This was written in October 25, 2011. I decided to post it. ^_^

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto I wouldn't be here typing… Oh well…

The Tables Turn


Chapter One: The Encounter

An eleven year old Itachi stood behind a store's counter leaning on his left elbow and his hand rested on his left cheek. He was the cashier of the small tidy store an old lady owned. Even though he was pretty young he knew stuff others his age didn't. Unlike Sasuke, he had never liked for his parents to buy him stuff with the money they earned by working. So he had decided to find a job himself. Thankfully the owner of the store was an elder already needing help from someone. Itachi being a gentlemen, accepted the job without hesitation.

He was intensely deep in thought, something he didn't do really often, that he missed hearing the sweet melody of the silver bells crashing with each other as the store's door opened.

"Uchiha-san?" A charming voiced called.

Itachi's onyx eyes scanned the miniature store. Not noticing anyone, he leaned more into the counter barely managing to make out pink hair.

There in front of the counter stood a little short girl about 5 years old of age. Her big emerald eyes sparkled as light reflected upon them. Her short pink hair was tied up with a red ribbon, only allowing some of it to frame her small round face.

"May I help you?" The well mannered boy asked. Even if she was a little girl he held his respects towards her.

The girl still stared up at him with her large green orbs.

"Do you know what today is?" The girl with the charming voice asked.

Itachi raised his delicate eyebrow at this. He surely didn't expected that…


The girl kept smiling up at him. "What day is it?"

"February fourteen."

The girl's smile widened. "Do you know which holiday is celebrated?"


The girl waited for him to say it but, of course Itachi wasn't going to say which one… He was trying to avoid the topic the whole day. "It's Valentine's Day!" She said rather jolly.

Itachi blinked. Oh. It must be one of Sasuke's secret admirers…

"I have a present!" The girl said while revealing a box wrapped in red gift wrapping paper with a green bow on top, making it look more like a Christmas present.

"Is it for Sasuke?" Itachi inquired already knowing the answer. He already had some gifts on the back room for his little brother awaiting him.

"Sasuke-kun? No silly! It's for you Uchiha-kun!"

At this Itachi blinked. Twice.

"Me?" He asked not understanding so much the situation anymore.


Before he could ask or do something else about it, a girl his age with her hair tied in a ponytail entered the store, or more likely barged in.

"Hey, Itachi! Happy Valentine's Day!"

She handed him a bag that had red and pink hearts decorated all over it. He accepted it without thinking twice. He then turned to reach for something. As he turned back around he handed her a single lollipop in the shape of a red heart.

The girl frowned. "God Itachi. You can be sometimes so dense!"

Itachi only Hn-ed at her comment.

"You know I don't celebrate such holidays as Valentine's Day, Hana."

Said girl snorted in an un-lady manner. "You and your ways Uchiha. Piss me off every time." She crossed her arms in front of her chest. She then noticed the pink-haired little girl next to her. She smiled down at her while bending down a bit to meet the girl's eye level. "Hello there! What's your name?"

The rosette only glared up at her. "Haruno Sakura."

Hana laughed a bit. "That matches you a lot, you know. What is such a cutie like you doing here?" She questioned the girl.

Sakura crossed her own arms across her chest. "I'm here cuz of Uchiha-kun!"

Hana raised a brown eyebrow in curiosity. "You mean Itachi here?" She inquired while pointing her thumb to the raven boy.

Sakura only huffed at her. "Yeah! Itachi, my boyfriend!" The rosette said know learning the older Uchiha's name.

Hana's smile widened if possible. "Your boyfriend?"

Sakura nodded rather swiftly and rudely. "Mhmm! Itachi is my boyfriend!"

Hana started to laugh.

Out loud…

"Wow! Well I'll leave you lovebirds alone! See you later Itachi!" And with that Hana left still laughing about the situation she witnessed.

Itachi stared at the now closed door that his dear friend left from. He then turned back to the pinkette. He let out a sigh before speaking.



Itachi hesitated. "…Sakura, I… um… I rather not have a girlfriend at the moment, if you understand…"

Sakura still had her smile placed on her round small face. "But you do! I'm your girlfriend!"

Itachi smacked the palm of his hand on his face. "Well, um… don't you wish to have someone more… around your age?"

Sakura shook her head rather harshly. "Nope!" She said while emphasizing the P. "I like older ones! They are hot!"

Itachi got dumbstruck at her response. The girl was literally saying that he was attractive


"Do your parents know your using… such language?" Itachi asked trying to change the conversation.

Sakura giggled knowing exactly what he was trying to do. She was, after all, a very smart person compared to her young age.

"Sakura! Where are you?" Yelled a feminine voice.

