Blue-eyed Persian

As she entered Lisbon's office, Van Pelt threw a quick glance at Jane – who was currently dozing on the couch.

"Is he always sleeping even at home, boss?"

Lisbon smirked at the younger agent's somewhat pert question. "Yeah, most of the time. It's pretty much like having a cat, you know."

"I've heard you", the man warned them lightly without even opening his eyes.

"So what? It's the truth anyway."

"Hmm. I might provide Van Pelt with a few examples of certain other activities I do at home…"

"Just shut up. We both know you wouldn't dare."

"That's because I don't like the prospect of you wielding a gun at me."

"Correct answer. Now go back to sleep. There are people here who are trying to do their job."


It wasn't until much later – when everybody else had already gone home – that husband and wife picked up on their previous conversation.

"A cat? Really?"

She gazed at him over the stack of paperwork that was filling her desk.

"Go ahead and admit it, Patrick. You spend the best part of your days dozing on the couch which is nearest at hand. All that you expect from me is providing you with a cup of tea from time to time – instead of the classic saucer of milk."

"Well, if I'm your cat… why don't you come here and give me a stroke? I might even purr if you like."

"We're at the office. No funny business, we've already agreed on that."

"The bullpen is absolutely empty. No one is ever going to know."

"Bite me."

He frowned. "Cats usually don't bite – though their nails can give you quite some scratches."

"You're hopeless. I don't know why I bother arguing with you."

The silence that followed didn't last very long.

"By the way, I agree with you on one thing. Cats are cunning animals. I may actually resemble them as a matter of fact."

"Yeah. And they're definitely sly. Not to mention the fact that they never do what they are told."

"Those are just technicalities."


Jane stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes. "Teresa?"

"Can't you leave me alone for a while? I want to fill in another couple of reports before finally going home."

"Just one question. Please." He almost mewed the last word.

Lisbon gave in with a sigh. "Okay. What do you want to ask?"

"If I was a cat… which breed would I be?"

She bit her lip. What a ridiculous question… that was typical of Jane of course.

"Don't know. A Persian, maybe. Now let me do my work."

Some ten minutes later she felt – rather than saw – her husband approaching her desk, sitting down on the floor and placing his head on her lap.

She couldn't help smiling and gently stroking his curls.

To be honest, Jane was definitely better than a cat. Even if she wasn't going to admit it any time soon…