Author Commentary: Takes place a week after 'If You Think You're Lonely Now' and 'Guardian Angel'.

Rating: T

Warnings: Anti-RusLiet; OOCness; Slight "Naughty" Language; Mpreg and yaoi/shonen-ai

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

America decided to take Russia out to a gay bar, so he could get drunk and get Lithuania off his mind.

"South Beach?" Russia asked as America pulled in the parking lot. "Strange name for a gay bar, da?"

"Yeah, I guess." America laughed. "But it's fuckin' great. A lot of go-go boys work here. It's wonderfuuulll!"

"Okay... this'll be fun," Russia told himself aloud.

The two nations entered the bar. The disco lights were going crazy, causing the room to turn a variety of colors.

"I'm gonna go dance," America announced loudly to Russia. "There's a bar here with drinks. You can go up there or whatever."

America ran off toward the dance-floor. Russia sat up at the bar for awhile, drinking himself sick.

America trotted up to Russia. "Hey Russia... woah. You're drunk."

"Duh," Russia snapped back.

"C'mon, Russia!" America grabbed Russia's had and dragged him to the dance-floor. "Drunk people are fun to dance with!"

By "dancing" America meant to say "flopping around like you're a retard with a ton of sweaty, attractive, drunk, young homosexual men."

The two remained at the club for another two or three hours before heading back to America's place.

Russia—even in his drunken state—was able to put on a radio station that played Russian dance music.

"You know what we should do?" Russia slurred.

America—still sober—responded, "What?"

Russia laughed. "We should dance, make love, and..."

"And what?" America laughed.

Russia planted a sloppy kiss on America's cheek. "And dance again."