Title: Moments in Time

Rating: T for who knows what, may adjust the rating later depending on what I write.

Disclaimer: I have no rights to any persons real or imagined, no television shows, no books, no video games, no songs, basically nothing. You want to sue me the best thing I have is a bed, but try to take that and I'll cut a bitch, it's super comfy.

Summary: Liara/FemShep pairing, short vignettes of their 'marriage, old age, and a lot of little blue children.'

Word Count: This chapter: 231; Total: 231

Notes: Based on FemShep Spacer, War Hero named Jane (not a character I created, just took the default name and the more Paragon personal history/psychological profile options).

Has nothing to do with my other Mass Effect story.

Non-linear timeline, I'll let you know if there are any major events and where they are in relation to other chapters.

One more thing, I'll try to stay mostly canon with character, plot, etc. But if you've played ME3, well...

"By the Spirits it's hot!" exclaimed the pacing Turian.

Unfazed, as she had been for the last dozen complaints, his human companion, Jane Shepard, didn't move from her meditative pose. "Is it? Feels a bit breezy to me," the human snarked, not opening her eyes.

Hearing the annoyance in his former commanding officer's tone, Garrus settled onto one of the benches ringing the chamber. "Remind me again, Shepard, why am I sweating it out in preparation for your bond ceremony?"

With a sigh Jane cracked one steely blue eye open. "It's part of the bonding ritual, cleansing with the…bridesman? Best man?" There was no exact translation to the Asari word, so the phrasing made Jane stumble a bit. She didn't see herself as a groom in the bond. But she also had no desire to have Aethyta call her 'an anthropocentric bag of dicks.' Again.

If Turians could blush, at least in a way humans would recognize, Garrus would be. "You're my friend as well, Shepard. However, I thought it was only Krogans who were prone to torturing their 'friends.'"

Masking her grin with a half-hearted scowl, Jane shoved Garrus lightly. "Now shut up, we have two more hours. And if you complain about the heat, I'm going to test the myth that Turian mandibles make great fans," Jane said mater-of-factly, closing her eyes again.

"What happened to it being breezy?"