"Dada wook at what me n uncwel wave did" Bumblebee chirped as he toddled and fell over but eventually showing the prime a painting.

"Wow very nice little one" Optimus cooed smiling at the shaky sparkling.

"Damn Megatron..." Ratchet growled watching Bumblebee struggle with words and movement.

"What's the matter Ratchet?" Hound asked hearing the medic mutter to himself.

"Just... ever since Megatron was nice enough to shatter the sparklings processor, Bumblebee's been struggling ever since he's now permenetally stuck in this size and this age" Ratchet sighed.

"Ratchet look at how happy he is isn't that what matters the most?" Hound said gesturing at Soundwave and Optimus tickling the tiny giggling sparkling.

"Aaah no ticklez!" Bumblebee chirped rolling around laughing.

"Yeah... Ow!" Ratchet yelped asthe twins Mirage and Jazz ran through him.


"Whatch out"

"Commin through!"

"You guys are going to lose!"

"...GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE TAKE IT OUTSIDE OUT OUT OUT!" Ratchet snapped at the twins, Jazz, and Mirage.

"Chill doc bot we were jus havin fun" Jazz chuckled.

"Go find wheeljack and Bulkhead!" Ratchet hissed pointing out the door.

"Race you there!"

Ratchet rolled his optics as two corvettes, a solstice, and a ferrari speeded out of the base.

"Da go!" Bumblebee chirped and pointed to the door watching the four mechs speed away.

"Maybe uncle Soundwave will take you" Optimus suggested picking up the shaky sparkling.

"O kay" Bumblebee squeaked reaching for Soundwave.

"And what makes things worse is we lied to Optimus about Bumblebee..." Ratchet said watching Soundwave leave with Bumbebee.

"What do you mean?" Hound asked.

"Bumblebee was reduced to a sparkling because of a relic we found not because Bumblebee played with my chemicals which didn't even happen" Ratchet said shaking his helm.

"How does Optimus not know of this an where's the relic now?" Hound thought outloud.

"It happened when he was offline and we just didn't have the spark to tell Optimus when he came back to life, we destroyed the relic that's what made Bumblebee the sparkling in the first place we destroyed it making back to the tiny sparkling he is today" Ratchet said

"Oh..." Hound sighed as Optimus walked over to him and Ratchet.

"And now he has a permanent sparkling" Ratchet sighed.

"Oh Ratchet I don't mind, if that's the way Bumblebee is I'm not going to change my feelings towards him" Optimus smiled putting a servo on Ratchet's shoulder.

"Glad to hear that Optimus's and oh by the way I found sparkling wastage tanks we no longer have to get an unexpected surprise, just have to change him though" Ratchet said to Optimus.

"Great to hear Ratchet" Optimus smiled.

"Stupid!... where are they!" Prowl grolwed covered in pink.

"Out for a drive..." Hound answered as everyone stared at prowl.

"That's why Bumblebee had splaters of pink on him" Optimus chuckled.

"Those stupid boys are putting Bumblebee up to no good and getting away with it!" Prowl growled storming off.

"Bumblebee dosn't know any better though" Hound said following Prowl.

"Morning" Arcee said from behind Ratchet and Optimus.

"Good morning Arcee" Optimus smiled.

"Morning Arcee" Ratchet said.

"Where's the boys?" Arcee asked Ratchet.

"Out!" Ratchet growled pointing to the door.

"Bumblebee?" Arcee asked.

"With Soundwave with the boys" Ratchet growled.

"Oh..." Arcee sighed.

"Something been bothering you?" Optimus asked Arcee.

"No no nothing..." Arcee sighed walking back to her room.

"You'll most likely get the answer from Mirage" Ratchet said watching Arcee.

"Maybe..." Optimus sighed he had a pretty good idea why Arcee was down and almost avoiding him and Soundwave.

"Where are you going?" Ratchet asked watching Optimus walk to Arcee's room.

