Darkness crept over the forest, whispering cool airs blew as the snow softly fell like melting stars in the night. In a clearing, surrounded by oak, pine, alder and other types of glorious trees, a large band of vermin gathered, gambling and crowing angrily at one another. Spears, glittering swords and bows warned off any bird that may have considered spending the winter in Mossflower wood.

The ground was swept with brown, grey and tattered tents of the raiders. Guards were posted about the camp, standing still and still, disciplined unlike any other vermin army the end of the camp stood three large, midnight-colored tents, their presence menacing and foreboding. These were the traveling dwellings of their leaders, beasts to be feared and walked carefully about.

A cry from the the tent off to the right caused little concern, though did perk up a few ears. Still, none dared enter the tent of the eldest son of their leader, Slickcast Gorelimb. His title was enough to send shivers into the hearts of his subordinate raiders. His fiery temper and evil-glinting eyes could send victims and soldiers alike, quailing and quivering with fright, like babes in the cold. The business of Slick was his own.

None but his sly half-brother dared meet his wrath and sadly, one very unfortunate mouse was meeting just that. Having been ordered to bring the fox's meal, the young slave had scurried far too fast to obey, resulting in the dinner falling from his paws with a clatter and mess.

His master had stuck him, sending the creature to the ground with a cry. His light brown fur was rustled and dirty, his emerald eyes flashed fear as he studied the ground. He dared not look up to the cruel fox, he would only be reprimanded for such a deed. Trembling in terror, he closed his eyes, thinking of anything but his current situation. Sadly yet, nothing came to mind.

"You careless, filthy beast!" Slickcast growled, his footpaw nudging a fallen plate, luckily made of wood and still intact. "This mess is unacceptable! You shall pay for your clumsiness, wretched creature..." His voice drawled off wickedly, a sick grin over his red features.

The mouse froze, petrified, not knowing what to expect and yet knowing full well it would be terrible. He was young, merely ten seasons in age, but he knew all too well what an angry master resulted in. And for all the times to make a mistake, he had done it in front of a Gorelimb!

"No, please!" The miserable slave cried in fear, begging to be spared. He dared to look up at his master, and it earned him a hard kick in the gut. He mentally berated himself for the mistake.

He waited in stilled terror for a beating to commence, knowing he had wronged himself in the eyes of the blood-colored fox. His birth-slave mind told him he was at fault, he deserved it. But a small tingle of innocence and right pulled, telling him this was unjust. His poor, slipt thoughts left him in confusion more often then not. He was still a cub, such worries he was not supposed to have. He was ultimately resigned.

He tensed as Slickcast rose his paw intent on flailing the living daylights out of his chain-beast. Uninvited and sudden, another fox came into the tent, bearing himself with dignity and an air of mockery. He was slightly muscled and younger then the other fox, but a sturdy blue-jemmed sword was sheathed on his back and there was a challenge in his coal eyes. His coppery fur shown in the dim candlelight, as opposed to Slickcast's bloody-crimson fur. It was clear as day that they were related. Their faces were similarly shaped and their body structure alike. Brothers, no doubt, any creature could see that. They were the sons of the same cruel, heartless leader of this horde, Doxtriz Gorelimb.

The younger fox's gaze gleamed disapproval as his eyes took in the situation between the master and slave. He, like his father and brother, had slaves, but unlike his father and brother, his approach to punishing them was extremely different then their way of handling uppity slaves. Physical mistreatment was rarely used, if ever. In fact, he hardly punished his servants at all besides berating them or speaking forcefully. This did not mean him weak, for nobeast would ever dare to dream of calling him such. It was his honor, his self esteem and high regard of life that prevented him from being like his sibling and parent. A trait he had earned from his dead mother.

"What now, Slickcast?" He asked the slave's tormenter in a drained and careful voice, clearly annoyed.

"Nothing you should worry about, brother." Slickcast grinned cruelly to himself, turning to his brother. "Scum here wronged me, I'm merely teaching him a lesson."

The younger fox glanced at the creature curled up upon the floor, paws now over his small head. He frowned, before rolling his eyes back to his brother.

"You really need to lay off of the discipline, dear Slick." He stated, sighing in mock distress. "You can't give what you don't possess!"

