Hey my name is Jack, I was a normal teenager who had a normal life, I was an average student, I got decent grades. That is until the day the accident happened.

It all started on a rainy day in Eros, Louisiana. It had been raining for 3 days straight now. There were mud pits allover our small town. Most people decided to stay inside were it was warm and safe, but a few people decided to take their 4x4's and race in the mud. Unfortunately for me I had to walk the dog that day, I was dressed in my red poncho, red boots, and my blue jeans. We had an unusually dog that most people say isn't the kind that you should have were I lived. We had a husky her name was Dash, she had dark blue eyes, was black with white on here hindquarters, her feet, and the tips of her ears. For a 2 year old husky she was always tired on warm sunny days, but was extremely active on the rainy days. About half-way through are walk as we started to head back home some of the guys from the neighborhood had started mud racing in a mud pit right next to were I had to walk in order to get home.

So I watch and waited for my chance to quickly get past them with out getting mud all over me and Dash. I waited for about 5 minutes, that's when they decided to race to the other side of the mud pit. I raced across just after they took off from there starting position, when I was about half-way across I heard the roar of there 4x4 getting louder and ever so closer. At that time I quickened my pace to try and get across as fast as I could. But unfortunately for me I didn't the hole that was in the path and I tripped and fell. Just as I was about to get up I heard an unforgettable sound of the guys yelling at their friend who was winning to stop… but it was too late, by the time he heard this and opened his eyed his 4x4 was only a foot from me. He tried desperately to swerve away from my body that was still on the ground from the fall. That's when my world started to go all fuzzy as I heard the crunch of my body under the large 4x4. The last thing I heard was those guys talking in a panic trying to figure out what to do. With my last bit of conciseness I said, "Call an ambulance."

I don't remember what happened to my body after I fainted but I do know that right after I lost conciseness I remember seeing a bright light and that my entire life flashed before my eyes. And I swore I saw what looked like got but it was all blurred so I couldn't tell what I was looking at. For a few seconds I heard what sounded like the beep of a heart rate monitor in a hospital. I tried to open my eyes and listen to what they said but the people were all fuzzy and there voices sounded very far away. But I was able to make out part of a conversation before I lost conciseness again.

"…Doctor do you think he will survive the surgery?"

"I don't know but this may be the only chance to save his life."

"But, Doctor! There is only a 3% chance that he will survive this operation."

"I know but his parents don't care what the odds are they want it done. They said that if this is what it will take to try and save their son then they wanted it done."

"So, your just going to do it even with the high chance that he won't survive!"

"I have to because this is my job, trying to save lives."

"Wait I think he's regaining conciseness."

"No wait he's losing conciseness again. Quickly get that IV in him, don't let him die on me."

The rest seemed to just blur into mutters and random words without and effort to organize them. I also realized something the doctors voices weren't any of the 10 doctors in our town.