CM: As always, we seem to write stories for these fandoms too late. But hopefully Kingdom Hearts is still alive enough to get a good turnout. So we decided to go a change of pace and only write for one OC. Hopefully it turned out well. So without further ado we welcome you to...


Chapter 1: Connections


The young woman landed heavily on the ground, brushing her black hair out of her eyes. The light caught the streaks of purple as she swiftly returned to her feet. Her deep set gunmetal gray eyes narrowed slightly at the large beast before her. It was a creature summoned to the large arena by her current mentor who stood watching the fight.

As she got to her feet, the creature pulled itself up shaking its head which had been embedded into the hole now in the training room wall. She took a deep breath, holding out her hands and thinking carefully of the spell she was supposed to be using keeping her eyes on the beast that once again began to charge at her. Taking a deep breath, she kept her calm as it continued to get closer while she didn't move. Then all at once, the creature's arm shot forward before freezing in place inches from the young woman's shoulder.

When she realized it had stopped, she took a few steps back and out of its way letting out the breath she didn't know she'd been holding. Staring at her frozen opponent as it vanished. She looked up towards her mentor who nodded his head, pointed wizard hat and all, in approval.

"Congratulations, Thorn," a man murmured in a deep rumbling voice as he stepped into the training room. She turned around to face him only able to see the man's eyes beneath the red wrap that covered his head. "You've managed to impress me further."

"Back already?" Thorn asked keeping her face completely neutral despite the slight irritation that burned inside her. "I thought you had important business to attend to."

"It is good to see you again, DiZ," Thorn's mentor stated while inclining his head in respect. "I trust your travels have been well."

"Indeed, they have," he replied returning the gesture. "However, Thorn's services are needed elsewhere. I shall be taking her away with me for a while."

Thorn's purple lipstick coated lips pressed together in distaste. She didn't enjoy the way DiZ treated her, as though she were inferior. She'd grown up with that crap enough as it were. Still, she respected him, in a sense. He was intelligent and powerful. And she owed him she supposed.

"Will I be able to return to further my studies?" she spoke up.

"But of course," he answered his gaze never meeting hers. "So long as Yensid wishes to continue having you as his pupil."

She glared at him before looking to her mentor for his answer. Their eyes met for a moment before nodded. "I await your return," he murmured. For a moment she thought a smile had appeared at the corner of his mouth but dismissed the idea immediately. She had been staying with the wizard a few months now and was quite sure that he didn't smile.

"Alright, let me grab my things," she said with a small sigh, heading for the exit of the training room. DiZ didn't stop her, but it was clear that he was a little agitated by how slowly she was walking. "Hmph, either it's that important, or he doesn't like to wait," she thought before glancing back at him. She smiled to herself as she slowly continued forward. He didn't like to wait. Well she wouldn't take too long, but she might as well enjoy her last walk through the castle before she left.

Thorn steadily walked up the long spiral staircase. The place had no elevator and the walk was a grueling one if you weren't used to stairs. Her first few days of training had been to run up and down the stairs in order to build her bodily endurance and stamina. She'd hated it, but Yensid assured her a strong body was necessary for spell mastery. As a result her body was more toned than when she'd lived in her home world.

Now she could climb the stairs at a steady pace without losing wind. When she got to the top level she headed to her bedroom where the three fairies Flora, Fauna, and Maryweather were straightening her room.

"I've said before this is completely unnecessary," Thorn stated. "You don't need to clean my room for me."

"I know dear," Flora said waving the comment away with a wave of her wand. "We just love helping out though."

"Indeed, and you were so busy we thought it'd be nice to come back to a clean and friendly environment," Fauna added.

"It's to help make you feel better," Maryweather explained.

"I also told you to leave the colors alone," Thorn muttered walking into the room and over to the now pink dresser. She pulled out her only other set of clothing from her own world as well as a small music box before putting them both into a small duffle bag. "But I guess it doesn't matter anymore."

"Deary, where are you going?" Flora asked noticing the bag.

"The guy who dropped me off is back," Thorn answered with a shrug. "It's time for me to go with him."

The three fairies released varying sighs of disappointment at the news. For the life of her, Thorn couldn't understand why the three seemed to like her so much. Maybe they just enjoyed having the extra company. Or maybe they loved the challenge of trying to dress her in pink or blue. Who knew?

"I know," Fauna stated. "We should give her a going away present."

"You really don't have to," Thorn stated quickly, already knowing what direction this idea was heading.

"Yes, that's a brilliant idea, Fauna," Flora agreed pulling the other two together in a huddle. Thorn decided it was a good idea to try and make a hasty exit before they finished and was almost out the door when they broke apart. "We have just the thing for you."

"Really, I don't want anything," Thorn insisted as she pulled the door open. She was stopped. however, as Maryweather blocked her path.

"Just you wait, you'll love it," she insisted ushering her back toward the others.

