I believe a warning is in order because this last chapter shows quite a bit of brutality. Basically there is a lot of abuse, child and slave, and Mr. Nishioka is a stone-hearted man so expect inhumane actions from him.

This is the last chapter. I'm sorry if it seems hurried but this is how I wanted to end it from the beginning so there! Enjoy!^w^

It was stupid to cry now. Grimmjow was so far into misery and hell that it was pointless to shed a single tear. It wouldn't do much good. He would still be lying on the hard ground, staring up into a glittering night sky with his wrists bound tightly together and the end of the thick rope secured just as firmly to Mr. Nishioka's wrist as he snored away on his tatami mat. His spotted mare was pawing the ground while chewing on some blades of grass.

Grimmjow truly detested this man. He had no sense of decorum, manners, or kindness. He treated his translator, Hanatarou if Grimmjow remembered correctly, just as badly as he treated Grimmjow. He would hit the poor man if he stumbled while they walked. And Kami forbid if Hanatarou tried to be gentle with Grimmjow. Sadly, Grimmjow had been witness to that and winced every time he saw Hanatarou's oddly angled left arm.

He shuddered and turned over, trying to block out that awful man's deafening snores. He curled in on himself, wishing he had never laid eyes on that man. If he had known how cruel he could be, he would have run off in the other direction back in Yonu.

'Stop limping, you ignorant brat,' Mr. Nishioka spits at Grimmjow. He tugs on his end of the rope, making Grimmjow stumble. However, he tugs so hard that Grimmjow's weak legs finally gave in and he collapses on them. After all, that lecherous Major had forced him to walk two miles after thoroughly fucking him into the desk just to meet with Mr. Nishioka. It would've been suspicious if the accountant had dawdled at the camp any longer than necessary so he arranged to meet the Major far away from the camp.

'If I had known you would be this stupid I would have thought twice before I agreed to buy you from
that officer,' Mr. Nishioka mutters. He jerks his head at Hanatarou whoflinches before scurrying over to pick Grimmjow up with both hands.

'Please, do not do anything to upset Master,' Hanatarou hastily whispers to Grimmjow. 'He can be
quite cruel if you do not obey him.'

'Like hell,' Grimmjow manages to hiss back. He winces as a whip of pain lances up his back. Damn that
Major. Did he have to be so fucking rough?

He looks up and jumps when he notices Mr. Nishioka standing over him. The man has the most frightening expression, like he is going to beat the living daylights out of Grimmjow.

Whimpering, Hanataroubacks away quickly and Grimmjow tries to do the same except he forgets that Mr. Nishioka has him on a leash. Literally.

He yelps when Mr. Nishioka tugs him back, his eyes skating over the boy's body. Grimmjow wills himself not to flinch. He is not going to give the man the satisfaction that he scares Grimmjow.

Suddenly, Mr. Nishiokashoves Grimmjow to the ground and climbs on top of him. Grimmjow's eyes widen.

'No, no, no, not again!' he screams in his head and starts kicking frantically, his heart beating painfully against his ribcage. The pudgy accountant growls, shoving his fat hands under Grimmjow's yukata to grip his slim thighs and yank them apart. Having his sweaty palms touching Grimmjow's bare skin causes shivers of fear and disgust all over the boy's body.

'Stop it!' Grimmjow screams, struggling even more fervently. His head turns to one side and he
catches sight of a frightened Hanatarou. 'Help me! Please! Please, I beg of-!'

Mr. Nishioka slaps him harshly across the face so that it turns away from Hanatarou.'I'm not going to rape you,' Mr. Nishioka hisses as he resumes pushing Grimmjow's legs painfully apart. 'I just need to check to make sure my suspicions are correct. Hanatarou! Come here and hold his arms up!'

Hanatarou looks like he dearly wishes to just disappear but with Mr. Nishioka giving him such a deadly look he could only nod fearfully, and scurry over. He positions himself behind Grimmjow's head, taking the rope while giving Grimmjow an apologetic look and pulls it towards him so that Grimmjow's arms are held above his head. Grimmjow twists his head to one side, squeezing his eyes shut. He cannot bear to watch. It just hurts.

