I've been reading a lot of Darkest Powers fanfic for a while and I've read the books a while ago, so I figured I would give it a try. It's been a while since I've read the actual story, but I'm taking all my information from the other stories I've already read. I'm not stealing their ideas. Just getting the basic information. This story is 100% made up and original. This is my second story up and I'm still working on the other one, but I barely found enough time to write this first chapter though. I'll put it up for a week and see how many review I get. If I get five or more I'll continue with the story. Okay then. Enjoy and review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Darkest Powers.

Chapter 1

For as long as anyone can remember there has been supernaturals. They live in the shadows. Away from the ignorant eyes of the humans. These supernaturals are not widely varied, but their numbers are great.

My name is Chloe Saunders and I'm a supernatural. A necromancer to be exact. What that means is that I can see dead people. I can talk to ghosts and raise the dead. Yes, that means zombies. It's not something I take pride in. it's really disturbing.

I haven't known about this world for a long time though. Maybe only a year. I war told by my mother who I thought was dead. It turns out she ran away from me and my dad to protect us from the horrors that can come with knowing of this world. Mom didn't know I had inherited her powers so she left me behind when I was six. Now I'm fifteen. It's been nearly ten years since then.

Sing learning what I am and what my mom did I've been having a hard time letting her back into my life. I still love her, it's just that she sort of tore my heart out of my chest. It takes times to forgive people. I can't trust her not to do it again. Not yet.

For years supernaturals lived separately, but recently an academy has opened and is open to all species. Mom insisted I go there so I can learn to control my powers better and hopefully get rid of my shyness. I don't really want to go, but I don't really have much of a choice.

My mom is known as a very powerful necromancer and has a lot of connections all over the world. A lot of people expect a lot from me and I don't know if I can live up to their expectations.

At this very moment I'm packing to go to this school. It's a boarding school near werewolf territory so I have that to worry about too. It's not that I have anything against werewolves. They just tend to be the most threatening of all supernaturals. They are physically stronger than the rest of us. At least they're not the smartest.

I zip up my suitcase just as my door opens. Mom steps through and smiles. "Are you ready to go, Chloe?"

I return the smile and nod. "Yeah."

"Meet me at the car in twenty minutes then," Mom smiles again then leaves me alone.

I sigh and slump against the wall. "Here we go."

With one more sigh I grab my suitcase. I look in the mirror. My big, baby, blue eyes are what catch my attention first. Then my long strawberry blonde hair that goes to the middle of my back. I'm really short too. Thank god I'm having a growth spurt where I'm finally starting to fill out. I finally don't look like a twelve year old.

I open the door and see Mom and Dad making out. "Ew!"

They break apart, flushing. Dad clears his throat and smiles at me. "Hey, Chloe. You all set to go?"

"Sure am!" I let him put my suitcase in the back with Mom's.

Mom is going to be the chairman for necromancers. Not like there wasn't already enough pressure on me already. Now I have to deal with my mom being there constantly. That's just perfect.

I get in the car after hugging Dad goodbye. Mom kisses Dad one more time before getting behind the wheel. Mom pats my hand. "Relax, sweetie. We'll be there soon and it will be just fine. There's absolutely nothing to worry about."

The car starts up and we're heading out of our driveway and onto the main road. I stare out the window for a few hours before I start to drift off into sleep. It feels like a few minutes later I'm woken up when a bright light hits my face. I open my eyes to see it's the streetlight.

Mom shakes me lightly. "Chloe wake up. We're going to stop in a hotel for the night. We'll get to the academy tomorrow morning."

"Okay," I yawn widely.

Mom pulls into a nice looking hotel. We get out and grab our suitcases. We go and check in. I drop onto one of the beds in the room. Mom sits on hers and looks at me. "Go to sleep, Chloe. You'll have a very long day tomorrow."

I nod and lie down without getting changed. I pretend to be asleep until Mom falls asleep. I get out of bed as quietly as possible and pull on my sweater. I quickly leave the room and head out.

Tonight is really beautiful. There's a forest nearby since we left the city a while ago. I know I shouldn't be out here along, but I can't help it. Today is just too beautiful so I walk further into the trees.

As I'm walking I can't help, but feel like I'm being watched. I look around quickly, but I don't see anything. I keep walking until I come across a river. I stare at the water from a distance at first before moving toward it. It looks really pretty with the moonlight shining down on it.

