(One month later)

Being with Andy was absolute perfection. Sometimes I'd stare in awe at his flawless being. He was an angel, a god. I don't know what I'd do without him.

'Demi?' I was snapped out of my daydream. The so called god was there, facing me. His blistering blue eyes pierced my face with utter beauty. His newly awakened complexion seemed to mesmerise me; I could not, no matter how hard I tried, look away.

'Yeah,baby?' I responded after what seemed like forever. Our eyes were locked upon each other. I managed a little smile.


Immediately, our lines of sight were snapped, my phone at the bottom of the bed had just gone off. I leaned up and stretched.

'Baby, stay here' Andy spoke with a croak in his voice. I turned to face him:

'Two secs, angel' I responded as I grabbed my phone. I pushed the button and was surprised by who my message was from. 'Dad?' I said to myself. I would have only been something very important for him to text me.

'It's from my Dad' I announced to Andy whilst still looking at my phone. He gave me a 'hmm?' of question. He was wondering the same thing I was. Finally I opened the message:

'Demi, I know you're having a whale of a time out there touring with the boys. But is it a healthy lifestyle? Me and your mother have decided we want you home now, your academic future is of more importance,

Dad X'

My heart had sunk and I remained silent. 'Dem?' Andy began to question. I handed the phone and I let a tear fall. Why could he do this to me? I'm not going. I refuse. 'Oh angel...' He soothed. I let him drape an arm around my shoulders and gave him permission to pull me in to a hug. I wrapped an arm around his waist and let more tears fall as I rested in his chest. 'You should reply back and tell him how you feel, surely he's gotta listen to you' Andy reassured. His chirpy, optomistic voice brought me happiness and the positivity to tell my dad no. I gave Andy a nod of okay and thanks and took my phone from him. I began to type:

'Dad, you can't possibly make me leave after all this time? These months have been the best of my life! To hell with my academic studies. This is what I wanna do. You're not gonna stop me, sorry dad.

Demi x. '

I let a sigh of relief out and Andy kissed me on the cheek. 'I have practise in half an hour' Andy finally announced. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek as he got up to leave my bunk. Once he had left, my phone rang once again. My heart was pounding, I picked up the phone and read the message:

'Demi, I can't have you living like this. I've got you a ticket back to Canton for tomorrow.'

I couldn't deal with this, I pressed call.

'Demi?' I heard my dad say.

'Mhm?' I responded. 'Dad, you can't possibly do this to me, not now. Please?' I begged him.

'Darling, I'm sorry but its for the best. I'm coming to LA tomorrow.' My dad firmly responded.

'I won't go, I refuse.' I said adamantly.

'We'll see. ' My dad hung up.

I could have just died right there, my dad was coming and there was nothing I could do about it. I ran to the BVB tent and when I saw Andy he looked at me puzzled 'babe, what's up?' He asked worriedly.

'He's coming' I said, holding back the tears. Andy looked at me with pure sadness and embraced me. I held on to him for dear life. I couldn't stand to be apart from him. I HAD to be near him.