Disney shorts – Jack the Ripper

There were two disgusting thing in London, the weather and the tea. Okay... there was a third one. The evil that terrorized Whitechapel. The monster that everyone feared on the streets: Jack the Ripper. Nobody knew who was he, the Scotland Yard always came to a dead end, and he already killed three prostitute. These mysteries, and the panic from the civilians gave a great headache to Inspector Mickey.

On a foggy night he walked down the streets, his hat pushed into the head and pulled the neck behind the collar of his jacket. Maybe the cold wind, or the atmosphere, he wasn't sure which one made him shiver deep in the spines. He knew he was in safe, still... Under the pressure of the murders sometimes he had the intention that monster is watching him and laughs on his inertia.

Mickey just wanted only one thing. Sitting in a warm bar and drinking a nice beer with a special female on his side. He didn't care she was a prostitute, she was different than the other ones. She was the only one Mickey truly felt something for. She was the girl he wanted to protect with his own life. And her name was Minnie Smith.

By only the thinking Mickey's cheek turned red and let out a sigh. From his dreaming a sudden scream pulled him out. The mouse stopped and quickly rolled around in the crossroads, searching where the sound came from. Another scream sounded from the right, Mickey, with a gun in his hand rushed that way as fast as he could. He took a corner and he noticed a dark figure on the middle of the street that showed its back to the Inspector.

"Halt! For the name of the Scotland Yard I..." Mickey aimed the gun at the figure who now straightened. Something knocked on the bricks and a hand was dropped. The mouse gulped when he recognized the unknown "J...Jack the Ripper..." breathed the horrible name. The person, not waiting for Mickey's next reaction began to rush. A long, dark cape flashed, and he vanished in the nearest alley. The other ran after the demon, jumping into the alley with gun ready to fire, but it was already empty, he saw only darkness.

"Damn it!" Mickey groaned then turned back to see The Ripper's next victim. In the next moment his eyes grew wide in shock. It was a younger female prostitute, but those clothes, that shape. "No... NO! Minnie!" Mickey collapsed to his knees right next to the corpse. The girl laid in her own blood with blank eyes open in fear, her throat was sliced and her body was twisted in a malformed way.

Mickey reached down with trembling hands and closed the body into a mournful embrace. His shoulders trembled as tears streamed down the two side of his cheeks. "Minnie... my dear Minnie..." caressed the lifeless face that used to smile so sweet at him, and the mind he will never hear her beautiful voice, can't hug her delicate body was a big thorn in his heart.

As he embraced the dead female his mourn turned into pure, black hatred "Jack..." sneered through his teeth "You gonna regret this. Did you hear it you psycho?" roared into the night "I hunt you down and gut you! I don't care if I take my whole life for it, but I'll find you and I kill you... JACK THE RIPPER!" his voice surrounded on the streets. Mickey didn't see him, but he knew he heard the message. The message of his revenge.