Sakura raised both her eyebrows knowing who it was. She then placed the gift on top of the counter, right in front of Itachi, barely managing to do so with the tips of her toes..

"Here's your present! Happy Valentine's Day!" And with that she left to catch up with her older sister.

Itachi blinked. Twice… again…

He looked down at the box that wasn't neatly folded or decorated. It wouldn't hurt to look what's inside of it, would it?

As he reached for it he noticed that it didn't weight that much. He still opened in gingerly never underestimating anything even if it came from a little girl. They were sometimes… the dangerous ones…

As he opened it, he reached for the note that was inside before looking at his gift.

To SaSuKEs biG bROtHEr I KOuLDnt bUY YOU SUmtHinG sO I gAVE YoU sOMEthInG MiNE

Itachi ignored all the spelling and the wrong capitalization.

He then grabbed the item inside the box.

He raised it up to his eye level scrutinizing it.

It was a stuffed animal. A… bunny, to be exact.

Itachi raised his raven eyebrow not sure what to do with it.

The poor thing looked dead even if it weren't alive. In most of the places it had other colored fabric sewed on it, making it hard to see which was its original color. The right eye was already dangling which consisted of a light brown button and the other eye was still attached, but it was a different color button…

Itachi sighed and placed it back in the box.

Now, what was he going to do with it?

Six Years Later…

An eleven year old Sakura ran to the high school next to her middle school. She knew Itachi was getting out of school at the same time she was, so she was running as fast as she could in order to catch up to him. It was, after all, Valentine's Day!

As she rounded a corner she smiled upon seeing the very person she was looking for.

"Itachi!" she yelled happily.

Itachi hearing her voice turned a fraction of an inch. He then inwardly grimaced. It was her, again.

"Hey Sakura! How are you?" Hana, the girl next to Itachi greeted.

Sakura smiled back, now knowing that she wasn't anything to Itachi than just a friend. After all, she wasn't like the other girls…

"I'm fine! Happy Valentine's Day!" She handed a small bag full of candy to her.

"Wow, thanks! Here, Happy Valentine's Day to you as well!" Hana handed her a bag full of heart shaped chocolates.

"What about me, Sakura-chan?" another voice called.

Sakura turned to Itachi's left. Oh right… Shisui.

She smiled. She came to know him from all those times she would go walking with Hana and Itachi.

"Here! I just have this for you." Sakura handed him a single Valentine's Day card.

Shisui cried anime tears. "Damn, Sakura! What happened to the chocolates, hugs, and kisses?"

Sakura giggled. "Shisui-kun, those only belong to Itachi-kun!"

He cried some more.

She then turned towards Itachi. "Here Itachi," she blushed a bit. "I made these for you." She handed him a small box decorated nicely. "They're cookies."

Itachi accepted the box only to give it to Shisui. "Place it with the others."

Shisui understanding, placed it on a large trash bag. "Dammit Itachi! Why do you always get more than I do?" Shisui inquired while glaring at the bag. Itachi shrugged.

"Maybe 'cause you're not as cute as your cousin?" Hana laughed.

Shisui glared her way. "Oh? Look who's talking. The donkey talking about ears!"

Hana's laughter came to a sudden stop. She then glared daggers.

"So… what do I get, Itachi?" Sakura's voice interrupted.

Itachi blinked at her statement. He actually didn't have anything. Like every year…

"Shisui, give her something from the bag."

Shisui glared once more towards Hana's way before grabbing an item from the bag. He then handed it to Sakura.

Sakura smiled up at Itachi. It was weasel plushie holding a heart.

"I love it!" Sakura squeezed it harder.

Itachi Hn-ed before he left with Hana and Shisui on both of his sides.

Only after that, Sakura noticed that something was scribbled on a small card that the weasel held. She opened it expecting something else than what she saw.

To Itachi, I wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day. Maybe one day we can go out or something. Even though that big foreheaded girl says she's your girlfriend I know that you have no interest on her. I have a surprise for you if you would like to come and see tonight at my house. The address is below. -Love, Hikura

Sakura's world came to a sudden stop. She no longer remembered what she was doing there standing or why. Her world felt apart. Itachi never even liked her. He didn't even bother to give her a thing for Valentine's Day himself. Not something that someone else gave him. She didn't matter to him.

Never has.

Never had.

Never will…

The truth hit Sakura like a brick in the head. She tried to keep the tears from her eyes from coming to no avail. The card was right, he never has cared about her. Why should he?

Sakura dropped the weasel and ran home crying all the way there. Her mother wondered what had happened to her but decide not to ask. Besides she still hadn't told her that that very same day they were going to move to Suna.

After that, neither heard of each other again.

Nine Years Later…

~Present Time~

Oh what a day to be late for work!

