Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I don't own Sherlock or anything.

Author's note: This is the last chapter for my fic. So can I just say a massive thank you to every single person who has favourited / alerted / reviewed! Thank you so much! Your support has been a source of happiness and inspiration for me and I'm so glad that you have all enjoyed this fic so much. This was my first Reichenbach fic and it brought on a lot of Reichenbach feelings. Thank you for hanging in there through John's grief and all us Sherlockians' grief too, I know it's tough, but it will all be okay. We must await 2013! As all Sherlockians do, we wait! Anyway, thank you and I love you all! I hope you enjoy this chapter and review! Sending all my readers an imaginary gift basket containing one of John's jumpers, a box of tissues just in case you go back and watch Reichenbach or are hit unsuspectingly by Reichenbach feelings, a sweet treat of your choice and a deerstalker badge just to say thank you!

John and Sherlock lay in their bed facing each other in complete silence, just looking at each other.

Sherlock watched his beautiful lover and felt nothing but pride and love in him. John had been so brave and strong, his partner may have a different opinion but Sherlock had watched John's progression through the few weeks that they had been together and knew different. John had had many obstacles in his path and he went for every single one with determination. His cane was no longer needed, his nightmares were infrequent and he had gained back the majority of the weight that he had lost. John Watson was back. He was fixed. He had been through so much over three years. And what hadn't killed him had made him stronger. John was beautiful and brave and funny and caring and amazing and Sherlock's. He had taught Sherlock that it was okay to feel and to have a heart and that was brilliant. Sherlock knew he could trust John, he had always known that. John was his companion, confidant, and lover but above all and most importantly he was his best friend.

John couldn't help but look at his gorgeous lover. As he looked into those grey eyes and at that elegant face and lovely dark hair John felt love and hope and happiness. Sherlock was back and so very good. Sherlock had been John's support through his whole recovery. And John knew Sherlock completely now. He wasn't just clever and arrogant and eccentric. He was that and so much more, he was enigmatic, beautiful, misunderstood by others, honest, faithful and John's. Most people did not believe that he had a heart. But John Watson wasn't most people, not to Sherlock. Sherlock had a heart. His mind was great and his heart was good and John had seen that as Sherlock had loved him. Sherlock was his light in the darkness and had dug John out of the deep and dark hole that the soldier had buried himself in three years ago. Sherlock was everything to John. But what John valued most was that Sherlock was his best friend.

Many people asked so much of Sherlock and John. They had asked John to move on after Sherlock had died. They had asked Sherlock to be caring to all. They had asked the soldier not to cry. They had asked the consulting detective not to be hurtful. They had asked them not to be themselves, the impossible.

But the two people in the world who had never asked for anything got the best. Sherlock and John had never asked anything of each other. They had only wanted each other to be themselves. Though John still got exasperated and irritated by Sherlock and Sherlock still got annoyed and confused by John that was fine because that was them. They knew each other and they loved each other. Their differences were what made them fit. Sherlock was John's head and John was Sherlock's heart. They were like two pieces of a puzzle, like two sides of the same coin.

John brought his hand up to Sherlock's which lay between them and he entwined them together. Sherlock smiled and they leant forward together, meeting in a loving kiss. John ran his fingers through Sherlock's soft curls with his free hand and Sherlock's free hand wound around John's waist, pulling him closer. Though Sherlock hadn't had any romantic partners before John and John hadn't had any male partners before Sherlock they both went so beautifully together. They loved kissing each other. They adored holding each other. And of course they loved the sex, boy was that good and a truly great way to end the day... or start the day... or sometimes do just after lunch... pretty much any hour of the day was a brilliant way to spend having sex. John could already feel Sherlock's hand travelling towards his bum and he chuckled into the kiss.

"You have a great bum, John." Sherlock said between kisses.

John laughed and continued to kiss and say in between each kiss "So is yours." And to emphasize his point he untangled his fingers from Sherlock's hair and quickly brought it down to Sherlock's bum.

They just loved loving each other and spending every day in each other's presence.

John smiled into the kiss and felt Sherlock do the same. They pulled away and were now so close that they could feel each other's breath against their lips and could only see each other's eyes.

"It's all better now." Sherlock said.

"It's all fine." John confirmed.

After a few more kisses John pulled away and said "I love you, Sherlock."

Sherlock smiled and said with complete honesty "I love you too, John."

John pecked Sherlock on the lips and said "Thank you."

Sherlock didn't need to ask what for; he knew what John had thanked him for, for bringing him his life back.

"You don't need to thank me, John." Sherlock said.

John nodded, smiled and kissed the man who wasn't a freak, who wasn't loveless and who wasn't heartless, who was only human and who John loved.

Fantasybean x