Mr. Nishioka suddenly sticks two fingers into Grimmjow's entrance. Grimmjow's gasps, heart leaping into his throat and his back arching off the dirt road. He tries to squirm away but the accountant tightens his hold on Grimmjow's thigh and Hanatarou pulls the rope tauter to restrict his movement.

Mr. Nishioka then begins to twist his fingers around, prodding, scissoring, jabbing. Grimmjow can feel sweat forming on his forehead and his body heating up from the humiliation of being toyed like this. His arms are numb from being held up so forcefully. He can feel the moans building up in his throat but he keeps swallowing them back, desperately waiting for it to be over.

This isn't pleasurable. It is painful. He feels used and ashamed. And it is pissing him off because he can do nothing to change hissituation.

After what seems like an eternity, Mr. Nishioka removes his fingers, which are now sticky. Hanatarou loosens his grip so that Grimmjow's arms become lax.Grimmjow watches, his chest heaving, as the portly man rubs his two slicked fingers against his thumb and smells them. Then, Grimmjow's jaw drops when Mr. Nishioka flicks out a tongue to taste his fingers. Grimmjow's hands shoot down to cover his mouth in disgust.

Mr. Nishioka finally looks down at Grimmjow, his brows in a frown and his nose wrinkled like a dried
up persimmon. He lets out a small noise like he is annoyed and gets up while dusting himself.

'I shouldn't have asked that bastard officer to bring you to me,' he mutters insipidly, totteringoff while tugging Grimmjow up to follow. 'I had a feeling he would defile you. Nevertheless, it is not like you are a virgin and I don't plan to keep you for long either. It's best if I sell you to a brothel while you are still youthful looking. A boy with your looks can fetch a good price and a handful of rich clients. As for that yukata…' he flicks his eyes back for a brief moment, his lips curling, '…well, you won't be spending much time clothed while you work anyway so I suppose that exquisite piece can be sold too. Though I do believe it will get a sum higher than you will ever be worth.'

He laughs like a gasping fish all the way till sun down.

Grimmjow shuddered and clutched the soft fabric of his yukata, its touch the only comforting thing right now. He was never going to part with this. Kasai gave this to him. It was the only sign and reminder that there was some good in the world.

He suddenly felt a tug on his rope, causing him to sit up at full alert. He didn't trust the accountant not to try something repulsive. To his surprise, he saw it was the meek translator. And he had a small dagger in hand as he sawed away at the rope connecting him to Mr. Nishioka. Grimmjow's eyes widened as the translator silently worked away at the rope until he had cut through it completely. The timid man looked up sheepishly at Grimmjow as he crawled up to the stunned boy and began to undo the ropes binding his wrists. Grimmjow remained quiet as the man pulled them free to reveal chafed wrists. He rubbed them and glanced in confusion at Hanatarou.

'Why?' Grimmjow seemed to question with his eyes. He didn't dare make a sound in case they were discovered.

Hanatarou squirmed a bit and winced as the action hurt his broken arm. Then Grimmjow realized why. Hanatarou knew what his Master was capable off. He also felt ashamed of helping in torturing Grimmjow. Grimmjow was eventually going to be sold but that didn't mean he was going to be spared any more punishment from Mr. Nishioka. Hanatarou did not want Grimmjow to suffer like him hence he was trying to help him.

Smiling lightly, Grimmjow reached out a hand and squeezed Hanatarou's in thanks. He wanted to take this man with him but from the way Hanatarou was looking so fearfully at Mr. Nishioka, he would be too afraid to escape. He probably had to gather tremendous courage to free Grimmjow. Grimmjow felt his
heart sink at the poor plight of this man. If he felt trapped then Hanatarou was probably bound with thick ropes as he sat helplessly in his hell.

Hanatarou pleaded with his eyes for Grimmjow to leave. Now. Casting one last sorry look at the translator, Grimmjow quietly scrambled off. He limped slightly since his legs and spine still hurt but he pushed himself to keep going. He wanted to put as much distance as possible between himself and the accountant. He probably should have stolen the horse but he didn't know how to ride one and would just end up killing himself if he tried. He didn't really like horses.

