Okay so this just something I came up with last night…really late last night, this is my first Kenzi/Dyson fic. I know the whole claim bit has been done, its always good to have variations right? Anyway I was craving some new Kenzi/Dyson action but couldn't find any because I've read everything J. So here's a new little fic, if people like it I'll write more, if not I don't really care I'll do what I want with it. Disclaimer: I own nothing associated with Lost Girl. This story is going to be rated M for language and later graphics, because after all this is a Kenzi/Dyson story.

Unexpected Kismet

Kenzi stormed into the Dal muttering something in Russian and threw a bloody sword onto the bar's counter. "Trick a word please," this was clearly not a request, not from the anger seething in her voice.

Trick raised his brows, confusion written all over his face, he nodded at Dyson and Hale who were seated at the bar.

Hale made a move to say something but found a heavy hand on his shoulder, and Dyson's blue eyes warning him to let it go. Whatever it was Kenzi wanted privacy, not to say that Dyson didn't want to follow them downstairs, hell he could smell the fresh blood, some was fae, but the rest was Kenzi's. "Fuck it," he groaned rolled his eyes and pointed at Hale to watch the bar.

He walked downstairs to find Kenzi pacing screaming Russian curses, "God damn Fae", she spit out finally in English.

"Kenzi as many languages as I do know, Russian is not one of them, what's happened? Is it Bo? Is Bo hurt?" Trick asks worry rising up in him, his throat constricts at the thought of his granddaughter being harmed.

"What?" Kenzi looks up at him quizzically.

"No Bobo's fine, she's a little tore up but nothing Doc hotpants can't fix with a little ah suki suki time," she rolls her eyes as if this is the most obvious thing in the world.

Dyson winces a little at this comment. His feelings for Bo have only recently resurfaced thanks to this ball of insanity called Kenzi.

"What the hell's happened Kenzi?" Dyson grits his teeth trying to get the young woman to snap out of whatever weird mind state she's in.

"Did I ask for your audience wolf boy?" she grits her teeth at him a flash of anger crosses her face then quickly fades. She sighs her shoulders slumped and she drops into a nearby chair.

"Some crazy ass Fae tried to blood bond me, bashed my side open like a piñata, thought that if they could claim me for their own they could get Bo to do their bidding."

"Dark or light?" Trick asks folding his arms his old age becoming apparent as he focuses on her.

"Light, " Kenzi answers exasperated glancing at her torn shirt hiding her wound from the others this not being her current concern.

"I thought I shed enough blood fighting the winged evil incarnate the garuda," she slumps her head into her hands.

Trick and Dyson are shocked to hear that someone from their side has attacked Bo and Kenzi, after all they did for the Light, a low growl resonates from the resident wolf."Listen I have never been one to make Bo do anything like pick a side, but I am getting some heavy pressure from both sides now," before she can finish Dyson growls once more asking

"The Dark what have they done now?"

"Nothing it's just…" the human looks down guiltily.

"What have you done now Kenzi?" Dyson eyes her accusingly.

"What the hell Scooby Doo? Look I came here to talk to Trick not you, if you want to stay and listen fine, but don't judge me I did what I had to do to save someone I care about like I always do. Like I did for Bo, like I did for you." She shakes her head at the balls he has to get angry with her.

"The Morrigan came after Nate, thanks to Ryan, Bo's last beau. He thought he was doing good in his own fucked up Fae mind, but in order to get her off of Nate's back, I had to promise her a favor, and she's coming to collect." Kenzi bit her lower lip not sure what to do next.

"What do you mean ?" Trickster asked approaching her like a wounded animal.

"She wants me align to myself with the dark, thinks it will make our Succubus chose her side."

"Well you can refuse?" Dyson says rage dripping from his words, at this point he is unsure at who his irritation is focused on.

