Hello dear readers! Here's a new story. It contains a bit of Hunter X Hunter but all Hunter X Hunter things will be explained here so you don't have to watch or read it to know what's going on... I hope. Anyways, enjoy!

Three Mistakes that Changed the World

31th October. Halloween – also known as All Hallows Eve. Carved Jack-o'-lanterns stood on the brick fences next to the gates of every house. For most streets, young children were crowding around the doorsteps of a few houses and ringing the doorbells, asking for candy.

At the corner of one particular Godric's Hollow, no one was wandering about there at all. There seemed to be a cold and distant vibe in the air that warded off any people. The neighbours had all gone out for a Halloween dinner, including the Potter parents. The Potters inhabited the house at the corner of Godric's Hollow with their twin sons, David and Harry Potter. James and Lily Potter left their sons in the care of the nanny and bid them farewell to go to a dinner party with their friends. That was Mistake No. 1.

Once gone, the nanny had done her duty well by tucking the two one-year-olds into their cots before staying in the toddler's room with an encyclopaedia-thick book in her hands as she started to read the book, gradually becoming engrossed in it.

That was about four hours ago. Now it was twenty minutes to midnight. An eerie feeling overcame the streets of Godric's Hollow and a resounding crack could be heard at the other end of Godric's Hollow. A cloaked figure stood silently at one end of Godric's Hollow before in one large, sweeping movement, strode up to the Potter's residence.

Upon reaching the door, he pulled out a wooden stick. He pointed the stick towards the doorknob and with another crack the door opened with a squeaky noise. Footsteps could be heard as the nanny ran down the steps to see who it was.

"Avada Kedavra," the cloaked figure hissed and in a brilliant flash of green light, the nanny dropped to the floor, her face as pale as death and her eyes still wide with terror. The cloaked figure ascended the steps, his black robe trailing behind him.

When he reached the nursery, he found the door to be slightly ajar and pushed it open. The younger toddler had woken up because of sensing the figure's dangerous aura.

This one seems more powerful, the figure, also known as Voldemort or The-Freak-Who-Must-Not-Be-Name-Because-His-Name-Is -Too-Lame, thought to himself. No matter, I'll just kill them both.

Lifting his stick, known as a wand to magic folk, Voldemort muttered the same incantation as before, "Avada Kedavra." That was Mistake No. 2.

As before, a blinding green light consumed the entire room. Except this time, a bright, white light seemed to radiate off the awaken toddler and that caused Voldemort – the self-proclaimed Dark Lord – to back off cautiously and before he knew it, the curse he had inflicted upon the youngest child of the Potters had rebounded on him and he let out an ear-piercing scream. The room was set ablaze and Voldemort turned and fled the now-burning house.

When the Potters returned, they were greeted by the sight of their house being engulfed in a sea of flames. They forced the door open and entered the house. Upstairs in the nursery, the older child had awoken and was crying while the younger child had collapsed out of exhaustion. Wrapping the two young ones in their arms, Lily and James Potter ran from the house. When they stepped out of the house, they turned once on the spot and Disapparated from Godric's Hollow.

They Apparated to the doorstep of their good friend, Sirius Black's house and barged into the house and ran to the kitchen where all the members of the Order of the Phoenix were celebrating Halloween.

"James! Lily! What happened?" The leader of the Order, Albus Dumbledore, asked as he watched his ex-students pant heavily. The festivities immediately ceased as the entire Order watched the two Light parents.

"The house… it was in flames…" Lily responded, hugging the youngest child.

Dumbledore's facial features were grim and serious and he said quietly, "Voldemort has come to attack you." His words echoed throughout the room and were responded with many involuntary flinches from most of the Order.

James and Lily handed their children over to the Headmaster of Hogwarts and he examined them. "I proclaim David Charles Potter as the Boy Who Lived." He announced. "He clearly is stronger than young Harry and thus he must be the Chosen One." That, unknowingly to them, was Mistake No. 3.

This news was greeted with cheers from everyone. "But Albus," James asked. "What should we do about Harry? He might be a big influence on David. As the Chosen One, we must start training him from young. He might complain that Harry does not have to train while he does. What should we do?"

"I suggest you give up Harry," Dumbledore said.

"But to who?" Lily asked desperately. "I don't want to give him to an orphanage and perish the thought of giving him to my magic-hating sister and that whale-of-a-husband of hers."

"What about you try a Rebirth Ritual?" Emmeline Vance suggested. "That way, he can be reborn in another's womb and then can have a chance to live a normal life. He will be born a year younger than David. When he comes to Hogwarts, we can find out."

Both Potter parents glanced at each other, sharing a look of slight hesitance. Finally, Lily nodded and James said, "I guess."

The very next day, James and Lily carried Harry down to the living room where Albus Dumbledore was waiting.

"What'll happen?" Lily asked.

"First, place Harry on the couch," Dumbledore instructed. Then, he continued, explaining, "It is in the Ritual's nature the change the person's appearance in terms of colours. That means the new body will be the opposite in terms of colours to the original. He'll never find out that you two were his parents."

Lily nodded as Dumbledore pulled out his wand, muttering an enchantment. The room was lit up in a bright flash of blue before smoke enveloped it, and Harry Potter ceased to exist.

Unbeknownst to the wizarding world, the Dumbledore made three mistakes that night. And those three mistakes changed the course of history forever and eleven years later, when the reborn Harry Potter would be eleven and David would be twelve, Albus Dumbledore would find out why.

So how was it? Please review! I promise the next chapter will come up pretty fast since I won't need to go to school today or tomorrow, which is a Friday, or the weekends, so I would be free.

Please review! :)