When I move forward I hear something. It sounds familiar. I turn around quickly trying to find the source of the sound. I try to calm down from panicking when I hear the sound again. This time I can tell which direction it's coming from.

I turn to my right and listen for the sound. I hear it and move toward it. This is that part of the movie where the girl gets jumped by the bad guy then gets hacked into pieces. I should really turn back now.

Then I look past some pushes to find a dark shape lying near the river. I squint my eyes then gasp when I see it's a person. I run towards it even though I know it's the stupidest move ever, but I just feel like I should go to whoever it may be.

When I get there I find myself looking down at a young man. I'm have to say he's about my age, but, MY GOD! He's HUGE! At least six five. He's not wearing a shirt so I can see his entire body is practically chiseled from stone. Perfect.

My face gets hot from the thought. I swallow hard and lean down closer. His black hair is falling over part of his face, but I can tell he's very good looking. I wonder when was the last time he had a haircut.

I stop myself form giggling when I see why he's here in the first place. There are three long claw marks across his chest and other minor wounds around his body. His pants look torn and are covered in blood. I think that's the reason he's not wearing a shirt. It must have been torn off in some fight.

By the looks of it this guy has to be a werewolf. Only werewolves can be this big at such a young age. Mom told me they develop quicker than any other supernatural except when in the womb. It's all the same in there apparently.

I lean down to brush away the hair from his face. My fingers barely make contact with his skin before his eyes snap open. I gasp when I see his eyes. They're the brightest shade of green I've ever seen.

The werewolf stares at me with an intense gaze. I pull my hand away and take a shaky step back. He begins to sit up and gets to his feet, which are bare. He glares at me before looking over his shoulder. He turns back to me and tries to take a step forward, but he falters. He places his hand over his chest and grimaces.

I move my foot slightly and his eyes snap back up at me. I hold up my hands in a sign of peace. "Please let me help you. You're in pain and those wounds look really bad. Even for you."

He scowl. "How do you know anything about me?"

I lick my lips before continuing to speak. "You're the same age as me and you're the size or a full grown man. I know a werewolf when I see one."

"Go away before I decide to hut you," he snarls.

I can't help, but scoff. "Please. In the state you're in you won't even be able to make it to me before you collapse."

"I don't need your help," he snaps.

Just then his legs give out from under him. He places his hand over his chest and gasp. I run over to him. "Please stop moving. You need to stop the bleeding."

He looks up and glares at me then starts yelling. "Leave me alone! I don't need your help!"

That's it. I snap. "Stop being so damn stupid and let me help you, you idiot!"

For a second he's utterly surprised that I had the gall to snap at him, but then he recovers quickly. "Don't yell at me and don't call me stupid, you blond ditz! I know my own body and I don't need help from some tiny whatever you are!"

I literally feel my eye twitch. I take a deep breath to yell again. "You were the one who started yelling and call me a blond ditz one more time and I'll send every dead animal within a ten mile radius after you. Werewolf or not, injured you're no match for that."

He stops and narrows his eyes at me. "You're a necromancer."

"Damn right I am now stop being so stubborn and let me help you," I cross my arm definitely.

With a reluctant grunt he flips over onto his back. I swallow the lump in my throat and lean over his chest. The wounds don't look so deep. I'm sure they won't scar over, but there's still blood coming out from the wounds. I need to stop that. Mom taught me a little first aid.

I quickly take off my sweater and place it over the wounds and press down as hard as I can. The werewolf hisses. "Be careful, idiot!"

"Stop being rude, asshole!" My face turns red at the slip. "Sorry."

I squeak the apology. The werewolf looks at me with a half annoyed, half amused, expression. "What the hell are you doing out here in the forest all by yourself in the first place? Someone so tiny can get lost easily."

My hair is still red from my sudden word vomit. "Well, I'm on my way to that new academy, but me and my mom had to stop at that hotel near the trees for the night."

The werewolf arches an eyebrow. "You?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I give him a whither glare.

"Just surprised they would let in someone so innocent and tiny looking." His lips tilt upward at the corners.

I press down harder on his chest. He hisses then glares at me. We have a glare off. I lift my chin. "I'm not so helpless. I'm still a necromancer. A really powerful one even if I'm still in my Mom's shadow."

He narrows his eyes. "Who's your mother?"

"Jenny Saunders…"

For a second he thinks then speaks. "Who's Jenny Saunders?"

I lift my head and meet his eyes. "You don't know who my mother is?"