The goth girl just sighed and rolled her eyes waiting for what she was sure would be a gift she'd later throw out.

"Alright girls, here we go," Flora dictated as the three began waving their wands around. Moments later, a small stone appeared and floated down into Thorn's waiting curious hands. "It's a small stone that you can switch out of your pendant."

Thorn stared at the jewel, its surface glinted as she turned it over, inspecting it. She had to admit she was impressed. "What does it do?" she asked.

"It will protect you from physical harm," Flora informed her. "Though not entirely."

"But any direct damage will be cut by half at least," Marywether stated proudly.

"We hope this will protect you during your travels," Fauna finished. Then added, "Do you like it?"

Thorn smiled a little, removing the jewel from the slot in her pendant and replacing it with the new one. This seemed to please them greatly. "Thank you. I do like it."

The three quickly flew forward and gave her a hug. "It will be a lot quieter without you around," Maryweather commented.

"We'll all miss you greatly," Fauna agreed.

"Make sure you stay safe," Flora finished. "We'll be waiting for you to come visit again."

Thorn nodded slightly before heading out the door down to where she had left Diz. She would miss them as well, she supposed.

Before Thorn left DiZ, Yensid had something to give her as well. "In the arts of magic, one must never lax in their studies," he said before handing her a thick book which weighed heavily in her arms entitled The Way of the Mage. "I trust you will not become idle during your absence here."

Thorn shook her head, holding the book to her closely. "Never. Thank you, Master Yensid."

He nodded once more and Thorn slowly followed Diz through the dark portal he had created. It wasn't the most enjoyable way to travel, but it certainly got the job done. Once they made it to the other side, Thorn saw that they were in an old, musty mansion that appeared as though it hadn't been inhabited for years.

"What is this place?" she asked following DiZ who kept walking even after they were out of the portal.

"This mansion lies in the deepest recesses of a forest outside of Twilight Town. It is where I do my work and where you shall be staying for a while," he explained as he led her upstairs and down a hall, stopping at a door at the end. "This room will be where you sleep. Feel free to do with it as you like."

Thorn stepped through the door and took in the sight of her new room. It was bright. The walls were barren and white and light shown through the tears in the curtain on the window. In the center of the room was a large four poster bed that looked as if it once had curtains covering each side. Other than the bed, a single old wooden dresser sat against a wall as the only other piece of furniture.

"Thanks," she muttered dropping her things onto the bed. "It won't be staying this bright for long. Do you have any paints?"

"You can redecorate later, once you've finished with today's work," Diz declared from the doorway. "I've also provided you with a gift." He pointed to the end of the bed where a box sat.

Thorn curiously and with reservation went over to where the box sat. Removing the lid she found inside some form of dark clothing. Taking it out she let the garment unfold in her hands to find it was a long black cloak with a hood, silver zipper, and tassels.

"Am I supposed to where this?" she asked.

"Indeed," he replied with an incline of his head. "It will provide you with the necessary protection."

"Protect from what?" Thorn inquired.

"This cloak has special properties," he explained patiently. "It will guard your heart from darkness as well as other threats. Now come with me. There is much to do and little time to do it in."

Shrugging, Thorn pulled the cloak on over her others clothes. It was loosely fitted and surprisingly comfortable. In one of the pockets she found a pair of black gloves and decided to put those on too in case they were mandatory as well.

"Alright, lead the way then," she said heading to the door.

She followed him out of the room, down the stair and out the big double front door. Here she saw a large metal gate that separated the yard of the mansion from what looked like a forest. The pair walked through the forest and through a hole in a wall that lead to a small town. There were many buildings here and there, some larger than others, but Thorn was sure it was far smaller than where she grew up.

"So, this is Twilight Town?" she asked remembering what he had said before.

"Yes, and it is infested with a creature you're quite familiar with," Diz answered pointing toward some shadows created by a low bridge.

Beneath it, she could just barely make out a tiny little shadow moving back and forth with a single heart bobbing around inside it. "That was what started the destruction of my own world," Thorn muttered with disdain. "So they are here as well?"

"Yes, they are called heartless," Diz told her. "And the longer they exist in a world the more hearts they collect and the larger they become. Furthermore, if enough of them gather in a world, it is eventually devoured by them as well...much like your own."

As Thorn listened to him she watched the small black creature with its bright glowing eyes. Its round head bobbed, feelers flicking out as if searching for something. If she didn't know what it was or what it could do she would have thought it to be cute.

"There is a reason why I took you to Yensid," Diz continued. "That reason was to strengthen you for an upcoming battle."

"Battle," she repeated, still taking in the sights. "What sort of battle?"

"One that will decide the fate of the worlds fallen into darkness, as well as those yet to be," he stated importantly.

"So you want me to fight heartless?" she asked noticing that the one before them seemed to be the only one around. "What's that supposed to accomplish?"

