I know I have a load of stories racking up but I really wanted to do this for ages so here we go. Overview: All the Uncharted characters are in High School. Thanks to all who gave those incredible reviews for 'Last Year's Model'. I'll continue it but I hope you like my new project too.

To get you started, Nate is 17, along with everyone else (or so), and Flynn's his best friend. Okay, this will be continued. Here we go. Oh, yeah, Sully's his Uncle. Personalities will be changed to fit roles. Example, Chloe is kinda a bitchy cheerleader. Go figure.

I tapped away at my laptop.

Fischer33 replied.

"You are so lame."

That was unfair. I tapped back: "Shut up. I'm not the one who got destroyed online yesterday."

"I have more important things to worry about than that. Speaking of which, need to go. Bye."

Fischer33 left the chat room and I closed my laptop. I'd met 'Fischer33' on the Uncharted forums. We both hadn't been happy with the new DLC and we'd kinda bonded together over it. Then we'd become friends and contacted each other everyday. Still… Of course, I didn't know his real name or even where he lived but he'd get to that. I also had the funny feeling that he, was a she and that would be just weird. Maybe I'd ask.

Boy, if only half the girls in School where this easy to talk to, I'd be set.

"Hey kid! You coming down of not!"

Aw, crap. It was the date of my essay's hand-in for English. And worse bit was the fact that my uncle was the teacher.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

I picked up my bag and made my way down the stairs.

My uncle was in the living room waiting for him. My parents had died, but things were still strained between us. You'd think that a bunch of parents dying would increase relations but it didn't.

I admit. I'm little like my uncle Victor 'Sullivan' Drake.

Drake senior was confident and sporty, good at work and a natural ladies man.

Me, 'Nate' was a bit shy, a good climber but avid hater of football, good at work, especially history, (when I could be bothered) and crap with girls.

My uncle opened the door, letting me out and following behind.

I pulled the door of the car open and threw my bag in, before sitting down and turning on the radio.

Both my uncle and I hated the radio but we turned it on to piss off the other one. Y'know, just for the hell of it.

I got out of the car and ran off before Sully could ask me about my essay.

It was bad enough that my damn uncle was my teacher but it didn't help if he thought he could badger me because of it.

I made his way up the steps, staring at the cheerleaders as I did so, Chloe leading them in some sort of complex acrobatic move.

I tore his gaze away as I reached the doors and made my way in. Making my way to my locker, I opened it up, reaching in to take out my history book; my first period.

Harry 'Flynn' Flynn came up to me. I looked up as he came nearer.

"Hey beanstalk." I said.

Flynn was pushing 6'5 so the name was justified. "Hey, I thought you said you wouldn't call me that?" he protested.

I shrugged. "I lied."

Flynn snorted. "Anyway, just forget that. Did you get the Latin homework?"

I looked at him, amused. Flynn struggled with Latin, which I didn't really blame him for. It was tricky but I did have a certain talent for it. I was remarked as being one of the best students at language in the school, besides Elena Fisher, of course.

I'd never seen her, but I'd heard plenty. Coming from a 'white bread, picket fence' type of childhood as Chloe had teased, she was smart, one of the best of the year. And she excelled at languages, already having mastered 6 of them and my one and only rival in history. I hated her for that, but, as Flynn said, she's probably ugly, like a toad, so I took a base comfort in this.

"So I did this quiz, right?" Flynn started.

"Oh yeah, what was it about?" I asked.

"Traitors," Flynn stated.


"Most likely to become a traitor when you grow up," Flynn said.

"What did you get?" I asked.

"Top was ten and I got… well, nine, but I heard these things are really un-accurate."

I nodded. "Yeah, I couldn't see you betraying me."

"I know, that's what I thought." Flynn agreed.

We made their way up the steps and into the bullies' corridor.

Zoran Lazarevic headed the bullies of the school, helped by Eddy Raja, a rich Indonesian playboy, and Talbot. Talbot was weird. No one knew where he came from but he could have your head in a toilet within seconds if you made fun of him. So, of course, no one did.

Flynn and I kept our heads down as the walked through the corridor, trying not to attract attention. But, just our luck, we attracted it.

Zoran came round the corner and spotted us instantly.

"Hey losers!"

We stopped. Best thing to do with Zoran.

