Say cheese.

A/N: okay guys so I know this is premature, and I said may 14th and it's the 9th but…just read the darn fic okay? REVIEW!

Mercedes, Kurt, Sam, Finn, Rachel, Blaine, Santana, Brittany, Sebastian, mike, Tina, puck, Finn, Sue, Rachel, Rory, Artie, Jesse, and Mr. Shue stepped onto the yellow bus. As much as they hated to admit it, they were excited about the 3 day trip to the south.

Mr. Shue thought that the new directions deserved a break, so he decided to take them to Knoxville. They took the train through Kentucky and landed in Nashville. They bussed it to Knoxville from there.

There were enough seats for everyone to get their own for a window seat, but there was really nothing to see unless you enjoyed staring at corn. Sam sat with Mercedes on the other side of Kurt and Blaine.

Finn sat with Rachel opposite Santana and Brittany. Puck sat with Rory opposite mike and Tina, while Jesse, Sebastian, Artie, Sue and Mr. Shue sat alone. Mr. Shue had no idea why sue would come, but he hoped that it wasn't to cause trouble.

Will tugged at his bow tie. For some reason, as they got deeper into the heart of Knoxville, the hotter he got. He knew it got pretty hot in the south, but the air conditioning in the bus was on high, so he shouldn't feel this way. Probably because he was nervous.

But he hasn't been nervous in like forever. Even if he was nervous, why? There was nothing to be afraid of. He could see Mercedes wringing her hands, Kurt rapidly blinking, Sam rubbing his neck, and Sebastian tapping his foot.

They were all showing signs of nervousness, too. He wanted to console them, but he knew that he couldn't do that without freaking them out as well.

They finally pulled up to the house. It was rather large. It was pristine white with potted swirly bushes and four marble columns.

The big wooden doors swung open to reveal a plump little old woman and a slim tall old man. The man's hair was snow white and the woman's was brown with a gray streak.

They grabbed their things from the back of the bus and walked off of it in a single file line. Will and the man shared a bear hug. The little woman introduced herself.

"Well hello there, children. Ah, you're all so cute!"

puck blushed at this.

"My name is Deborah Mae Houper. This is my husband Charlie Houper. You can call me little Debbie for short."

Now that they looked at her, she did kind of look like that little girl on the box.

"You're the lady on the box of treats my mom gives me when I get a good grade?" asked Brittany.

"Oh, no sweet pea that was my mother, Deborah Lucy Gramper." She said.

"Oh." Brittany said smiling sweetly.

The kids all introduced themselves and instead of the usual handshake, they got nice southern hugs. Every one of them smiled when wrapped in a gentle hug by Debbie and Charlie. When Debbie got to the end of the line of people, her mouth hung open in shock.

"Sue?" she said.

"Hi, debs." Sue said smiling.

The two wrapped each other in hugs as if they were afraid to let go. Will led the kids to a long corridor of rooms.

"okay guys, there aren't nearly enough rooms for us to get our own so we'll have to share."

Immediately every one grabbed their significant other's hand.

"oh no." said sue as she came down the hall. "no freakin way in hades am I letting you sad excuses for couples pair up."

Everyone slumped their shoulders in their disappointment.

"Mercedes and Sebastian, because there is no way in hades you two would even make physical contact with each other." She continued.

"dang skippy," Said both Sam and Mercedes.

She finished listing off ridiculous pairs. Brittany and Jesse, Tina and Santana, Blaine and puck, Rachel and mike, Kurt and Artie, Rory and Sam, and Finn could be roommates with whatever local possums just so happened to be passing by.

So of course, Mr. Shue and sue were rooming together. The kids went to their identical rooms.

Each one was sky blue, had 2 beds, and a large window. It had a pastel yellow wardrobe and a mint green one next to it. The beds were extremely close, and were bolted to the floor. Sebastian sat on the mint green bed and crossed his legs.

"well this is cute." He said.

"yeah. Cute." She replied.

They began to unpack and put their things in the wardrobes. After they were done, Mercedes went to go find Sam. Little did she know, Finn was looking for Rachel. Mercedes was looking around the hallway, when she ran into Finn.

"hey, have you seen Rachel?" asked Finn.

"no, have you seen Sam?" he shook his head.

Then, they turned to the left to see a room with the door wide open.

"oh. My. Freaking. God." Said Mercedes.

Rachel and Sam were kissing. Finn was speechless. The two looked up, wide eyed. Mercedes went down the hall to Kurt and Artie's room. She didn't need to knock. The door was open. She closed the door behind her and started to cry.

"cedes, diva, what's wrong?" asked Kurt.

"s-s-Sam h-h-eee cheatedonmewithrachel!" she said. Kurt just wrapped her in a hug. They heard Sam on the other side of the door.

"Mercedes! I know you're in there! Please, just talk to me."

She didn't answer him. She just kept on holding on to Kurt while Artie was telling Sam that he should go away. Soon Mr. Shue called the kids down to get a tour of where everything was. The bathroom, the balcony, the garden, the dining room and kitchen, the library, the telephone, the basement, the attic, the dance room, and the lake, and the woods out back.

They introduced the children to the housemaid Betsy and the butler Donald. They also had a horse named Bolter. He was brown with big eyes.

By the time the tour was over it was time for supper. They had a nice southern meal.

They went back to their rooms afterward and took showers and changed. Kurt, Mercedes, Tina and Artie hung out (it took all of them to convince santana that cutting Rachel was NOT a good idea). Then, it was 10:00, bed time.

They never noticed how…creepy the house was at night. They noticed every little crack in the wall. They heard every creak of the wood. Debbie had one rule at night; lock your doors. Lock your windows. And stay in your rooms. That freaked them out even more.

Also, it was storming. The lightning flashed and thunder boomed. All of the gleeks decided to keep the lamps on at night. Most of them, even the guys, decided to share a bed with their roommate.

Mercedes and Sebastian couldn't sleep. They might as well talk to each other for the first time.

"so why did you transfer to mc Kinley?" asked Mercedes.

"well, my parents hate me so they sent me to public school."

"how do you know?"

"how do I know what?"

"that they hate you."

"because they said 'we hate you and were sending you to public school,'"

They started to talk about annoying parents, and then they fell asleep.