"To talk to a loving and caring femme" Optimus told the medic.

"Oooooh..." Ratchet nodded getting what Optimus meant.

"It has been a long time..." Ratchet sighed.


"Optimus hi..." Arcee jumped surprised to see Optimus.

"You're upset..." Optimus said to Arcee.

"No I'm not..." Arcee gave a small sarcastic laugh.

"You're upset, Arcee a simple reminder is all Bumblebee needs he remambers us just not everything else" Optimus told Arcee.

"Optimus... Bumblebee is already attatched to Soundwave I don't wanna take anymore of Bee away from you" Arcee sighed.

"Arcee... Bumblebee is attached to all three of us" Optimus chuckled.

"Arcee when I was gone you were a fantastic mother to Bumblebee, and I can see you still want to be that femme" Optimus smiled.

"Optimus you are not wrong I still do want to be that femme" Arcee said to Optimus as she gazed at the floor.

"So be that femme" Optimus told Arcee.


"Telling Bumblebee now will be as easy as ever, he's a sparkling and he knows someone was his mother , he even hinted it" Optimus continued.

"Well... ok" Arcee smiled.

"Wonderful, Bumblebee will be over joyed" Optimus said walking out of Arcee's room.

Meanwhile eles where

"Hey you ruined my paint!" Sunstreaker whined.

"Who ruined your paint?" Sideswipe asked.

"You did" Sunstreaker growled.

"Who did?" Jazz asked.

"He did!" Sunstreaked hissed pointing to Sideswip who moved.

"Mirage did?" Jazz asked looking at the bot he was pointing at.

"I did what?" Mirage asked walking over.

"Who's paint chip is this?" Sideswipe asked picking up the chip.

"Wait what?" Jazz asked.

"Who lost a bolt?" Soundwave asked as Bumblebee picked up a bolt.

"Who lost a nut?" Sunstreaker asked.

"No a bolt" Soundwave corrected.

"Who's lost a nut?" Sidswipe asked.

"I don't know how many do you have?" Sunstreaker asked Sideswipe.

"Two" Sideswipe answered.

"No a bolt" Soundwave said facepalming.

"I thought we were talking about someone's paint" Jazz asked.

"Who's paint?" Jazz asked.

"Who's bolt?" Mirage asked.

Just then cop sirens came blaring on.

"Who called the cops?" Sideswipe asked looking over at the speeding cop.

"That's no cop!" Jazz shouted.

"Hey Oh crap it's PROWL!" Sideswipe shouted.

"Time to go he's pissed!" Mirage said tramsforming.

"Weeeeoooo" Bumblebee chirped copying the sirens.

"Time to go Bee!" Soundwave said as the boys took off.

"BOYS GET BACK HERE!" Prowl yelled speeding after them.

"Soundwave quick back to base!" Sideswipe called driving past them.

"Quick quick get in!" Mirage and Jazz called waving Soundwave in.

"Good good shut it!" Jazz panicked shutting the door.

"How do you lock it!" The twins asked pushing buttons on the monitors.

"I don't know!" Jazz panicked.

"Soundwave?" The twins and Jazz turned to the faceless autobot holding Bumblebee.

"Crap!" Sideswipe cursed as lights and an alarm came on, that was enough to scare Bumblebee and make him cry.

"What the hell are you doing!" Ratchet growled walking in with Optimus.

"Maybe this one... OK OK NOT THAT ONE!" Mirage flailed as a louder alarm came on.

"MOVE YOU MORONS!" Ratchet hissed pushing through Jazz, Mirage, and the twins.

"Why were you messing with the controls!" Optimus asked taking a crying Bumblebee.

"Prowls reeeeeaaallly angry with us and we are trying to lock him out" Sideswipe explained.

"Why he's right behind you" Arcee pointed.

"SCRAP!" Both twins Mirage and Jazz jumped past Wheeljack and Bulkhead as they walked in the base.