He just grunts.

Typical boy answer. I sigh and let my shoulders slump. "You're the first supernatural not to know who my mother is."

He lies there in silence before try to sit up again. I give him a look. He lets a low growl resonate in his chest. "Let. Go."

I narrow my eyes. "No."



He just growls even deeper. "What the hell is wrong with you? I'm a werewolf! Aren't you afraid of me?"


For a second he's caught off guard then asks carefully. "You're not afraid of me?"

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Honestly. All you werewolves think you're so tough and bad. I guess that's your reputation, but that doesn't mean all of you are the same. I believe in benefit of the doubt and second chances. I'm just assuming you're being a total jerk because you're injured and giving you the benefit of the doubt that you'll hopefully change when you're better. I'll give you a second chance for a first impression if we ever meet again. That's how I work."

He stares at the sky with a dazed sort of expression. Then he scares me by speaking. "What's your name?"

The sudden sound makes me squeak in fright. I glare when he suppresses a chuckle. "Chloe."


I let out a sigh of relief. "Well, Derek, it's a pleasure to meet you even if you are being a jerk."

Derek just grunts… again.

"What is with boys and grunting?" I mutter to myself. I see Derek smirking. I frown at him. "What are you smiling about?"

Derek looks up and arches an eyebrow. "What you said about boys and grunting. It's true."

"You heard me say that?" my eyes widen in shock.

Derek shakes his head. "Super senses."

"Oh…" I blush.

"You blush a lot," Derek states.

"Shut up!" I snap.

"You yell a lot," Derek also states.

My face burns hotter with anger and embarrassment. "You know what? Just drop it. I'm just trying to help you. I've already ruined my favorite sweater and I'm not in a good mood."

Derek looks down at my sweater and sighs. "Dab at the blood and get as much as you can off then run it under cold water to keep it from setting. Then wash it with a detergent that uses enzymes. Dry it in a cool and shaded place."

I stare in awe. "What?"

Derek scowls. "I'm not going to repeat myself."

I roll my eyes then give Derek a serious look. "How do you know that? Don't be offended, but I was under the impression that werewolves weren't very smart. Or, that's what Mom always tells me anyway."

It's Derek's turn to roll his eyes. "I was a bit mutated. I was an anomaly. My brothers are normal, but I lack the sense of the whole pack system. Not to mention I'm much smarter than them. Well, anyone would be. I study at a college level."

I gasp. "Whoa! You're like a genius. No! You are a genius! That's so cool!"

"Whatever," Derek grunts.

For a second I get a good enough angle of Derek's face to see a slight blush, but I must be imagining it… right? Derek turns his head and the shadows take over again.

I lift the sweater lightly to check his chest. "It looks like it's stopped bleeding, but I think you should get that checked out soon."

Derek looks down and grunts. He then pushes me off and sits up. He take a deep breath before getting to his feet. I keep my hands tightly on my sweater then watch Derek. "What are you doing? You should rest more."

"See you around…"

And just like that Derek walks off. I stare for a second in shock before anger overcomes me. "You bastard! You didn't even thank me, JERK!"

I sigh then look down at my sweater. I should really get the blood off this before it sets. What did he say? Dab? I'll try it. Then run cold water on it then…

When I get back to the hotel room mom is still asleep so I go into the bathroom and dab as much of the blood as I can. I can't believe someone can lose this much blood and still walk on their own. Werewolves are incredible even if they are shunned more than any other supernatural.

I get as much blood out of my sweater as I can then run cold water over it. I sigh when I see a lot of the blood coming off. Then I remember the last part. It was some special type of detergent. Something with an e and a z… I think it was enzymes. That's a fancy science word.

Once again I'm sneaking out of the room down to the laundry room. I make sure no one sees me before searching through the detergents. Then I find one that fits and find a free washer. I wait silently in a nearby chair.

When it's done I take it out and get ready to hang it in my room when Mom starts to stir. I hang the sweater on the edge of my bed and jump under the covers quickly.

My mom gets up and looks at the clock. She yawns and goes to the bathroom. A few minutes later I hear the shower turning on. I look at the clock. I was outside for three hours. I always wonder why Mom takes showers in the middle of the night. It's so strange.

I yawn widely and kick off my shoes and pull off my jeans. This has to have been one of the weirdest nights of my life. I can't help, but think about those bright green eyes that make me feel so angry, yet so safe, at the same time as I fall asleep.