He slowed down a little, breathing hard as he looked about him. His hand sought to his hair to push it off his face. Where should he go? Should he go back to the camp? He had a good memory and could most probably find his way back easily. But the only thing waiting back there for him was Kasai. Was it really worth going back?

He scrunched his eyes in thought. There he went acting dependent on Kasai. The reason he left that camp was to prevent Kasai from getting into any more trouble. If he showed up, then surely the rumors would increase tenfold in scandal and harshness. It was best if he kept walking forward and hoped to reach a village. He might be able to ask for directions to Osaka.

He felt his heart lighten as he thought of being reunited with his family, giving him the courage to keep going.

His ears picked up a strange cry that made him jump. Was that a scream?

He looked about frantically, his heart thudding madly. That cry sounded like the person was in pain. Was it Hanatarou?

His worst fear came true when he heard the distinct whinnying of a horse and then the fast gallop of hoofs on rocks. Mr. Nishioka had woken up and found out Grimmjow had escaped. And now he was after him.

Without wasting a breath, he scrambled forward, scanning the ground for something, anything to
shield him from the devil now coming for him. His legs wobbled from fear as he ran and jumped over rocks. His feet hurt from all the sharp rocks cutting them and knew they were a bloody mess now. He didn't care. He felt like he was moving as slow as a glacier down a mountain and it was frightening him even more. The clicking of hooves was even closer and he didn't dare look back to see how close the accountant was now.

He wasn't going to make it. He was going to be discovered. He was going to die. He was doomed.

As all these terrifying sounds flooded his mind, his throat blocked up while tears ran down his face. He was just about to give up when he spotted a tree. He was suddenly flooded with overwhelming happiness as he stumbled towards it, almost cracking his head on a huge boulder.

He could feel the horse breathing down his neck now as he collided with the tall, solitary tree and began to climb with desperation coursing through his veins.

He screamed. He just felt a blade cut through the fabric of his yukata and graze the skin on his thigh. He yanked his leg away from the cold weapon, ripping his clothes even further. He didn't dare stop even when, in maddening anger, Mr. Nishioka grabbed the dangling bit of his yukata to pull him down. To his relief and dispair, the lovely yukata was torn clean off, baring his legs and half his thighs now. Mr. Nishioka was like an exploding volcano as he yelled in anger and glared bloody murder at Grimmjow as the boy continued to climb higher and further away from him.

'Higher, higher,' he chanted to himself, his heart racing once more and his hands shaking with every branch he grasped. The further he was from the terrifying man, the more at ease he would feel.

If the man tried to follow him up, Grimmjow would just jump down and run for it. It would probably take the pudgy man ages to climb up and another eon to get down. And if Grimmjow shooed his horse away, he would find it even more difficult to find Grimmjow. Something was finally going right for him. He could do this. He just had to be patient and-

The branch in his hand snapped.

His eyes widened in surprise, unaware that he was falling. The only indication that let him know he was on the ground was the excruciating pain spiking through his body. Something cold was pressing his throat now. He couldn't see anything. Everything was just so dark and cold. He tried to move but the cold thing began to bite into his neck. He groaned.

Suddenly, something grabbed him by the roots of his hair and smashed his head against the tree trunk. This time, he screamed.

'You miserable little whore,' hissed a voice stewing with rage. Things started to come into focus now. He was lying on the ground, body bruised from the fall and making him inept to move. The coldness was due to the fact that his leg were completely exposed, the torn yukata riding up to barely cover his private parts. The cold thing pressing into his throat was a knife and the cruel voice whispering into his ear was Mr. Nishioka's.

'Because of you I lost myself a translator,' he continued vehemently. 'And he was the best one; obedient, scared, and loyal. At least he was.'

'You didn't,' Grimmjow gasped, his eyes rolling to one side. This man was a fucking monster. He couldn't have killed Hanatarou. That poor man had done NOTHING to him! He wanted to punch this man but it felt like all energy had drained out of his body. Something warm was trickling down the side of his face. Was he bleeding?

'I had no fucking choice thanks to you!' the man shouted, grabbing Grimmjow's face and squeezing his cheeks as he turned Grimmjow's face towards him.