"Whoa!, what was that all about" Bulkhead asked regaining his balance.

"The boys prowl prank, do I really have to explain?" Arcee said to Bulkhead.

"Nope that's clear enough" Wheeljack laughed.

"You missed half the conversation about nuts..." Soundwave sighed.

"I meant bolts!" Soundwave facepalmed as everyone gave him a wierd look.

"Remember you're the sane one of the group" Ratchet told Soundwave.

"Did you know about Prowls make over?" Ratchet asked.

"...Nooooooooo" Soundwave would have smiled if he could.

"You little you were in on sticking glue in my tools to weren't you!" Ratchet growled.

"That was mostly the twins...Aaaah!" Soundwave backed up and ducked as a wrench flew at him.

"Get back here you!" Ratchet snarled chasing after Soundwave.

"...In about two minutes I'm going to get a call from agent Fowler, asking as to why there are two emergency vehichles chassing after two corvettes, a Ferrari, a solstice, and a spy jet" Optimus shook his helm as Bumblebee giggled and chirped.

"Hey Bumblebee remember Arcee she's your mom" Optimus cooed holding Bumblebee towards Arcee.

"Cee ma?" Bumblebee clicked.

"Yes little one I know you don't remember but yes she is" Optimus continued.

"Yay me haz mommy!" Bee chirped and clapped.

"Yeah!" Arcee cooed with a giant smile.

"Yay!" Bumblebee gurgled and chirped.


"Oh there see I was right" Optimus chuckled walking over to the monitors.

"You wanna enlighten me as to why your bots are chasing eachother, or is it just another young bots pranking the old bots again?" Agent Fowler growled.

"The second one agent fowler" Optimus sighed as Bumblebee crawled onto his shoulder and sat next to Optimus's head.

"Well tell them to turn around they're getting a little to close to civilization" Fowler complained.

"I will Agent fowler" Optimus informed the angry human.

"Ratchet, Prowl, twins, Mirage, and Jazz turn around before you draw attention to yourselves you're to close to the humans" Optimus said on the COM.

"Can you open a bridge for us please?" Ratchet asked.

"Very well" Optimus as he did what was asked.






"The boys whimpered and whined as Ratchet and Prowl walked behind them.

"What happened..." Arcee sighed brushing dirt and poking a large dent on Mirage.

"Ow!, Ratchet happened" Mirage whined.

"Yeah he gave Prowl wrenches to throw at us!" Sunstreaker complained.

"Maybe you deserved it" Optimus said walking up to the complaining mechs.

"How!" Jazz whined.

"Don't paint Prowl pink and don't mess with Ratchet's tools" Optimus scolded the mechs.

"Somethings telling me that second one's going to be hard cause Ratchet is a tool...OW!" Sideswipe chuckled as he got whacked by Ratchet.

"That something is called respect something you and your idiotic twin and friends need to find" Ratchet growled.

"You are literally a tool though!" Sunstreaker whined.

"We do you don't see Optimus covered in paint or all sticky do you?" Sunstreaker shrugged.

"Showing respect to everyone in this base would not hurt you" Optimus said.

"Yeah it would!, no matter what we do Ratchet throws stuff at us!" Sideswipe complained.

"Ya no kidden I'm with sides on the one" Jazz complained.

"I wouldn't be if you just beheaved" Ratchet growled.

"What?" Sideswipe asked not paying attention.

"Were you even listening?" Prowl growled.

"What's broken before spoken?" Sideswipe smirked.

"No no no don't" Optimus, Arcee, and Soundwave waved their servos at Prowl and Ratchet.

"...What the hell are you..."

"SILENCE!" The twins, Jazz, and Mirage shouted and even Bumblebee squeaked.

"What!" Prowl and Ratchet growled face palming.

"Look a fishy!" Bumblebee chirped pointing at the ceiling.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Ratchet and Prowl freaked as they looked up at the ceiling and got whacked in the face with fishes by the buys.