He approached us. He was even taller than Flynn but no one called him beanstalk. As quarter-back of them football team, he was made of pure muscle and he would use it if you insulted him in any way. He was bald, having shaved off all his hair and his dad was in the army, so no one made fun of that either. He was also dating Chloe Frazer, head cheerleader, and no one could make fun of that.

"Hey." I said, looking up at Zoran.

"Did I just hear something?" Zoran asked. That was a clue to stop speaking.

We wisely kept silent.

Zoran nodded. "Good. Hate to think you talked back to me."

Just then Chloe came round the corner and we were forgotten. And trust me, we ran off before he focus on us again.

"Close one." Flynn breathed.

I shook his head. "We should stand up to that guy."

"Time and place buddy, time and place."

"Sure." I grunted as we approached the stairs to the history classroom. We made our way up and into the corridor, picking the place near the water fountain, away from the social crowds. Jeff pushed made his way past us and up to a girl.

I followed Jeff with my eyes to see who he was talking to.

My eyes met a girl. But not just a 'girl'. She was towered over by Jeff but she radiated confidence that made up for any height difference through sheer personality. I appraised her figure, athletic, like she worked out, curves but not on display like Chloe's was, but kept in simple jeans and a button shirt, all good quality. Her shoes were dirty and faded, strangely but I liked that. It showed that she used them.

I watched her clutch a laptop, kept to her chest as she talked to Jeff, or rather, dictated to Jeff.

Jeff had a strange disease where he could only say 9 lines and day. No one knew why but apparently it was a 'line shortage' disorder. Very rare.

I nudged Flynn. "Hey, who's that girl?" I pointed at the goddess talking to Jeff.

Flynn looked at her. "Don't you hate her?"

"What? No, I hate Elena Fisher."

"Newsflash bro, that is Elena Fisher."

I blanched. "But… I thought we said she was ugly?"

Flynn shook his head. "You only heard her name, right?"

Nate nodded. "But she's too beautiful to be smart!"

I looked at her blond hair, tied back in a long pony tail. She moved her head, laughing, showing white teeth and her hair moved exposing a smooth neck. Jeez, I could only imagine touching it. What would it feel like?

"Hello! Are you coming in?" Flynn's asked.

I shook himself and looked at everyone entering. I tried to get a last glimpse of Elena to see her ass instead. Not the worst the thing. It looked good, really good. Wasn't she a geek. Why didn't all geeks look like this. Oh man, I wish he could just reach out and touch it-

Flynn grabbed my arm. "Come on."

I got lead in and put in my seat by Flynn. I looked around and spotted Elena (that was her name, what a great name!), at the front of the class, pulling out her books. I loved her hair already. It looked so soft and golden. So inviting.

"Hey guy" Flynn tapped me. "You've never seen her before?" Flynn said, pointing.

"No" I muttered. "I would have remembered. Got any info on her?"

Flynn was good on getting stuff about students.

"Okay, here's the dirt. Reason you've only heard of her is because she just switched classes. Been at the school, different teachers. Got it?"

"Yeah." I nodded, stealing a glance at Elena.

"Okay, well she's smart. Just wait, she'll own this class in the pop quiz." Flynn settled back to watch as the teacher announced the customary pop quiz on Mondays.

I watched a guy approach her and get turned down. Ha! Loser. Right, I needed to gte her attention somehow.

But how?… oh yes; If I beat her on the quiz…

"Hey Flynn?"

Flynn turned around. "Yeah?"

"I'm going to beat Elena on the quiz. Then she'll know who I am."

Flynn made a face. "But no one can do that. Not even you, as talented as you are."

"I have to, otherwise she'll never see me."

"Here's a good idea! Go talk to her!"

I waved my hand. "No, too obvious. I need to get noticed."

"Okay guy, whatever."

Mr Schafer was talking. I looked at Elena again, watching how she leant over her work. Nice…

"Right, we have a transfer to this class." Sir said. Elena was bent over her work due to… was that embarrassment. That was so endearing. I really wanted to go up and give her a hug, her warm body soft against me…

"I think you all know who this is… this is Elena Fisher and I'm sure you can all learn something from her since you just seem to ignore me. Bright one, she is. She'll show you some real historic knowledge."


I jerked around to see who'd said that to see Chloe, sitting with her bitchy friends, checking their make-up as usual. I scowled. Chloe was only saying that because the greatest thing she could do was a cartwheel.

Huh, that was funny. This morning I would have killed for a date with her. Now… she looked kinda stupid. Damn it, I needed to get Elena to notice me.

