Okay, first thing's first.


For the last year or so, my writing inspiration's suddenly vanished and it only returned a few days ago. Perhaps it happened due to my lack of reading for the last year, I have no idea. Anyways, thanks to everyone for sticking to this story. Sorry for this short chapter but it finally propels the story forward.

Hope you all continue reading and enjoying this. Here's a shout-out to all my cherished readers and reviewers. Thanks for the support. And here's a big thank you to BookLover2401 for suggesting such a brilliant idea.

I'll just shut up now and carry on with the story...

Chapter 7: Bloody

To say that the first day in school had been going well for Killua would be saying that the planet Jupiter was the smaller than an ant. No, Killua had not gotten lost on the way to class or the Great Hall, if that was what you're thinking. He was too used to hanging out in ridiculously large places to get too lost. No, it was more of the issue of the lessons.

Hogwarts lessons did not make a good first impression on Killua as he found himself stuck in Lockhart's class as the first lesson of the day – and not to mention, the first magic lesson of his life. Lockhart (Killua resolutely refused to call him 'Professor', more like 'bumbling idiot') had been rambling on and on about himself for the first thirty minutes of the hour-long lesson before handing out a quiz.

Which was, yet again, about himself. Can there be anyone else so full-of-themselves like this guy? Killua wondered. Chances are: negative 100. He glanced at the questions before shaking his head mentally. As Lockhart was sharing with the class more about himself, while expecting them to complete the quiz at the same time, Killua silently packed his things and picked up his bag, walking out of the classroom. He had been seated next to the left wall of the classroom, so it was easy for him to blend into the shadows and slip right out of class., even though he was seated right in front. Nobody really noticed him leaving; all they saw was an empty seat by the end of class.

As Killua strolled around Hogwarts campus, he felt something. It was rather slight, a small shift in presence, but it felt pretty alarming, almost menacing.

At record speed, Killua snapped his head back and forth, scanning his surroundings before running down the corridor at high speed, trying to determine the source of that threatening presence. He didn't need to worry about ay other pupils or staff seeing him - he could probably either hear or sense them a mile away.

Guts churning with dread, Killua slowed down his movements when he could no longer sense that aura. What was it? He wondered. I'll have to keep a lookout. It's undoubtedly dangerous.

Closing his eyes, Killua sighed in annoyance. First that idiot of a professor, now this. I wonder what's wrong with this school.

He then wandered down the hall leading to the astronomy tower, deciding for a some fresh air and hopefully to get away form the madness that seemed to manifest in the castle walls. As he turned round another corner, his eyes immediately spotted a ghost. The Bloody Baron, to be precise.

Deciding to at least be courteous to his house's resident ghost, Killua inclined his head at the dead Baron, as he had seen many of his seniors do when they meet the ghost.

Unexpectedly, the Blood Baron floated towards him and inspected his face, as if looking for something. Then, he gave a low, hoarse chuckle. "Well now, I had a feeling that I'd meet you again."

"Of course you would've met me again. I'm in Slytherin," Killua pointed out.

"That's not what I meant, boy."

"Then say what you mean," Killua bit out impatiently.

The Bloody Baron only stared at him like he had grown two heads and Killua started tapping his foot against the floor. Oh great, another lunatic. Just as he was about to give up waiting for the ghost, the Baron spoke.

"Limbo," said the Baron in his hoarse voice. "That's where I met you."

"Limbo?" Killua echoed, the ghost's words piquing his interest. As he ran through the list of places that he was forced to memorise that were called 'Limbo', he remembered his younger brother Kalluto telling him about some mythical place called 'Limbo'. "You mean the place people would to after life if they didn't go to heaven or hell?" He then added, "Or if they don't become a ghost."

"Yes, that place," The Baron gave another low chuckle. "It's most likely different from what those muggles believed it to be. Limbo is the world where all the dead go to after life. Their roads shall then be chosen when in Limbo. Ghosts can choose to go back to Limbo any time they wish to."

"So you're saying you met me in Limbo?" Killua's eyes sharpened with suspicion. "But doesn't that mean I'd have to be dead?"

"Indeed," the Baron said smugly and though Killua wanted to tell the Baron that that couldn't possibly be true, something stopped him. Perhaps it was all the stories of the violent, hot-tempered ghost that stopped him, though that was highly doubtful since Killua wasn't really scared of the Bloody Baron. Perhaps it was the fact that the Bloody Baron was not known for such trickery. Perhaps it was the way the Baron could intimidate the other ghosts, the way the Baron held his sword that reminded Killua of someone who had trained hard in the art of the blade that earned Killua's respect.

Either way, Killua held his tongue and just stepped past the ghost, knowing that he wouldn't be getting any answers from him anytime soon. But that piece of information had highly aroused Killua's curiosity and suspicion. Something wasn't right, he could feel his instinct telling him. And one of the first rules of an assassin was to always trust your instincts.

Right, I apologise for any mistakes in this chapter. Truthfully, I've read/since Harry Potter or Hunter X Hunter, so there's bound to be a few mistakes either in this chapter or the following chapters. I hope that you can point them out to me and that you'll forgive me for them. And for my absence...

Oh, and if you're religious or something and are offended by the Limbo definition or something, I just tailored it to suit the story. I really don't mean any offense.

Anyways, hope you've enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a review on your way out.