"BOYS!" Ratchet and Prowl both screamed chasing the group of trouble makes out of the base again.

"That time I had nothing to do with that" Soundwave said walking over to Arcee and Optimus.

"Aw the entertainment left..." Bulkhead chuckled.

"Man would I hate to be them" Wheeljack laughed.

"Prime!, come on control your guys!" Agent fowler complained.

"Arcee take Bumblebee, Bulkhead Wheeljack help me round up the team" Optimus commanded giving Bumblebee to Arcee and droving out the base with the two wreckers.

"Where'd everyone go?" Hound asked walking out of the hallway.

"Primes off to go get the others" Soundwave explained.

"Oh I better go help him" Hound said as he drove off.

"Looks like we'll be the one's getting the call from Agent fowler huh Bee" Arcee cooed giving Bumblebee a small tickle.

"Aah!" Bumblebee giggled and pushed the tickling fingers away.

"I don't even want to know where the boys got these fish... hey don't touch it!" Arcee said taking Bumblebee away from the fish on the floor.

"Eeeew it smells gross" Soundwave whined picking up the fish.

"Ew hey!" Soundwave growled as Bumblebee threw his ball at the fish Soundwave was holding knocking it into Soundwave's face.

"aaaah!" Bumblebee gurgled and chirped.

"Bumblebee!" Arcee growled.

"Uh oh" Bumblebee shook drooping his doorwings trying to get to his feet.

"Oh no you don't!" Arcee said as Bumblebee started to crawl away.

"Nooooo..." Bumblebee whined as Arcee picked him up.

"You are going to apologize to Soundwave for throwing your ball at him, go on say sorry" Arcee scolded holding Bumblebee out infront of Soundwave.

"Sorwey..." Bumblebee whimpered curling up into a tight ball.

"Ok just don't let it happen again" Soundwave cooed rubbing Bumblebee's helm with one of his fingers.

"k..." Bumblebee purred as Arcee placed him back on the ground.

"Pink paint everywhere... I'll help clean..." Arcee sighed to Soundwave.

"Thanks..." Soundwave sighed.

"Got the cleaning stuff?" Arcee asked looking in the closet.

"Right here" Soundwave said holding the supplies.

"aaah!" Bumblebee chirped and gurgled trying to catch the bubbles that floated out from the cleaning fluid buckets.

"This stupid paint is everywhere stupid twins, stupid Jazz, and even my stupid idiot Mirage!" Arcee growled scrubbing the floor.

"Why are you going out with him if you think he's an idiot?" Soundwave asked.

"I still love him, I just think he can be really imature that's all... but I guess I can't say much I used to hang with those immature apes..." Arcee sighed not even noticing Bumblebee standing on a crate trying to get in the bucket filled with bubbley cleaning fluid.

"Yeah... well I guess I'm no better really I tried to hang out with them as much as I could before the war and all I just really wasnt all that talkative" Soundwave shrugged scrubbing the floor.

"Why did you join the Decepticons?" Arcee asked.

"I don't really know..." Soundwave sighed.


"The hell..." Arcee and Soundwave both turned to see cleaning fluid spilt all over the floor and an upsidedown moving bucket.

"Bumblebee..." Arcee and Soundwave both sighed heavily hearing whimpers comming from the bucket.

"Da!, Mommy!" Bumblebee cried and shivered it was dark and wet and he couldn't see anything Bumblebee was scared.

"Mommy!" Bumblebee cried as Soundwave lifted the bucket

"Bee I'm right here" Arcee cooed picking up the wet frightened sparkling.

"So your a mommy huh" The twins laughed with Jazz as they walked in with Optimus, Ratchet, Prowl, Hound, and Mirage.

"What?" Mirage asked confused.

"Oh sorry Arcee did we interupt your mothering skills... Ow!" The twins snickered recieving a smack from Optimus and Mirage.