If we could put this behind us

That'd be great.

He had gotten stuck with Butters. Fucking Butters. Honestly, he couldn't stand the boy, but after what Stan did to him, he wanted to do anything he could that would make the black-haired boy jealous.

But I did something wrong


He didn't know what the fuck he did, but one day, Stan just up and…Did that to him. It had been a sunny morning, chilly at the same time though, and Kenny had been looking forward to a good day. He was also looking forward to spending his time with Stan, his boyfriend of three years. His love, his true love. But apparently, Kenny isn't Stan's true love, because when he saw the black-haired boy's lips pressed against the red-haired one's, he knew he had been betrayed, and that he had mistaken.

He no longer had friends, either.

Because I'm invisible now

For some reason.

Whenever the blonde would pass the boy in the halls, there was never any acknowledgement. Not even a second glance, if there ever was a first one. It killed Kenny from the inside out. But he never showed it.

As you pass me

You hold no shame.

There was that one time. Kenny had made one exception to his crying rule, which is to never do it, when he ran into the boy's bathroom blurry-eyed. Stan had been in there too.

"Kenny?" Stan had sounded surprised, and at the sound of his name coming from Stan's mouth, Kenny had only cried more. Stan had walked away, simply, with his head looking downwards. Kenny had gotten one good look at his eyes – They were sad.

Or do you?


That had surprised Kenny, given him the tiniest bit of hope. The next day, though, when Stan was kissing Kyle again, Kenny knew there would never, ever be anything between them again. Not that he wanted there to be, now. Stan was unfaithful. Unkind.

I can never tell.

Kenny became angry, enraged even. He punched his pillows late at night. He thought of what he should have done when he caught Stan kissing Kyle other than simply walk away, shocked and confused. What he should have done when Stan ended it with him within the next hour. He began dating Butters. Not because he liked Butters, but because he wanted to make Stan jealous. No such luck.

But maybe

Somewhere in time's grip

Kenny had decided he didn't want to be sad over Stan anymore. He didn't want to be angry either. He just didn't want to…

I can forgive you…

You monster…


Swifty here!

So…I have no idea what the hell this is. It kind of sucked if you asked me, then again, I think most of the things I write suck. _ So, enjoy some kind of-not-really angsty Kenny stuff. I don't know what kind of pairing this would be…So I'll just make a Stenny thing, even though it involves them breaking up.

Whatever. My logic beats your logic. No matter what.

Deal with it.