A growl escaped the red fox's throat as he glowered at the other.

"I don't recall inviting you in, Copper." He demanded, much to the other beast's amusement. "What is it that you need so bad as to enter into my tent uninvited?"

Copper smirked, shrugging lightly and cocking his head to the side.

"Father demands your presence, I merely am insuring that you come..." His voice trailed off into a chuckle. "You could get lost in your own camp if not I or Blackivy were to guide you. Can't have you loosing your way!"

The bigger fox replied, straightening angrily.

"Shut up, you know nothing!" He scoffed, grabbing his cloak from where it lay on his cot. "I shall arrive shortly...alone." He added the last word with harsh meaning.

Copper cast his keen eyes upon his brother.

"We both know it is not wise to keep Father waiting." He stated plainly, but with a touch of venom.

His brother cast him a grin and nodded.

"Indeed. You're loyalty and respect towards him is quite amazing, little brother." The smile faded lightly. "Just keep in mind who is the first born and rightful heir to this horde, got that? You don't order me around."

"Keep you're petty rights and forked tongue in your own mouth, Slick." Copper retorted sharply. "I don't care a hoot for the position you treasure so dearly. Don't get sly with me, brother. I may be younger, but I am not ignorant or air-brained. You will be nothing but a corpse if you challenge me."

Slickcast cast a dangerous look on his brother then smiled.

"You indeed caught mother's outgoing ways." He leaned forward and tilted his head. "Just keep what I said in mind. When I am leader of this horde I will require the same amount of respect and loyalty that you give to our beloved father. And you will obey me in every command."

Copper sneered at the fox.

"Of course. Obeying you will be an honor, surely." He said with a small sarcastic tone, which went unnoticed.

Slickcast nodded once more and then stood straight, in a dignified manner. He clasped his dark cloak under his chin and grinned at the deadly eyes his brother aimed at him. He buckled his sword to his side and looked down at the mouse, still huddled on the ground.

Lifting a paw, he nudged the creature harshly, causing a whimper as the mouse understood he was being addressed.

"Get up Scum!" Slickcast growled in disgust. "I want to have some damson wine when I return, go and get some off of Getter. I hear he has some fresh supplies from our last raid still. Now get out."

"Yes Master." Scum said as he quickly and painfully rose and scurried out of the tent, eager to get away.

Once he was gone Copper turned to the older fox, his face not shielding his disdain.

"It's no wonder your slaves are always useless, Slick. You beat them frail."

Slickcast let out a low, threatening snort.

"And you, dear Copper, hardly raise a paw against them, allowing them to be rebellious and strong willed."

"I need my slaves to work, not collapse and be useless for days on end."

The red fox grunted without care, making his way to leave the tent.

"My slaves do work, dear brother. But if they collapse, I don't wait around for 'days on end' for them to get back in shape. I get rid of them. Hope for survival keeps their work from being left undone."

Copper glared at his brother as he left the tent, leaving his younger sibling to himself and his thoughts. Copper clenched his fists and set his teeth. He spit of the ground in disgust. This life he led was a sickening and dishonorable one, and he was set on changing that.

He scanned his black eyes over the luxurious tent of his brother's. Fine rugs, golden platters and shining weapons filled the dwelling, treasures captured in the raids his brother craved going on. The raids, Copper resisted to his utmost ability. It wouldn't be true to say that he was a good and kind creature, but he did have his limits. He was a honorable beast, a fox who didn't think that slavery was a necessary thing. It was the lazy and power-craving beasts that used slaves, not he. If he wanted something done efficiently, he'd do it himself. He only had chain-beasts because his father required him to. And such things were why the fox did not bear full respect to his father.

Slavery was not glorious, honorable or proud.

And that's what bothered him. The next target was full to the brim of respect-worthy beasts, and they wouldn't stand a chance against Doxtriz Gorelimb and his well-trained raiders. They would be crushed and enslaved like all the others. He was determined not to let that happen.

Leaving the tent quickly, he made for his own in a hurry, tired of being about soulless creatures of greed and lies. However, he had barely went three steps before he heard a cry off to his right. Turning about he frowned when he saw the mouse-slave from his brother's tent being tormented.