"Destroying heartless will reduce their numbers and help prevent this world from being swallowed by them as your world was," Diz explained. "And who knows, you may even find the ones you are looking for."

Thorn's heart leapt at this statement and she stared at the heartless. It must be something akin to a newborn, for it only held a single heart. Thorn saw who and what the person once was, and other hearts connected to it. Shaking her head, clearing her vision, she raised her hand as the creature scurried forward towards her.

She uttered firmly a single syllable. "Fire."

In an instant the magic struck the creature and it exploded releasing the heart trapped inside. "That was easy," Thorn muttered watching the heart rise into the air. "Okay, so now what? Destroying this one heartless isn't the reason you dragged me away from my training is it?"

"Your duties for now will be to survey the worlds I send you to and to keep the heartless population in check," he stated in an absolute manner that was not up for questioning. "You can start with this place. Return to me once your duties have been fulfilled."

"Wait, what?" she asked turning to look at him and try to get more info. As she did, he disappeared leaving her alone in the dark world. "I swear he's more vague and irritating than those three on my birthday," she muttered running a hand through her short purple streaked hair.

Still she knew that he wouldn't allow her to return for her things until she finished her job in the world and so she started on her way moving from building to building destroying heartless as she went while taking note of everything she came in contact with. When she managed to search through the last part of the world she was exhausted and quickly took a small ether she'd picked up to replenish her magic.

Sitting down on a crate, she looked up at the night sky riddled with stars. Millions of different worlds shining brightly. Not hers though. It had been wiped from existence. But she vowed to put it back, no matter what it took.

For the next week or two, Thorn was sent to a different world everyday running survey's for Diz and taking careful notice of each and every heart that was released by the destroyed heartless. Still there was no sign of any of them. She sighed as she started through the next world which consisted of a small nothing town with a large castle in the distance. As she passed by the people completely unnoticed she over heard them talking about a maid that had become their new princess. Their favorite princess in fact. For the most part she ignored the stories and simply focused on the basic function of the town as well as keeping an eye out for any heartless that appeared.

She passed by a bakery, the scent of fresh bread making her mouth water. She hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning at it was early afternoon now. As she stood contemplating whether or not to go in and buy herself a loaf for a snack, movement from the shadows caught her eye. Cautiously she moved closer, making sure to keep out of sight. The silhouette was black and bigger than the average heartless. In fact it was human size.

She heard mutterings coming from it and after a few moments she realize it WAS human. Except… Thorn's eyes widened when she realized something else. Something staggering for her. No, she had to be mistaken. There was no way this could be human. She moved closer, trying to get a good look at it. It was wearing a cloak almost identical to hers with the hood drawn up. The voice sounded male, and it was talking to itself.

"Let's see… where was I supposed to go? Geez, why did they have to send me to such a big place? I'm gonna be at this all day."

Thorn followed the hooded figure down a short alley that came out in a dead end. "Ah, man! This just isn't my day," he muttered turning around. As he did so, he nearly ran into Thorn who was standing directly behind him. "Ah!" he shouted jumping back as his hood fell off his head. Thorn was surprised that the figure looked like a boy a little younger than her with short spiky light brown hair in a mullet and bright blue eyes. "I, I can't see your heart," she murmured out loud looking into the boy's eyes.

"Shoot, I've been spotted," he whined glancing around for an escape route. "What do I do? They're gonna kill me."

Thorn stepped forward, closer to him. Then she reached out and poked him, as if making sure he was real. He felt pretty solid under the cloak. "You're real," she said. "But who… what are you?"

At this point the guy freaked out, pulling his hood back over his head and bolted. "You didn't see me! You didn't see anything!"

"Wait!" Thorn called and gave chase after him. He rounded a corner and by the time she got around it he was gone. Disappeared into thin air.

"What...was he?" she thought unable to come up with a possible answer. "Maybe Diz would know." Making up her mind, she finished her rounds quickly before returning to the mansion and rushing into the man's personal study. "Diz, you will not believe what I saw today. It was a man in a cloak like mine but I couldn't see his heart, at all!"

DiZ's hand came slamming down on his desk and he stood up so quickly from his chair it almost went crashing to the floor. "Did you approach it?" he demanded, walking towards her. When she didn't answer fast enough he repeated. "Did you?"

"Him," she said first off. "He was a him. And yes, I talked to him. Though not for very…"

"Never again." His voice was pure authority as he bore down on her. "You are not to approach these creatures. They are a danger, an existence even more loathsome than the heartless."

Thorn was bewildered at how deep of a resentment he seemed to hold for these beings. But why? Other than the fact she couldn't see his heart, the boy seemed normal enough. He certainly reminded her a little of her friends back in her own world.

"Who are they?" she asked him. She wanted to know, wanted to understand. And he seemed to be quite familiar with these beings.