He's irritated that Bo would put Kenzi in danger by consorting with dark Fae. Annoyed with Kenzi for so easily falling prey to the Morrigan, then again she couldn't very well explain to Nate who the Morrigan was so he had to respect her for respecting the Fae world in general. He was angry at himself for not warning those two that this unaligned claim would get them into trouble someday.

"She can't Dyson if she made a deal with the Morrigan she has to perform a service for her, and if this is her request then she must obey. Unless…." Trick's eyes widen, then he shakes his head.

"But Trick I am already claimed by Bo, someone else can't claim me." The young girl's big gray eyes look at Dyson and Trick in desperation for some kind of assurance that the talent sucking Morrigan wasn't going to have a new puppy named Kenzi that she could torture for giggles.

"Technically they can because you don't belong to a side Kenz, no one can enforce that code." Dyson sighs, trying to think of a way to get this clumsy human out of trouble once again.

"Shit, I was afraid you were going to say that, fine then you claim me Trick", Kenzi bites her lower lip, she's shaking on the inside. This is not how this was supposed to go down, Trick was suppose to say 'Don't worry Kenzi the Morrigan can't touch you'.

"I would love to Kenzi your like daughter to me but I can't being Blood King and all, Iam not allowed to claim anyone, because that person would be in just about as much danger as a someone claimed by Bo if not worse."

"Okay…" Her lower lip becomes chewing gum again. And she wants to cry, 'Damn it Kenzi what have you done now'. She wants to run out of here screaming wants to get mad and break something she does not want to be claimed period but especially not by the dark. No telling what icky things the Morrigan would have her doing.

Dyson can smell the fear and the rage emanating off this small girl rightfully so. She's done a lot for the Fae, light and dark, she's done a lot for him. 'Shit this may be a mistake, o fuck here we go'.

Before he can stop himself Dyson finds himself on one knee taking Kenzi's wrist in his hand bringing it up to his mouth and in one swift bite, she finds herself bleeding into him. He bites himself making small bloody punctures and raises it Kenzi's mouth making her drink. She is unsure if it is the shock of what's going on before her eyes or what but she does as he instructs practically choking on his blood.

"Bite Kenzi" he says sternly. She does as he says "Harder", she complies leaving her own teeth marks on him.

He pulls his arm away and leans his forehead against hers, "Kenzi , you are now mine" he is looking down his face screwed up in contemplation of what he's just done.

She's not sure whether she should be happy or freaked the fuck out…she goes with the second.

She stands quickly pushing him away he falls to the ground not expecting her reaction.

"What?" She's mortified, "What the fuck? Oh God Bo's gonna kill me!"

"What? Kenzi I just kept you from…." Dyson starts to explain, but instead is straddled by Kenzi. She grabs him roughly by the front of his shirt.

"You, sexy furry son of a bitch!" her breathing is ragged and her eyes are wide "I don't know whether to beat the shit out of you or kiss you" she resolves to neither and just hugs him.

"You know Bo's going to suck the Chi out of both our sexy mugs right?" She sighs her head in his shoulder her body trembling from fear and all the excitment.

"Yeah I know," he says gruffly still uncertain of what came over him.

Meanwhile Trick stands idly by shaking his head in thought, he was going to suggest Hale claim her, but this works in favor for their little human. Dyson's a good protector and he trusts Kenzi with his life as she does him so the is wasn't too far off a leap. He just didn't think Dyson would claim another human not after what happened to his prior claim it has been years since then but he swore to never claim another again.

The blood has drained from Kenzi's face as she pulls away from Dyson and runs up the stairs, she's still bleeding quite a bit but due to everything that's happened she's just ignored her body's screaming pain. Hale tries to catch her attention, but fails miserably as the spunky girl heads straight out the door without a word.

Dyson is still sitting on the floor wondering if he's done right by Kenzi, or if he's just made the worst mistake of her life. His eyes search the room for Trick's he is met with a soft gaze of understanding.

"She'll come around," he speaks softly to Dyson.

"Yeah but what If I don't", he stands quickly and heads up to the bar needing a stiff drink.