Solitaryloner: Hi people! This is an collab between me and xxEclairxx! I update the odd numbered chapters and she does the even numbered ones~ enjoy!

Len Kagamine walked behind his elder sister warily, waiting for some random girl to ambush him with love letters and boxes of chocolates. And whatnot. It was annoying, all this attention he received from girls - not that he didn't enjoy it, on occasion. He was a guy after all, and guys liked girls. Usually.

He just didn't like receiving too much attention from girls, up to the point when people started stalking him and his twin sister, Rin Kagamine, back to their home near the school. It was creepy, and a breach of his own personal space. A seriously offensive breach he most definitely did not appreciate, thank you very much.

There was even a fan club dedicated to him and his sister in school. Called 'We Heart Kagamines' or something like that. He didn't particularly care - all of this popularity crap was something he was never going to understand, and the fan club just brought him further unwanted attention. To be honest, he had no idea what constituted him as 'cool' and 'popular' - apparently, he just was. Maybe it was because of his looks?

Not his sister, though. His sister actively checked in on her (very big) fan base. Half of the school girls were inside the 'We Heart Kagamines' club - not many guys were inside. Rin figured that the girls joined because of him, Len - and that boys just couldn't be bothered to participate actively in worshipping the great, fantastic, very attractive Kagamine twins.

Len didn't care much for that, either. He just wanted to live his life. Like a boss. A very cool, laid-back boss. Unlike his hyperactive sister who was totally popularity obsessed, he happened to be sane.

Rin was constantly unhappy about the fact that her fan club didn't have all of the girls in the school in it - and that was because the other half were avid fans of the other pair of popular twins in their school, the Hatsunes. They had formed a club with a name eerily like theirs - the 'We Heart Hatsunes' fan club. Rin hated that, and claimed that it was leaching of originality.

Once again, Len didn't care. What he did care about was the Hatsune girl. Miku Hatsune. She was friendly and well-liked in school, even amongst the Kagamine fans, and it didn't hurt that she was one of the most gorgeous girls in their level. Len knew how to appreciate general good-looking-ness. He definitely appreciated Miku Hatsune and how pretty she was.

Her pale skin, her unnaturally long teal coloured hair and her vivid, soft emerald eyes always drew his gaze whenever he saw her, in the hallway. She was in the same class as him for history and science, and that was the reason why he was doing so terribly for these two subjects - because he couldn't take his eyes off her. He didn't tell anyone about how he was so intrigued by Miku Hatsune, though.

For one thing, his sister would eat him alive if he even hinted that he liked Miku. Rin hated the idea of him having anything to do with their 'rival fan club enemies' and wanted him to keep away from them as much as possible. No way was Len going to tell her that he was more than just curious about the Hatsunes.

And there was another problem...Mikuo Hatsune, Miku's twin brother. Len wasn't sure which one was the elder twin, but what he knew was that Mikuo was extremely protective of his sister. He looked exactly like her, with his teal hair and narrowed forest green eyes. Len admitted grudgingly that Mikuo Hatsune was rather good-looking, and that was probably the reason why the Hatsunes' fan club was as big as the Kagamines'.

Which was something that Rin was extremely sensitive about. Mikuo treated Len and Rin the same way Rin behaved towards Mikuo and Miku - Mikuo treated the Kagamines with hostile suspicion. Len had the feeling that, just like himself, Miku couldn't care less about popularity and its confusing pains - this fame issue just made their lives as complicated as hell.

Len shrugged his bag strap further up his shoulder as he trailed after his enthusiastic blonde sister out of the school. Lessons were over, and he wanted to go home and sleep. Fending off dangerous advances from random fan girls drained a lot of his energy, and it annoyed him. Greatly.

There were several shrieks of ''Len! Len!'' and then he flinched as he saw several insane girls rushing towards him, clearly waiting for him to take a step out of the safety of the school building. He quickly arranged his features into a obviously forced smile.

''Hi Tei. Hi Akaiko. And uh...what was your name? Oh yeah, Deroku!'' he continued smiling as they surrounded him, his sister turning around in front of him to watch the commotion. He hoped she would think of some way to save him. Rin wouldn't be so cruel as to leave him to these...madwomen, would she?

''Len, we bought you some chocolate! Please accept our token of love!'' the three girls gushed, pushing a nicely-wrapped box of the sweet chocolate into his hands. Reluctantly, he accepted their gift, wondering if he could persuade Rin to eat some later. It was a terrible sin to waste food, and at the rate he was eating chocolate everyday, he would get diabetes before he even hit the age of twenty.

''You've harassed Len enough, maybe you should let him go now,'' Rin sounded annoyed, and he glanced at his sister, who was glaring at the three girls with her hands placed on her hips. She was petite, but at that moment she looked very intimidating. The girls squeaked and scurried away from the blonde.

''You'd die without me,'' she said bluntly to her brother. Len smiled sheepishly, nodding in agreement, and they both continued on the way they had been going before Len had been trapped and blocked by those three.

Len's gaze drifted to one side of the school's front yard. Miku and Mikuo Hatsune were standing there together, under the shade of one of the large trees in the yard, and they were watching he and Rin - Mikuo with his usual wary suspicion, Miku with simple curiosity.

Len noticed that their hands were linked together, and Miku was standing a little...close to her brother. He raised his eyebrows, curious, turning away to stare at the back of his sister's head. He had his suspicions, but...

What kind of relationship did the Hatsune twins share?