"A Pole, a Hungarian, two good friends..."

"...fabulous," Poland exclaimed proudly, strutting around Hungary's living room in a pair of very strappy, very high heels. He was quite proud of them... they were one of his "fabulous finds" during their shopping trip that afternoon. Hungary laughed and threw one of the throw pillows from her couch at him. She had to admit he was good to shop with. He didn't get bored like Austria, and he actually had an eye for what looked good on others.

The pillow hit him squarely in the back of the head, and he turned around, his eyes twinkling. He exclaimed in mock rage, "Oh, so you want to play it like that, little girl! It's totally on!"

"Bring it, sistah!" Hungary exclaimed as Poland pounced, grabbing the pillow she had just thrown and swinging it at her in one smooth motion. She yelped as the pillow connected with her stomach and knocked her back onto the couch.

"For your information," he replied as he began tickling her mercilessly, "I am not your 'sistah'! I am totally a guy!" Hungary squealed with laughter and finally managed to push Poland onto the floor where he too collapsed laughing.

"Igen, fine," Hungary gasped. "I'll remember that the next time I run into you wearing a princess dress and tiara..." Poland gave her a very fake glare and pointed at her.

"It's called cosplaying," he retorted. "Ever hear of Princess Peach? Tak, thought so." He grinned as he caught his breath.

Hungary was glad to have a friend like Poland. From her earliest memory, he'd always been there. Even when she was small and thought she was a boy, they'd been like "brothers"... and that part hadn't changed, even though she now knew that she was a girl.

"Why so serious?" Poland asked, grabbing one of the cookies Austria had baked from a plate on the table. He always felt at home here... even Austria, as uptight as he could be, had accepted Poland as part of the family, much like a lovable if occasionally irritating brother... sister... whatever.

"Nothing, just thinking about when we were kids," she replied. His face brightened at that.

"Oh, tak! Remember the time we..." the next hour or so was spent recounting their childhood adventures and misadventures. Then Hungary suddenly grew serious.

"It really worried me, Feliks... every time your land was partitioned, I wondered if I'd lose the only family I'd ever had," she confessed. She had vague memories of her parents, but they both died and left her alone with no siblings. Poland really was the only constant in her life through all the ups and downs.

Poland looked startled. "Like, why?" he inquired. "Erszi, you know that no matter how I get knocked down I get back up again! Tak, I had a few setbacks, but I'm the phoenix! You know, the totally righteous bird that rises from its own ashes... I made it through. Pssh... we made it through."

"Igen, you're right," Hungary agreed, thinking back on the Cold War. Life behind the Iron Curtain had been brutal for all parties involved, and yet, Poland still managed to keep that life and spark to him he'd always had, defying Russia's orders in subtle yet unmistakable ways...

In fact, many times Poland had escaped punishment because Russia was so flabbergasted at the fact that Poland simply was not afraid of him. Not only that, but he'd been an inspiration to many of the other satellite nations to regain their independence.

"Hey, let's not waste time thinking about such depressing stuff," Poland exclaimed. "You worry too much! Just like Liet! You, like, sure you're not related to him or something?"

"Someone has to worry about you, Feliks," Hungary snorted. "You sure don't worry about yourself much." Poland just grinned and grabbed another cookie...

"Don't think about it Erszi... I'll always be here," he said suddenly. "I totally can't be gotten rid of that easily."

"I know you can't, Feliks," she answered, crossing the room and giving him a big hug. "And you're a woman of your word."

"HEY," Poland exclaimed wrathfully as he began chasing her around the huge home, "I TOLD YOU I'M A GUY!"


A "brosis" duo! As I said, inspired by LilyRosetheDreamer's comment about having a guy friend that was a bro...

Poland and Hungary have a very long and very close association as countries... the line at the beginning is from an old proverb (I used the Hungarian version because I wrote more from her POV, but there is a Polish version too... this was the first time I attempted to write either so I hope I did well enough by them both.) March 23 is Polish-Hungarian OR Hungarian-Polish Friendship Day.

Also, one of the things I've thought of in trying to write Poland is... everyone always thinks of the crazy outfits and Valley Girl speak, but they forget the fact that he's a tough guy. I mean, look at the fact that his country was partitioned... how many times? Not only that, but... Solidarity. Just sayin'. (That's what I was referring to when I said he was an inspiration to the others living in Russia's house. Maybe not IRL, but I'd imagine it to be so for the personifications.) /ENDQUASIHISTORYLESSON

Sorry for the long time between updates. Those of you who have me on author alert know this already... but between work (I've had a huge ongoing project that's taken up most of my time), the loss of a relative, and some other stuff... I haven't had much time to write. But, things have slowed down for me now, so I should be back on track.

Next up: Well, I was going to have Germany and Prussia, but... I just got done writing a three-part fic about them, so I think I'll wait on that. So it'll be the Asian bros (in particular China, Japan, and Korea.) And I think I'll expand the Germanic bros to include Austria...

And for hana4262: I will write the Nordic bros, I'm going to have to get someone to help me write them... just because I'm not very good at it yet.