Grimmjow inhaled sharply. Mr. Nishioka's eyes were glittering like two beetles, his mouth turned in an angry snarl and sweat streaks trailing down his face. It must be the first time he had to do so much exercise in his life and he was probably drained. No wonder he was loathing Grimmjow so much.

'Poor boy. He just had to go. And I have every right to kill you as well,' Mr. Nishioka continued delicately, using his free hand to press his blade against Grimmjow's quivering neck. 'But I don't want my money to go to waste. So I might as well enjoy what I bought before I dispose of it.'

Dagger still positioned at his throat, Mr. Nishioka released Grimmjow's face to shove his own yukata open, ignoring Grimmjow's moans of pain as his aching body was jostled about roughly.

'Pity you ruined your yukata,' Mr. Nishioka grunted as he climbed atop Grimmjow, wiggling his bulging body between the boy's slender legs. Grimmjow whined as pain jolted through his body. The perverted man began to rub his cock frantically against Grimmjow's inner thigh, trying to erect it quickly. Bile rose to Grimmjow's throat as he felt the organ stiffen and brush ever so closer to his barely healed hole. 'Now I can't sell it to anyone. What a waste of money you turned out to be.'


Mr. Nishioka started. Who the hell was that?

He turned around, his blade nicking Grimmjow slightly under his chin. His eyes widened. Grimmjow didn't know if he should bother. But if this new person made Mr. Nishioka stop then he must be someone foreboding. Grimacing, he managed to tilt his head to look past Mr. Nishioka's massive girth. He gasped.

It was fire. To be more specific, a man with a blazing crop and fiery eyes to match. The light of the moon and stars seemed to give his hair a life of their own. It made him look wild, and terrifying. And powerful.

'Kasai,' Grimmjow realized in wonderment.

'Who…what…' Mr. Nishioka sputtered as he got up in shock.

Grimmjow winced as his legs were released from their position. Then, without even thinking, he kicked out with his foot. He didn't know if it was out of anger, misery or humiliation but he did it all the same. By some dumb luck, he barely caught the back of Mr. Nishioka's ankle, causing the man to stumble. And that was all it took.

The momentum caused the pudgy man's foot to get caught on a stone, making him tumble forward. He tried to break his fall with his hands but he forgot about the knife he was holding. So as his hands came forward in front of his chest to ease the pain from the fall, the dagger's tip grazed the man's flabby chest. And as he fell flat on his face, the blade drove into his skin, into his flesh and right into his heart.

He flopped a bit, his breathing haggard. He tried to turn over, to stop his blood from choking him. He flailed his hands but to no avail. Grimmjow watched, frozen, as the fat man shuddered like a fish out of water.

Finally, he stilled.

'Does it still hurt?' Ichigo murmured.

Mizu kept his eyes closed and didn't move. Ichigo took that as an indication that the boy didn't want to talk. And Ichigo didn't blame him. He had been through so much tonight and it would have gotten worse when if Ichigo hadn't appeared.

The Lieutenant didn't dare think what would have happened if he hadn't yelled out like that. It made his blood boil and he felt like hugging the boy leaning against his chest tightly, promising never to let go again. He regretted letting Mizu out of his sight to begin with. He should have taken him to Osaka personally. He should have checked to make sure Szayel wasn't lying to him. He should have…he should have…he should have done a lot of things.

He realized his eyes were filling up with tears. He quickly wiped them away and guided Zangetsu around a boulder, trying not to wake Mizu who was sitting in front of him. The boy didn't have any broken bones, thankfully, but his body was badly bruised in a number of places that it was hard to walk anywhere. That thought alone made his heart ache again.

Mizu mumbled something and rubbed his head against Ichigo's chest. He winced, his toes curling. Then, his shoulder began to shake. Ichigo realized in shock that he was crying.

'Okasan,' he sobbed. 'Okasan…Nel…Nel…I…I…'

'Sshh,' Ichigo said quickly, wrapping his arms around Mizu. He kissed his brow, which he had just recently wiped clean of blood. 'It's okay. We're almost home, Mizu. You'll see them soon. I promise you.'

