I have no idea where this came from but I felt like writing a short and sweet story, so without further delay on with the story.

"Momma, momma waked up. 'Member Emly is taking us to Zoo 'day" Henry yelled, while jumping up and down on JJ's bed. JJ smiled and looked at the alarm clock; panic quickly filled the blond when she saw it reading 9:37am. Emily was supposed to be there in twenty-three minutes and she and Henry still had to have breakfast and showers.

"Quick henry, let's go get you into the shower" JJ said while sliding out of the bed to pick Henry up. Showering Henry had taken longer than JJ thought it would. Making her way down stairs with the toddler on her hip she rushed into the kitchen. "Do you want toast or Cornflakes Henry?" The young toddler pondered the question before yelling with a determined smile "pacake!"

Recognising the word JJ smiled sadly. "Henry, we don't have time to make pancakes if we want to be ready before Emily gets here". Henry determined to have pancakes kept chanting the word. Giving up on trying to change her sons mind, she got all of the ingredients out of the cupboard, hoping they would at least have time for Henry to eat before they left.

Half way through cooking the second pancake, JJ heard a knock on the front door. "Emly is here momma, Emly is here" Yelled Henry bounding over to the door. Knowing he wasn't allowed to open the door without JJ or another adult with him, he waited patiently for his momma to appear behind him. Lifting him up to the door JJ helped him to open it.

Screaming Emily's name even louder when he saw her, Henry fidgeted out of his mother's grip. "Emly, you came" Emily smiled and picked up the child "Of course I came; I made a promise didn't I?" Henry nodded and quickly added that he and JJ still had to have breakfast before they could go.

Emily looked at the blond and tilted her head slightly; Henry caught the look and laughed. "Momma slep through her larm, did you momma?" JJ looked down and smiled, "yeah baby, momma slept through her alarm. But we would have been ready if someone hadn't decided he wanted to play in the shower or wanted pancakes for breakfast" she finished, tickling the toddler.

Emily put the small boy on the floor, after hugging JJ, both women followed the child to the kitchen where the half cooked pancake was still in the pan but looked to be a little burnt. Emily smiled before turning to JJ "why don't you go and have a shower, I'll finish the pancakes." Thanking the older woman, JJ ran upstairs to have a quick shower. After getting dressed into a white blouse and blue straight leg jeans the blond walked down stairs. She found the brunet woman and blond child whispering to each other.

"Conspiring again Emily?" she question, "hey JJ, no I am not conspiring. I am simply asking Henry, for permission" Emily stated. Looking at her son she could tell he was deep in thought. "What do you need permission for" JJ asks suspiciously "It's secret momma, I not loud tell you" Henry said before turning to Emily "Ok, I gives you my 'mission". Emily smiled at the boy and gave him a quick hug "thank you".

So I wonder what Emily needs permission for. I plan on making this story at least a three shot. Please review and tell me what you think. :)