto Kiba; it was Akamaru! The dog started licking the brunette and barking.

"'Kamaru! I'm so happy to see you!"

After everyone sat down at the kitchen, Tsume returned. She was shocked and happy to see her son again, after all these years. This lead to a bunch of crying, hugging and an occasional laugh.

Kiba then told them how he was living these past years. It was probably one of the hardest things to do.

After dinner, Naruto and Kiba were walking back to the blonds' apartment, but they got stopped by Sakura and Ten Ten.

"Kiba? Naruto?" the two girls both said the same time, in shock.

"Hey, Sakura, Ten Ten!"

"What the hell? When did you get back?" the pink haired kunoichi asked.

"A few days ago" Naruto awkward laughed.

"And you didn't tell me? And Kiba, where the fuck have you been?" she focused her anger on the brunette.

"Who cares, we need to go celebrate! Come on, let's go get some food and drinks, my treat!" Ten Ten kindly offered.

"Well we just ate-" Kiba tried to say but was quickly cut off by Naruto.

"Sure!" the blond said and started walking towards the nearest restaurant they could find.

"So how was it like training with that Sakushi guy?" Sakura asked as she took a bite of her meal.

"It's been pretty awesome. I learned a bunch of new stuff and I actually managed to the Nine Tails under control! He's pretty cool after you look past his 'I'm a big mean monster' façade" he grinned.

"I can hear you, you know!" Kurama said in the back of Naruto's head.

"What about you two?" he asked.

"Well I'm the head of the medical department now, right under Tsunade-sama" Sakura said with pride in her voice.

"And I'm a Jonin now! I have my own team now; they're pretty fun!" Ten Ten smiled and took a sip of her drink.

"What about you, Kiba? What were you doing all these years?" the pink haired girl asked.

"Um… I'd rather not talk about that…" he said as he looked down at his plate with shame. It was a hard time for him, but he knew that it was over now, because he had Naruto back.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell us. We're just happy you're back."

"Thanks" he smiled and continued eating.

"Oh no!" Naruto shouted in terror.

"What?" the brunette asked in fear.

"I just realized something! Sakura's the head of the medical department, Ten Ten's a Jonin, you're technically still a Chuunin, and I'm still a Genin!"

Leave it to Naruto to remember something to stupid.

Everyone laughed at this. "It's not funny!" he tried to stop them, but with zero success.

After the reunion dinner, Naruto and Kiba went to the Uzumaki's apartment and the blond made them some tea.

"You look so beautiful" Kiba said and blushed. They were both sitting on Naruto's couch, looking at each other.

"Look who's talking. That beard looks good on you" Naruto giggled.

The brunette stretched out his arm and rubbed his thumb across Naruto's cheek. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too."

"Okay, I have to do it now or never!" Kiba looked Naruto deeply into his eyes before continuing. "Are we back together or not? I need a yes or no!"

Naruto was completely confused. "Um… Yes."

"Okay" he brunette said and went down on one of his knees.

"Oh Kami… Kiba…" the blond slowly said as he knew exactly what Kiba was doing.

"Naruto Uzumaki…" he said and slowly pulled out the engagement ring. "Will you marry me?"

Oh my God, I am so sorry for not updating so long and I know this chapter is like ridiculously short, but I don't feel it with this story anymore :c I will be ending it in the next chapter and I swear I'll make it really long (like long) to make it up to you guys. Please review! (Oh God, I'm so angry at myself for it being so short -.-)

Jeffree xoxo