Mizu slowly cracked an eye open and he looked up at Ichigo. The lost, teary look in those eyes almost brought tears to Ichigo's eyes again.

'I'm so sorry, Mizu,' he murmured abruptly, his eyes scrunching in anger. 'I'm sorry for…for leaving you like that…if I had been wiser…you wouldn't have had to go through all…all that…'

Glancing down, Mizu silently looked off into the distance as the sun rose from that direction. They had been riding all night, only stopping once so that Ichigo could sleep. Osaka shouldn't be far now. Soon, it would all be over. Soon, Mizu would leave Ichigo for good. Ichigo just wished that dratted accountant was still alive so that he could strangle him for ruining his gift to Mizu.

They had left Nishioka's body where it was. Mizu had looked too dazed to care. However, he did want to find the translator's body and give him a proper burial. Apparently that man had tried to save Mizu and that cost him his own life. Ichigo buried the body himself. He didn't want to argue or upset Mizu. The boy had gone through enough already.

He glanced momentarily at Mizu's legs, feeling a twang of anger. That accountant really had no mercy. To think he was going to rape Mizu while his body was so battered. Looking at the boy's wounds only made Ichigo more depressed and angry. Would his guilt of abandoning Mizu never cease in weight?

'Kasai,' Mizu murmured. He leaned his head back against Ichigo's chest. 'Thank you. For everything.'

Ichigo gaped at the boy. Here was a young boy who had seen his village get burned down before his very eyes; had to trust the very same man who had burned his village down in order to survive; who had also been raped and then sold like a common whore, and then almost been raped a second time only to see the rapist die before his very eyes; had gone through so much and yet all he could do was say "thank you". And for what? And why? Ichigo didn't deserve his thanks. He didn't deserve his pity. He didn't deserve his lo-

'We're here,' Ichigo murmured. Mizu suddenly started, forgetting his aches for a moment. He stared in disbelief at the sprawling city of Osaka. He probably couldn't believe his eyes that he was finally here. After that horrible nightmare, he had finally reached his destination.

'Hey,' Ichigo whispered. 'Do you want me to help find them?'

Mizu didn't say anything. He simply squeezed Ichigo's hand and Ichigo understood. They trotted down, receiving greetings from the residents.

'Yonu?' a man with silver hair yawned as he carved away at a piece of wood. 'I dunno…'

'Oh, Kensei!' sighed a green-haired woman with a dark-haired baby in her arms. 'You'll find them towards the west side of the city! Good luck!'

Nodding his head in thanks, they were off. Mizu had been silent throughout. Ichigo frowned. He wondered what was going on through the boy's head. He tried concentrating on trying to find any signs of a refugee camp of some sort instead.

'Kasai,' Mizu suddenly murmured, his hand sliding gently over Ichigo's hand. The shy touch made Ichigo start in surprise and Zangetsu whinnied to a halt. He impatiently pawed the ground as he waited for his rider to decide where to go next. 'I think I'll go there on my own from here.'

'Mizu!' Ichigo cut in quickly. Was Mizu angry at him? 'If you are upset about my actions, I promise I won't do anything to hurt you again! I…I promise to take you there safely and make sure you are unharmed! I will-!'

He squawked in surprise when the boy kissed him swiftly on the chin, catching his lower lip in the process. Ichigo looked at him, stunned. Then, Mizu began to laugh.

'I wanted to kiss your mouth but I guess I am too short to reach,' he remarked sheepishly. 'And it hurts to kiss you while sitting like this.'

Ichigo's eyes widened. Then, he bent his head down and captured Mizu mouth in a heated kiss. Mizu's eyes widened in surprise before fluttering close as he got lost in the kiss. He licked Ichigo's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Ichigo obliged and parted Mizu's lips with his, allowing both their tongues to reach out for each other in a battle of dominance. Mizu's head tilted back slightly as Ichigo took control. The boy would have fallen off the horse from all the fierce kissing if Ichigo hadn't trapped his body between his arms as the soldier gripped Zangetsu's mane. Mizu moaned in appreciation, his hands gripping over Ichigo's fists.

