Title: Three Wishes

Pairing: RoLu (Fairy Tail Fandom)

Summary: Nope, he can't be a genie. He's way too cute to be stuck in a lamp.

Rating: K+

*Prequel to The Third Wish

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.


She was sitting under a Sakura tree when she caught sight of his dark midnight locks. The boy couldn't have been older than her and yet his face held a look of unspoken maturity. Her breath got caught in her throat when said boy turned his head and gazed directly at her.

He looked absolutely gorgeous.

Lucy could feel her young heart pounding in anticipation. The boy had the most beautiful set of red eyes that captivated her young heart and mind completely. Perhaps this was what her mama told her about love at first sight? Maybe... But somehow, Lucy wasn't sure about her feelings (she was only five years old, and the only concept of love that she knew of were the affections of her parents towards her).

Her small dainty hand readied to wave at the boy. Everything was going on smoothly until said boy decided to turn his head away and leave her hand hanging in the air.


And here she thought maybe she had met her prince charming.

With a sigh, Lucy laid back down at the foot of the tree in disappointment. Fantasies had to end after all – just like how her books had to end each night.

A yawn escaped her lips a few seconds later, and Lucy felt sleep taking over her form. Her eyes were about to shut tight when her keen ears picked up the sound of footsteps fast approaching. With a grumble and annoyance, she opened her brown orbs to look at the sudden disturbance. Her mouth was ready to shoo away the intruder but her voice got stuck in her throat when a pair of crimson pools and a handsome boyish face greeted her eyes.

"You smell funny." The boy said.

It took all of Lucy's willpower not to gape at the boy.

Eep! Even his voice sounded so smooth and flawless.

"Really...? I couldn't tell."

Her voice may be calm but her insides were twisting in different knots. It was so embarrassing. She probably smelled of sweat and mud after that game of tag with some kids in the village.

"Hn. But it's sweet. I like it."

The boy leaned in closer to her frame, and with a light sniff, he gave an approving nod. "Yes, definitely sweet."

By this time, Lucy could no longer control herself and she felt her cheeks burn at his words.

It was the first time she blushed at some boys' comment and it took her a full minute of staring before she said 'thank you'. She hadn't even realized that the boy had moved away from his position and was now laying down beside her.

"I'm Rogue."

Now that's a nice name.

She turned her heads towards him and smiled.

"I'm Lucy."

The young girl watched in anticipation as Rogue gave out a childish grin.

"Hey Lucy, did you know I'm a genie?"

Her eyebrows lifted in confusion before she answered a silent 'no'.

"I will grant you three wishes because you're cute."

He was staring at her now - anticipation coating his eyes. Rogue doesn't really know what prompted him to tell Lucy something as silly as being a genie. But the way her orbs widened at his declaration really did amused him that he felt like standing up to his claim. He just hoped that whatever she would wish for was something within his reach. He didn't want to disappoint her.

The blonde closed her eyes as she thought about what she would ask.

Her wild imagination was already kicking in. She thought about them eating ice cream together in the park, going to school and coming home together for the rest of their lives. Then as she opened her eyes, she held his hand in hers before voicing out her wish.

"Then, my first wish is for you to be my friend."

Rogue was taken aback by her childish demand.

She was definitely one of a kind.

"That's easy. We're already friends. You have two wishes left."

"That's unfair. Can I take it back?"


Lucy pouted her lips as she got up from her previous position. Their hands still joined together.

"That's your second wish. You have one left."

"Rogue, you're so stingy."

He merely laughed at her cute antics. They only met a couple of minutes ago yet she acted like she knew him for a long time now. Inwardly, he liked the idea. Perhaps in the future...

"ROGUE! Honey, we're leaving!"

Disappointment washed over the two kids until Rogue sat up and heeded his mother's voice.

"Lucy, when we meet again, I'll grant you your third wish." He gave her a smile before bending down and kissed her right cheek.

She was blushing like a tomato now - with her mouth slightly ajar. Everything was so sudden and abrupt that Lucy stiffened like a rock.

And he just had to take my first kiss!

When Lucy finally came back to her sense, she saw Rogue waiting for her response.

She shook her head as if saying 'yeah' and released her hold on his hand. Her eyes watched him ran up to his mother as she waved her hand in goodbye.

Someday, they would meet again.

And when that day arrived, she would definitely have her third wish.

Thanks for reading and I'm hoping to hear your wonderful feedback/comments/criticisms/thoughts.

hugs and kisses,