Itachi looked down at his golden wrist watch all the while trying to button up his clean white collar shirt. Damn, he wasn't going to be able to eat breakfast here.

Grabbing his car keys in a swift move along with his expensive briefcase he headed out of his almost mansion house. He clicked the electrical button for his car to open automatically and climbed in instantly turning his car on. The roar of his black Mercedes was heard by the surrounding neighbors as he speeded down the luxurious streets of Konoha.

If he wanted to arrive on time to his office, he had to buy something fast on his way to Uchiha Corp.

His car came to a halt as a man crossed the street before him in painfully slow steps. Itachi took this chance to fix his tie and the collar of his shirt.

Once again pressing the accelerator pedal with his black leather shoes, Itachi sped of to a Café that was few blocks away from his work place. He knew it will take forever if he went in the drive through line, so he decided to get his own breakfast himself.

Closing the door behind him to his car, he walked in a fast manner hoping that there weren't a lot of customers at the moment. As if God heard his prayers, no one was in line to order in the small café, there were only few people who sat at the back with their orders at hand already.

A blond girl looked up as he approached the counter. She smiled up at his in a sexy manner which he ignored.

He didn't wait for her to speak. "I would like to order coffee number four with extra sugar please." he almost demanded as he didn't see the girl take any course of action on attending him.

The girl giggled. "Would you like to drink it here or-"

He cut her off, "On the go."

The girl frowned in disappointment. "Would you like something else with that?" she questioned.


"We do have freshly made beagles," she said while trying to close her eyes in a flirtatious motion that other men would think as 'hot', but little did she know that the man standing in front of her was like no other man, "also we have added to our menu some donuts and blah blah blah…"

Itachi wanted to choke the girl in front of him to death! She was delaying him! She was just like every other girl wanting him like a piece of meat! He held back the urge to twitch his perfect eyebrow. He needed to stop this. Now. If he didn't he was sure to kill the girl with her horrible ways of flirting!

"We have cereal as well. I don't know why but I think that you would taste even better!"

That was it.

He slammed his hand on the counter, piercing the silence of the room. He ignore the throbbing pain of his now red palm. "Look girl, I have a job I need to attend to and if you don't give me my coffee this instance-"


Itachi turned to face the scandalous voice that provided from the drive through window. There half way inside the small café as well as half way inside her own car stood a woman that looked around twenty years of age holding a very scared man by the collar of his work shirt. His sweat ran down of his face like buckets of water. His eyes widened as the girl neared her face towards his. "Got that?" she whispered really low that it was barely audible.

The frightened man nodded quickly not wanting to get her any more annoyed than what she already was. She smiled. "Good." She let go of his shirt and sat back down on the driver's seat. "Now, go get me my coffee sweet heart." The man was gone less than a second.

Itachi narrowed his eyes towards the woman. She had pink hair… where had he seen that before? It dawn on him as soon as he searched through his thoughts.

Ah, that's right, Haruno Sakura.

"Sakura." He couldn't stop himself from speaking the words out loud.

Sakura upon hearing her name turned towards the direction she had heard the velvety voice. Her green eyes widened.

"Itachi? Uchiha Itachi is it really you?" She inquired while her mouth was slightly opened.

Itachi couldn't help but to smirk at her expression. "The one and only," he said all the while tracing the young woman's features being unnoticed. It really was her. She sure became a beauty.

She smiled at him. Did his heart just skipped a beat? No. It must have been something else.

"Its been a while! How are you?" She scrutinized his features. He has become such a well man, she of course knew from the moment she had seen him when little.

"Good," he noticed how she looked at him, "though I'm having quite a problem at the moment ordering a single coffee." Amusement danced in his eyes as he saw the blonde girl pale a bit.

"Oh? Is that so? Need any help there?" Sakura asked as her green orbs met with those brown ones of the blonde.

"I- I'll get your order, sir!" She was gone in an instance.

Itachi chuckled while Sakura laughed at her threatening attitude.

"Here is your coffee ma'am." The younger man from earlier that was attending the pinkette came to view. "Oh, thank you!" She handed him the exact amount of cash already knowing how much it was from her various visits here.

The man nodded. "I even added some donuts there. They're on the house."

Sakura smiled. "Thanks. You really didn't have to." She turned to face Itachi. "Later, Itachi. It was nice seeing you again." With that said she left driving on her way to who knows where.

"Here's your order sir." Itachi took his order and paid it with his credit card.

He didn't know why but he was glad he had woken up late that day.

Like I had said I'm studying for my AP test so I haven't typed in exception for CGDGWWHSG it's a long name lol. Go check it out please! Hopefully I can update WANTED! Soon… Review please if you may! Tell me if you like this idea so I can continue it!