Okay, guys! I'm back! This is the sequal to Nowhere To Hide, but I advise you read that one first to get this story, because I will be reffering back to previous things that happened in the first one :) I'm sorry that I kept you guys waiting and I hope you enjoy the first chapter!

The morning dew coated the grass of the yards that held empty homes. Cars, children's bicycles, clothes and dead bodies littered the streets. Blood stained the outsides of houses and the dead walked. It was the world that I lived in now. It was a world that people used to scoff at the idea of. Who believed that we would actually have a zombie apocalypse? Who thought that we would have dead people walking around and looking for humans to chow on? I sure didn't, and I'm not even human.

My name is Anna Wiley, and I'm a werewolf in a zombie apocalypse. I used to be on my own, wondering around and hoping to find survivors. By my luck, I found an entire group of living, breathing human beings that were running from the same thing I was. We banded together to protect one another, and that's where I met Daryl Dixon. At first, we didn't like each other, but we soon became close and we were soon together. There is a bit of an age difference, but we learned quickly that true friends didn't give a flying fuck about our age differences.

With me being what I am, it caused a lot of drama in our group. Most of us survived because a herd of walkers, which is what we call them, invaded the farmhouse we were staying at on the night of a full moon. I changed, and then everything went to hell. It was after all of that when Daryl decided to confront me and tell me how he felt, and we've been together since then. We got a lot of talk out of it, but none of it mattered to us.

A man in our group, Shane, tried to threaten me into biting him, but I didn't take the bait. He constantly bugged me about it, and then turned on me when I said no. He tried to convince the group that I was a horrible contribution to them, and that I was dangerous, which he was right.

Daryl's missing brother, Merle, then decided to show up out of nowhere, and I found out the hard way that he was an Alpha, and he wanted what he couldn't have. I had to kill him, because he would have done the same to me and then would have gone after the rest of the group. I became an Alpha then, and during a moment when Daryl and I were intimate, I bit him by accident and he became a werewolf as well.

I was abducted after Daryl's first change and brought to a prison a few miles away from where we were staying. I was hung by my wrists and whipped because they knew that I had killed their man, which happened to be Merle. The group was found and brought to the prison as well, where we were reunited. The man that ran the place, Phil, was informed of what Daryl and I were, and he disapproved of our relationship. He kicked us out; told us that our entire group could leave, or only Daryl and I could leave our group behind. So Daryl and I both decided that we would leave while everyone was asleep, and here we are, sleeping on the ground, half naked and not giving a care in the world.

He was sleeping with his chest against my back and his arm around my waist. His breathing was slow and steady and his breath rolled across the skin of my neck every time he exhaled. He held me tight to his chest and hadn't let me go all night. That's just the way Daryl was, and I wouldn't ever change him. The man was my crutch; a person I could rely on for anything, and I had him all to myself. I hadn't slept all night, and I knew why. As the sun rose in the distance, I thought about what day it was. Today was my seventeenth birthday, and I didn't feel any different than I ever had before. I was happy with no matter what situation since I had Daryl by my side.

It didn't take much to make me happy when Daryl was around. We'd been on our own for two weeks and I never felt better. Our group was safe, Daryl and I were safe and we were both still alive. At least I was hoping the group was safe. We weren't near Atlanta anymore, so I couldn't check up on them like I'd like to. Daryl and I were now in Trenton, Georgia, just northwest of Dalton. Ever since we left, we hadn't really brought the group up in conversation and it was actually starting to bug me. Daryl wasn't one to talk about his personal feelings about things, so I wasn't going to bug him about it.

I just missed Carol, Glenn, Carl, Rick and Hershel. Hell, I even missed Shane, Lori and Maggie. Maggie was the real reason why we left in the first place. She purposely told Phil what Daryl and I are, and he made us leave. He even locked us in a fucking jail cell! Can you believe that? That didn't stop Daryl and I from loving one another and not caring if he liked what we are or not. I just wish that Daryl would talk to me about how he feels on being a killer. He seems to enjoy using his body as a weapon instead of his old crossbow, but I still wondered what went on in Daryl Dixon's redneck brain. I loved him, but sometimes he makes me worry.

I felt his heartbeat against my back and I felt at home in his arms. He was so protective at times, even though I'm the Alpha in this relationship, quite literally. His scent was intoxicating to me and I'd be lying if I said I didn't constantly want him. Yes, Daryl and I have had many sexual rendezvous if you are asking.

I chuckled when I felt his 'morning wood' through his dirty, ripped and worn jeans. His skin was warm against mine. Our upper bodies were nude, but we had on our jeans. We had been wrestling the day before and somehow our shirts got demolished, but our skin went untouched, well sort of. We were gentle with each other, showing how much we loved one another without words, and then we had a round that was so loud, I was afraid that walkers from Atlanta would hear. That's how Daryl and I were. We were rough, but we were gentle at the same time.

Being on our own, Daryl and I had become even closer than we were before we left. It became harder and harder every day to find a proper meal for us. We ate more, and walkers always seemed to get the bigger dear these days. I honestly didn't see how, because deer we hard to catch, even for me, and I could run a hell of a lot faster than walkers could. There were a lot of things that caused problems in this new world, but since I had Daryl, I felt like I could conquer the world. And that wouldn't take much in this day and age.