
Lunch had grown incredibly awkward, very fast. Everyone watched Mercedes up and leave the restaurant, and Sam was about to get up and go after her when Puck spoke up. "Leave her, dude."

Sam stared at him, "You're crazy—she's my girlfriend! Not to mention she's our ride back unless you're planning to walk from here."

Quinn sighed, "I should go. I'm the one who ticked her off and it's not like she's wrong for being upset."

She started to scoot out of the booth but Puck imitated her and grabbed her wrist before she was out of reach. "Hold up, Fabray."

Quinn turned her head and looked at him, brow arched. "What is it?"

"Let me go. You guys just…chill and wait for the food or something. I'll get her to come back."

Quinn grimaced but Sam spoke up, "Dude why are you going instead of me?"

"'Cause I'm awesome and she'd expect you," retorted Puck without breaking stride.

He caught up to Mercedes soon enough, grateful that she hadn't gotten too far down the pier.

"Mercedes!" he called out. A twinge of anger hit him when she hadn't stopped so he called her name even louder. This time, when she hadn't turned around, Puck halted, puffed his chest and bellowed across the pier, "MERCEDES JONES, TURN YOUR ASS AROUND!"

Finally she turned around, "What?"

Puck jogged to catch up with her and once he was in front of her, he listened to her say, "Look I know I channeled Berry right there and I'm sorry I did but at the same time I'm not. It's really infuriating to constantly be pegged as the friend to be walked over and think it's okay."

"Can we talk?" he asked, momentarily ignoring her hasty explanation. His brown hues bore intensely at her, trying to coerce a positive response out of her.

"Yeah…we can talk."

He gave one sharp nod and came to her side, initiating a short walk up the pier. "Okay, yeah that whole Rachel Berry storm out? Huge turn off, 'Cedes."

She cocked a brow high, "A turn off? Since when was I concerned about turning you on, Puck?"

Puck rolled his eyes, "'Cedes, you got swag—swag that doesn't include acting like Rachel.

"You know I hate being compared to Rachel."

"Then put your big girl panties back on and go talk to Quinn."

At that, her even strides faltered but she soon regained her steps and sighed, "I know I need to, but…I'm just mad right now."

"Tsh," scoffed Puck, "Yeah I think you made that known back at the restaurant." When she didn't say anything back he asked, "Are you really jealous of Quinn's friendship with Rachel? I mean you two seemed really cool with each other at graduation if I remember right."

"That's because I didn't know until after graduation. When we were all that the train station saying 'bye' to Rachel, I overheard her and Quinn talking about it; Quinn was reminding her about the ticket, and yeah…at first I figured maybe I shouldn't be so mad since I'd be going out here to the other side of the country but…" she sighed, "it still upset me."

Puck could hear the sadness and hurt in Mercedes voice. Although he'd shrugged nonchalantly, his tone had softened. "Maybe that's exactly why Quinn didn't get you a ticket. You two have been tight since Sophomore year ended, right? Maybe she figured you guys would always stay in touch— didn't need to be some big show of gift giving or something. I dunno. But you know who would know is Quinn."

The slight sarcasm and sass in his voice made Mercedes roll her eyes but she also smiled at him and gently pushed at his shoulder. "Okay, smartass. I get the hint. We'll go back."

"Good 'cause I'm hungry and if her and Sam cancelled our order, I'm demanding you make us all something bomb when we get back at the apartment."

Mercedes laughed and he rose his brows, casting a humorless look at her while they headed back to the restaurant. "You think I'm joking? I'm talking mind-blowing 'Cedes lasagna—complete with garlic bread. And none of that premade bullshit." He shook his head, fighting the urge to smirk when she laughed at him. "Nah, I'm demanding it all be homemade."

"Boy you are coo-coo for cocoa puffs if you think I'm doing all that just cause you might miss your cheeseburger," laughed Mercedes. "If they canceled our food I'm buying you a different burger. McDonald's, Puck—nothing but the best for you."

His face dropped all traces of amusement, "Yeah that ain't happening. Lasagna and garlic bread, Mama."

"Mickey D's, Pucky," she mocked with a grin, bringing an arm around him. "Or you know what? I'll splurge. We can get you a burger from In-n-Out."

Puck hugged an arm around her neck and told her, "You're lucky you're my ride, Mercedes—otherwise I might not like you right now."

Again he had Mercedes laughing while the two of them walked. He smirked at her and shook his head while mumbling, "Mickey D's," under his breath in a scoffing tone.

When they returned, he was relieved to see that their food hadn't been sent back or canceled; the burger and fries he'd ordered were sitting untouched next to Quinn's chicken burger and basket of fries. Quinn looked up at him and offered a sad smile; Puck gave her one curt nod—his silent communication that things were OK—and moved his arm from around Mercedes' shoulder so he could sit beside Quinn again.

"Ahh sweet, beefy deliciousness," Puck happily sighed, wasting no time to snuff the awkward silence. He picked up his burger and glanced up to find Sam looked at Mercedes as if he was trying to gauge her mood. From his peripheral vision, he saw Quinn doing almost the same thing but her efforts were more subtle than Sam's.

"So…" started Sam.

Mercedes was poking her basket of fries with a lone fry. She drew in a deep breath, looking serious again and after letting it out she said, "Quinn, Sam and Puck—I'm sorry for how I blew up earlier. And Quinn…I'm sorry I let myself be bitter towards you this long. Really, it was childish and I should've just talked to you sooner. I'm sorry."

Quinn tilted her head slightly, and shook her head a few times, "Actually I'm the one that owes you an apology, Mercedes. I wasn't looking to hurt you by giving Rachel that ticket. If anything it was just more of a conveience thing, with her being close and all. But I didn't mean to make you think that it mean tI didn't want you to come see me, or that I wouldn't come out to California to see you. I mean I know Puck and Sam had to have been driving you a little bit up the walls with you being the only girl out her eiwth them."

Puck rolled his eyes; Sam looked like he was going to argue but hadn't said anything. Mercedessmiled and gave a few agreeing nods and Quinn went on, "I'm gonna make it up to you though."

Puck's brows rose and he perked up. Speaking around the mouthful of burger, he asked, "You are?"

"Quinn you don't have to do that," said Mercedes, finally sticking her fry poker in her mouth.

"No, actually I do. But even if I didn't have to do it, I want to. You'll just…wait til Christmastime, okay?"

Puck's eyes went from Quinn to Mercedes; another bit of relief washed over him when Mercedes nodded and smiled. It wasn't until he watched Quinn extend a fist across the table that his own lips curled into a smirk.

"Are we cool?" asked Quinn.

Mercedes' smile grew a bit as she met Quinn's fist with her own, "We're cool."

They two girls fist bumped and promptly spread their fingers to make the bump explode.

Puck chewed some more of his burger and dove back into his Batman/Avengers argument with Sam, but privately he continued to enjoy the amiable atmosphere that finally returned between his friend and roommate, and the girl who captured his heart.

Please leave reviews! Sorry it took me so long to get this update published. Hope you enjoyed Puck's PoV and the Puckcedes moments! More is coming!