"Just because you set low personal standards and then consistently fail to achieve them doesn't mean you have to be jealous."

Whoa, who said that? I looked at Elena who had a smirk on her face, then to Chloe. Chloe was angry, but not replying in case Elena burned her again.

Jesus, this girl was for me!

Sir was chuckling. He pointed at Elena "You don't pick on the best in the state!"

Elena grinned, a beautiful thing, before giving Jeff a low Five, curling her had as she pulled away. I loved that, how she curled her hand after a low five.

Schafer waved his hands. "Okay people, let's get to the pop quiz. All in. You'll get eliminated as the rounds go by. Starting from left to right of the front rows. Okay, here we go."

Sir started reading out historic facts and people started dropping like flys. I noticed Elena looked smug. She was very confident. I really wanted to wipe that look away and replace it with admiration as I take gold. Then she'll walk up to me after class and we'll get talking. She wrap her arms around my neck and her soft lips will meet mine. We'll get home and I'll strip off her clothes, God, I bet she's good in bed. Wait, has she even had it before?

I hadn't, wait what about-


Flynn jerked up next to me. "Yeah?"

Sir frowned. "Sir."

"Yeah sir?"

" The 16th century Escorial palace of King Phillip II of Spain had how many doors?"

Flynn gaped. "Err…" I looked at Elena. Wait, she was mouthing something to Flynn. I nudged him slightly. He looked over. She held up her book behind sir. 1,200.

"1,200" Flynn said.

Sir beamed. "Yes, good work. I'm not sure even Elena knew that!" He looked at Elena who shrugged back. So let's see, beautiful and kind.

"Drake!" I tried to catch Elena's eyes. She looked interested with me. She wrote something. She raised it: 'Drake? Like, Francis Drake?'

I nodded smiling. She smiled back at me. Thumbs up. Oh God…

"What was Julius Caesar the first to do?" Sir asked.

"A lot." I said. People laughed but Sir was about to say 'wrong'. I could see a slight disappointment in Elena's eyes. Oh fuck no.

"But!" I said, quickly, stopping sir. "He was the first to encode communications. He used the 'Caesar Cipher', I think."

Sir smiled. "Very good Drake." He moved on. Elena smiled at me now.

It went on, taking out people steadily, until it was just Elena and I.

"Elena, first mention of soap?"

"The first mention of soap was on Sumerian clay tablets dating about 2,500 BC. The soap was made of water, alkali and cassia oil."

"Very good. Drake, first mention of Nessie?"

The first written account of the Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, was made in 565AD." I said.

"You guys are good. Okay, Elena, let's make this hard. Birthday of Prince, some rock singer. By the way, I don't know this."

He crossed his arms, sure he'd got Elena but she said, without hesitation:


His face dropped. "Right, very good. Okay, Drake, let me get some more facts." He moved to his laptop.

Elena looked at me and mouthed. 'You're good.' She winked at me. My mouth went dry, so I just waved my had in a 'it's nothing' way. She laughed, a clear sound. I just smiled stupidly.

"Right, Drake" sir was back. "Rough date for the development of money in the Greek civilization?"

Yes, loved Greeks. "600 B.C, circa."

"Correct." I saw Elena raise her beautiful eyebrows at my easy use of Latin. I grinned back at her. Oh yeah, I know Latin. I saw write something as sir looked at her.

"Elena, rough period for the invention of the stirrup?"

Elena made to answer but stopped. She frowned. I saw Schafer raise his eyebrows.

"Oh ho, you don't know." I could hear people starting to mutter. Like they did any better, but no way did I want Elena to go out like this. I wrote down the answer on my page and showed it to her. She saw it, but shook her head, not willing to take it. Now she was selfless too.

"Don't know sir." She said firmly.

Schafer sighed. "Okay. Go on Drake, end it for us; first president of the United States original nationality?"

Probably the easiest question in the world, but I didn't want Elena to lose. People would mock her. So…

"Err… Japanese?"

"No, he most certainly was not! English, come on!" Sir said.

Everyone was laughing at me, but hey, I'd brought their attention away from Elena, and speaking of which, she was looking at me gratefully. I saw her mouth 'thank you', smile at me, eyes twinkling and that made up for all the rest.

Please review! Tell me if you want more or whatever! Got ideas? Want to give them to me! Please review, button below. And feel free to review AS MANY times as you want! Give me 5 reviews a chapter if you want too!