Hello! This is my first story that I ever wrote so please be nice! Also any comments/questions/criticism is accepted and appreciated. Enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. It belongs to Hiro Mashima. If I did I do not think I would be here writing fanfiction.

"Come on Luce! Please!" The pink haired boy whined as the young stellar spirit mage sighed.

"Natsu, I said no! How many times do I have to repeat it?" She looked at Natsu. Hurt was written all over his face. Suddenly she felt bad that she was so mean.

"Oh, fine. I'll go with you on a mission but no more bugging me okay? And please don't try to destroy anything this time. I never thought I would come back from a mission with less jewels than when I left." Lucy sighed and put away her novel as she got up ready to leave.

"Yay! Happy, Lucy is coming with us!" The boy shouted as he ran out of the guild bar and went off to find Happy. Lucy watched him go with a bemused look on face. He was always so childish. But always loyal to his friends and so determined in a fight. Wait! Why am I thinking about him like that? He's my namaka!

"Ooh, why are you looking at him like that?" Mirajane taunted the girl teasingly.

"Nothing, just thinking how Natsu always destroys everything and acts so childish." Lucy said and quickly chased all thoughts about him away.

"Well anyway, I have to go pack my bags for the trip." Lucy stated and turned around ready to leave.

"Bye Mira!" Lucy shouted as she exited the guild. She never even noticed the strange look that Mirajane had on her face, a satisfied smirk, as she left.

Lucy entered her apartment. Surely enough when she entered the bedroom, Natsu and Happy were peacefully snoring on her bed as usual.

Why do they like to sleep on my bed that much? Don't they have their own? She pondered.

"Get out of my bed!" She shouted pushing them onto the floor.

"Aw, Luce, don't be like that. We only came over to see if you needed help packing and you weren't there so I took a quick nap." He yawned and looked over to see a very angry and blushing Lucy.

"Well I don't need any help." She replied. There is no way I will forgive them again. Breaking into my house like it's theirs!

She pushed them out of the room and slammed the door. "Go home!"

A/N: Please remember to review if you liked it! Anything I should change? Sorry if the characters seem a bit OOC. Also sorry if the chapter is a little short. Next one will be longer. I plan to update once or twice a week!