"It doesn't concern you," he said quickly turning back to his desk. "All you need to know is that it is a creature that only brings trouble and destruction."

"Doesn't concern me?" Thorn demanded feeling the heat rise but keeping her temper in check. "I couldn't see his heart. I've never seen a creature that I couldn't see the heart of. I have the right to know who or what I saw and I'm going to find out whether you tell me or not."

Diz sat at his desk, not looking at her. "You understand nothing of the worlds," he growled dangerously. "Do not speak as if you know what is out there."

Thorn gritted her teeth before storming out of the lab. The man could be absolutely infuriating. Why did he even bother bringing her along if he wasn't even going to tell her anything? She left the mansion and wandered through the forest beyond it. It was shady and quiet, her favorite kind of place. It looked wicked after dark. She released a sigh, sitting down against the tree trunk, thinking about the boy she'd seen earlier than day, remembering the three boys he'd reminded her of.

"Thorn! Hey, Thorn, wake up!"

"Ngh… wha?" Gray eyes creaked half way open. Three boys were standing over her staring down at her.

"Haha, you were drooling in your sleep," said one with blonde hair and a black tattoo on his face. His mouth was stretched out into a full grin showing two straight rows of teeth.

"Don't tease her, Zell," another said. His long auburn hair was tied back in a ponytail and head topped off with a black cowboy hat. "She's cute when she's asleep. I was tempted to snuggle up next to her and have a nap myself."

"You're such a playboy, Irvine," the third said crossing his gloved hands crossing over his chest, monkey tail flicking a little behind him.

"It's okaaaaay, Zidane," the girl said with a yawn, stretching her arms up above her head. "I'm used to it. Is it almost time for school to start?"

The three boys glanced at one another. Irvine tipped his hat a little. "Thorn, I hate to break it to you, but school's already over."

Thorn's eyes widened and she shot up into a sitting position. "What! Please tell me you're kidding!"

Zell shook his head. "Nope, looks like you slept right through it."

"Ugh, I can't believe it," Thorn groaned flopping back down onto the grass. She slipped a hand under her black spaghetti strap and scratched her tummy. "Madam Lulu is going to kill me."

"So what happened?" Zidane asked plopping down on the grass beside her. Zell sat on her other side while Irvine remained sanding.

"Was it your spooky shadow monsters again?" Zell asked with a snicker.

"Oh, just shut up," Thorn snapped irritably, rolling onto her side.

Truth be told, the blonde hit it right on the head. Lately Thorn had been seeing strange things after dark. Weird shadow things that wandered, skittered, and skulked about. Whatever they were, they gave her the creeps. However, she seemed to be the only one spotting them and no one else believed her about it. Last night she'd spent from dusk until dawn trying to trap one and show everyone she wasn't crazy. But the darn things were quick and elusive, and she wasn't what you'd call athletic.

"Aw, don't be mad, I was just messing," Zell said nudging her back with his sneakered foot.

"I'm not mad..." Thorn muttered. Frustrated was the more accurate term. She couldn't stay mad at any of them, even if they did tease her for being goth or for her vicious temper, or… for being just a bit of a pervert. The only people who ever believed her, who didn't out her for being different, were these three.

A bright string flicked in front of her and she reached out, touching her black nail polished fingernail to it and began twirling the string lazily around the pale digit. It was warm, almost too warm, and flexible. It was her connection to Zell, and only she could see it. It wasn't the only one either. She could see string connecting her to Irvine and Zidane too. And she could even see strings coming off of them which connected them to other people, some she knew, most she didn't. These strings were always visible to her, as well as the hearts they were connected to. They were the bonds that connected peoples' hearts to one another. That was the only explanation she could come up with.

It was both a gift and a curse, and several cruel years growing up had taught her to, for all intents and purposes, pretend it didn't exist. If she concentrated really hard, she could ignore their presence, and they would almost become invisible.

"I got the notes from today's lectures," Irvine said in an attempt to cheer her up.

"No thanks," Thorn said automatically. "I know what you charge for favors. And quit looking down my shirt."

Irvine pinched the brim of his hat and lowered it over his eyes. "My apologies. I'm only a man after all."

"Ha! She's more of a man than you are… no offense, Thorn," Zidane added quickly, scratching his mop of dirty dishwater blonde hair.

"You know… you guys would be a hell of a lot more popular if you didn't hang around with me," Thorn commented, looking up at them in turn.

"Ah, so what?" Zell asked waving his hand in a nonchalant manner. "You're our pal, and friends gotta stick by each other through thick and thin."

Thorn smiled. Yep… she was just one of the guys.

CM: So there you have it, the first installment. And there's much more to come. If you have any questions, comments, concerns please let us know. Your feedback is appreciated. Oh, and if you want to have a better visual of what Thorn looks like, there's a pic posted on my deviantart account.