Zangetsu suddenly reared up, almost bucking the two off. Crying out in surprise, Ichigo held on while Mizu gripped onto him for dear life. Once Zangetsu settled down and went back to whinnying softly, Mizu and Ichigo looked at each other. Then, they burst out laughing.

'Someone's incredibly jealous!' Mizu chuckled.

'Who wouldn't be?' Ichigo teased. Mizu's cheeks pinked. Smiling, Ichigo touched his warm cheek. 'I'm really going to miss you…'

Mizu's eyes widened. Then, before he could say anything, his eyes caught something behind Ichigo. He gasped.

'Ganju-san?' he blurted out. Ichigo turned around to see a short, stoutly man who was also gaping at Mizu. He seemed lost for words. Though now, Mizu was grinning from ear to ear in delight. Then, Ganju-san's body trembled and tears spilled down his face in joy.

'I thought you were lost to us,' the man choked out. That was when he noticed Ichigo and his eyes narrowed. 'Who is this?'

His voice had gotten cold and cutting. Ichigo couldn't blame him. If he was from Mizu's village, then he knew the uniformed culprits who had burned down Yonu.

'This is an officer who saved my life!' Mizu said boldly. 'And he's someone I trust deeply!'

Ichigo glanced at Mizu in surprise. He couldn't believe his ears. But it made his heart soar to hear those words from the boy's lips. What was that tingling sensation all over his body as Mizu looked at him with warm eyes of affection?

'If he's someone you trust,' Ganju-san said gruffly. 'Then I suppose I can too.'

He nodded curtly and Ichigo returned it. He didn't mind if this man didn't accept him. He was just glad that he was finally leaving the boy in safe hands.

'Take him to a doctor,' Ichigo instructed as Ganju-san helped Mizu off the horse. 'He was badly injured.'

'I want to see okasan and Nel first!' Mizu demanded, giving Ganju-san a pleading look.

'Doctor,' Ichigo said firmly.

'Who gave you the right to tell me what to do?'

'Since it was my fault you got hurt!'

'Don't flatter yourself!'

Ganju-san suddenly chuckled aloud, catching both by surprise.

'If I didn't believe you before about him being trustworthy I do now!' he chortled. He now gave Ichigo a genuine smile, which surprised him. 'You must have taken good care of him. Otherwise he would never have opened up like this. Especially to an American.'

Ichigo smiled back.

'I had been happy to,' he said softly, his eyes briefly catching Mizu's face one last time. He wanted to preserve every glance of those handsome features before he could no longer see them. 'Tell your okasan and Nel I say hello.'

With another nod, Ichigo clicked his tongue, indicating Zangetsu to turn around to leave.

'Hey wait!' Mizu called out. Ichigo tugged on Zangetsu's mane to stop him. They turned to one side so that Ichigo could see Mizu standing next to Ganju-san, hand on the man's shoulder, but looking as strong as ever with his face looking so determined. 'I finally wish to give you my name. If you give me yours.'

Ichigo was about to blurt his out the minute Mizu said his last words. But he bit his tongue and smiled instead.

'Would that not be building attachments then?' he said, almost bitterly. He knew the consequences. So, were they worth it?

'And would that be so wrong?' Mizu countered. 'Do not forget I owe you for quite a number of things, Kasai! I plan to pay you back however I can! And in order to do that, I wish to know your name! If you like, you can have mine!'

This wasn't just an exchanging of names. No, it was something more deeper and intimate. Ichigo could feel it in his bones. Could Mizu?

'It's Ichigo,' he voiced out.

Mizu blinked in surprise then frowned.

'Strawberry?' he wondered aloud. Ganju-san snickered off to the side while Ichigo felt his face reddening. Alright, perhaps it wasn't as deep as he thought.

'Mine is Grimmjow,' Mizu continued. Ichigo looked up to see the boy smiling softly, his eyes lidded as he gazed at Ichigo with a mysterious spark in his aquatic irises. 'I hope we meet again…Ichigo.'

Sighing, Ichigo nodded in agreement. Yes, it was something deeper and intimate.

He waved goodbye and trotted off on his sleek stallion.

They hadn't just exchanged names. They had also exchanged hearts. And they were entrusting each with that for the near future. When they met again. And that was a promise.