Chaos + Love =?

Brief Intro...

Chaos + Love, a formula that will be experimented on Fairy Tail's very own Lucy Heartfilia, and Natsu Dragneel. What would be the outcome, a successful experiment or a disastrous mistake? Hmmm...

Experiment # 1~ Natsu's babysitting day

(Natsu's narration)

"Oi, Natsu. Didn't you say we'll get a job today?" Lucy stood in front of me as I was conversing with Happy.

"I did!" I scratched my head trying to remember. "Sorry Lucy, I forgot that I was doing something today."

"I even cancelled out all of my activities for today." she murmured. "Fine, then tomorrow we'll get a job." Lucy walked away stomping her feet and she looked pissed.

"Neh, Natsu. You should apologise to Lucy for ruining her day." Happy looked at me as I was looking at Lucy.

I thought of what to do. Dance in front of her, tickle her, make her laugh, but that was too direct, until I saw Mira handing Jet and Droy a glass of cold orange juice. That would be a good approach.

I quickly ran and snatched away the glass from Droy's hand.

"Hey Natsu! Give that back! You can't drink that!" I heard him shout but I was already at the back of Lucy.

"Oh Natsu, what do you want?" she asked.

"Here. Sorry for ruining your day." I handed the glass to her and she accepted.

"Don't worry, I'm not that mad. I could always just spend my day here at Fairy Tail." She smiled and gulps down the orange juice. "Thanks, that was delicious."

I walked back to Happy and suddenly Jet and Droy appeared before me.

"Natsu, please don't tell me you drank that juice." Droy grabbed both of my shoulders.

"No, I didn't. Why?"

"Good, that juice contained a potion, and it would be troublesome if you drank it." Jet sighed and continued to speak. "So where is it?"

"Huh? Uh I gave it to Lucy and she drank it all." I pointed to Lucy at a table.

"You what!" both of them screamed and fell down on the floor crying. "Levy's going to kill us."

I backed away and saw Levy coming forward. She found out what happened and became really angry. She gave both of them a huge punishment, but I don't understand why would she be so angry that Lucy drank that potion.

I saw Lucy just sitting on the chair and kept looking around, batting her eyes. Nothing was odd but what were they so worked up about?

Levy walked over to Lucy as Jet and Droy cried on the floor and they looked like they were beaten up bad.

"Lucy, it's me Levy. Do you feel anything funny?" she asked as she was staring at Lucy's eyes.

The celestial mage struggled to open her mouth and words finally came out. "Mama, where's mama?"

"Mama?" I became confused.

"Just as I thought." Levy closed her eyes and became serious. "Natsu the juice you gave to her wasn't a juice but a potion that'll make anybody act like a 3 year old once drank. And her current memories aren't intact, rather the memories she has during the duration of the potion is the memories of when she was a 3 year old."

Levy sighed and gave me one last look. "So until the potion wears off, you Natsu will babysit Lucy."

"Why me? Can't you?" I argued.

"Well I have to punish these two dimwits for planning on making me drink that potion. And you and Lucy are on the same team right? Plus Erza, Gray, and Wendy aren't here so, good luck. She might look like a 16 year old but remember she's a child inside."

After that, Levy left pulling the ears of her two team mates. I was stuck with a child that looked like a grown up, and not sure how to treat one.

"Woah, Natsu. You have a problem here." Happy came flying over.

"Happy what should I do?" I whaled as I was freaking out.

"Well you couldn't let a child get cramped up here so why not show her around Magnolia and have fun?" Lucy and Happy stared at each other.

"Will you help me?"

"Of cour-" Happy got caught off and was hugged by Lucy very tightly.

"Wow, a flying cat. Are you a spirit?" she kept talking as Happy was being suffocated due to her big chest.

"I'm not." Happy got away and flew higher. "Sorry Natsu, I have to make dinner back home so I can't help you." Then Happy disappeared leaving me alone with Lucy.

"Uhhh, hi." I stared at her as she was looking at me.

"Did you see Mama?" she asked with a cute voice.

"No I haven't. Shall we go look for her?"

"Really?" a spark came from her eyes.

"Sure, but as long as you behave."

"Promise, I'm sure Mama is waiting for Lucy." She then grabbed my hand and gave me a smile.

We were all over town, trying to look for her Mama. She wouldn't let go of my hand no matter what and we then saw Gajeel and Lily.

"Natsu, are you on a date with Lucy? Gajeel asked.

"It appears so. The way Lucy is holding Natsu's hand and the way she smiles means, they are certainly both on a date." Lily looked at us with curious eyes.

"A, what?" I was totally lost in what they were saying.

"Onii-san, we need to go now or it'll get dark soon." Lucy tugged my scarf with her other hand.

"Uh, yeah let's go." I continued on walking not minding anymore what Lily and Gajeel said.

I and Lucy had a lot of fun trying to find her Mama. We ate ice cream together, played in the park together, and even laughed together. But the sun was already going down and Lucy had a worried expression.

"Neh, onii-san, will Lucy ever be able to see Mama again?" she looked like she was about to cry.

"Of course, why wouldn't you be?"

"Well, the last time Lucy saw Mama was when she was in bed, and she looked like she was about to die. But even so, Mama still continued to smile for Lucy. That's why Lucy wants to see Mama again so Lucy could tell her Lucy loves her and smile back." Tears came gushing down from her eyes and all I could do was to embrace her in my arms and kept saying the words, it's alright.

It took a long time before she stopped crying and as I was embracing her, it felt so warm and comfortable. I didn't want to let go. Soon she left my arms and faced me with a big and cute smile.

"Thank you, Onii-san. Lucy feels very grateful and happy for all your help. I love you." She then came closer and gave me a kiss.

Although she was aiming for my cheek, she tripped and kissed my lips instead. Even though I know that Lucy was acting like a 3 year old due to the potion, but her 16 year old appearance made me feel like it was the Lucy that I know and the Lucy that said I love you.

My heart skipped a beat as soon as Lucy got away from my lips.

"Oops, looks like Onii-san stole Lucy's first kiss." Her face was red and she continued on with a smile. "Lucy decided that you'll be the one to marry Lucy in the future." She then collapsed and I caught her in my arms.

Her sleeping face was adorable that made me blush. I'll marry her in the future huh? That won't be a bad idea.

Soon she opened her eyes and was surprise to see that I was carrying her back home.

"Na-Natsu. What are you doing?" She struggled trying to get off.

"Stop moving or I'll throw you directly into the river." I answered back irritated.

"Don't you dare Natsu!" she became quiet for a moment, and mumbled something. "But why do you have to carry me like a princess?"

"For practice, for when we may get married." I murmured. "Anyway Lucy, you're so heavy. You're not fat, but what part of your body is so heavy?" I complained to not have any suspicions.

"Wha-what! Do you really need to ask that!" she shouted.

Then that day ended as I was carrying her back and we laughed together. I wonder will this also happen in the future in another occasion?
