AN: Thank you for all the adds, favorites, and comments! Most of all thank you for reading! Please Review ~Duckie


Chapter Twenty-Six

The next morning Kiley woke up before the boys. She was sandwiched in between them. This was what was missing the other morning, her other half. She truly loved these boys. Life without was unimaginable. She smiled as she thought back to the night before. Those boys were going to be the end of her. She was ruined, they ruined her! She looked at Connor sleeping soundly with his arm around her lazily. She then looked over at Murphy he had a hand covering his face and the other was pulling her to him. They looked so peaceful. She was about to get try to get up quietly when she thought, 'payback? yes'

Kiley let her hands slide down the sheets. She reached what she was looking for. In her right hand she started to massage Connor's member and with her left hand she started to massage Murphy's member. She was going at the same slow pace with both. She was moving up and down ever so slowly. She quickly noticed both boys were smiling in their sleep. The boys both moved their arms to be at the back of their necks. Kiley found this odd and funny as all get out at the same time. This gave her a chance to move under the sheets and turn around in order to be in between both boys and have her mouth near each member. So of course her hands switched ever so quickly. She continued to move her hands up and down as she leaned down to take in Murphy.

"Ohhh.." She heard him say and with that she quickly popped him out and went over to his twin.

"Ohhh..." She continued her work on them for a little longer when she heard their moans change. The tone in their voice was different. She decided to ignore it and continue however as if she did not notice any difference.

Murphy and Connor both moaned so loud that it knocked them out of their dreams.

Murphy opened his eyes annoyed he was awake when he felt a little hand around him move up. All he could do to respond was to groan.

Connor opened his eyes annoyed he was awake when he felt a little hand around him move up. All he could do to respond was to groan.

The twins looked at each other in horror but both smirked realizing what their love was doing. With that they flipped the sheet off of them to find Kiley smiling up at them with a smirk of her own. She quickly released them and sat on her knees.

"Great you guys are awake. I am starving. Let's eat!" She quickly said with a smile and went to get up.

The boys were shocked. She was out of bed and heading to the door before either man reacted. She got them going and now she was leaving. Murphy was the first one to react.

"Love, you can't leave us like this."

"Payback, love, payback." She said over her shoulder and winked at the twins.

"That's not payback thats just cruel." Connor said. With that both boys jumped up out of bed and grabbed Kiley around the waist before she had a chance to leave.

"I think yew should finish what yew started love."

"Aye, indeed." Murphy said in her ear.

Kiley took a moment to look at Connor then at Murphy. She grabbed their hands, feeling every adventurous and confident she started to walk to the bathroom with them in tow. She took off her clothes and walked into the shower. The boys quickly followed her in.

Connor quickly wrapped his arms around her as he fussed his lips with hers in a heated, hungry kiss. Murphy was behind her so he started to grab her hair and move it away from her shoulders as he left kisses all over her bare skin.

Connor detached his lips from hers in order to move his lips to her breasts. As he did this Murphy's hand found her chin and moved her head to the side in order to kiss her. Kiley could feel Murphy's hard member on her ass and she could feel Connor's hard member rubbing against her wet core. She couldn't wait anymore. Sure this was supposed to be payback for making her wait so long last night but dammit she had needs! With that she slide her hands down to grab both boys. She started to move up and down. 'Just because I have crazy needs that need to be meant right now doesn't mean they need to know that. They will come to me dammit!' She thought as she already felt Murphy's hands on her hips. He started to move her towards him as Connor started to put his hands on her upper back. Connor was pulling her upper body down and towards him. She knew exactly what they were trying to do. Before she had a chance to protest Murphy entered her from behind. She quickly found Connor's hard member with her mouth and like a well oiled machine all three worked together to achieve orgasm.

"Oh my God."

"Lord's name." The boys said as Connor came in Kiley's mouth and Murphy came in Kiley.

Kiley was falling from her orgasm with them. Murphy wrapped his arms around her as he helped her stand. Kiley just felt the water hit her as Murphy and Connor cleaned her up. Connor was cleaning her body with a loofah and Murphy was washing her hair. She was in heaven. Part of her wanted to sleep and the other wanted to jump their bones again. Sadly it did not happen instead they got out of the shower and dressed for the day.


"I don't have to work today so I was thinking of just relaxing here. Wanna join?" Kiley asked as she made her way to her kitchen to make breakfast.

"Love to."

"Aye." Both boys answered as they went outside to smoke.


After breakfast the trio was on the couch watching the first Die Hard movie. Connor seemed to be enjoying it and Murphy well he seemed bored and unimpressed. He was busy playing with Kiley's hair. Kiley wasn't about to complain she was half asleep because of Murphy's fingers. So when he went to get up she whimpered out of disappointment.

"Love, I am going to smoke." He said as he kissed her forehead and went outside.

Kiley was now in a small ball on the couch watching Connor whose full attention was on the movie. She doubted that he even realized Murphy was outside. She smiled at that. Connor looked like he was about to jump into the movie. His lips moved silently as he was saying all the lines. She noticed what line was coming and she grabbed the remote. When she paused the movie.

"Love, the best..." Connor said as he turned to see why she paused the movie but stopped when he saw her. She looked so cute and innocent. She had a smirk on her face.

"I know the best line but this is better." She looked at Connor in the eyes and said, "I am in love with you."

Connor just smiled, not smirk but an actual big smile. "Love, yew are right that is better. Way better." He said as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her on the lips. The kiss ended too soon for Kiley but when it did Connor ran his hand down her face and looked at her in the eyes.

"I am in love with yew too." Kiley smiled at him and they just stayed in each other's arms as long as possible.


Connor was back to watching his movie with full focus and Kiley was in the kitchen popping popcorn. Murphy waltzed into the kitchen. Kiley was so focused on the popcorn she never heard Murphy. Murphy smirked as his hand touched Kiley's ass. All Kiley felt was a little slap.

"Ahh." She turned to find Murphy smirking at her. She wanted to tell him off but instead she just smiled right back at him.

"I so love you." Kiley said taking Murphy by surprise. Murphy quickly closed the distance between them and enveloped her in a hug.

"I love yew too." Murphy whispered as he kissed her on the lips.

Right at that moment Connor decided to waltz in the kitchen.

"Sucker, she told me she is inlove with me. She loves me more!"

"Fuck yew. She only said inlove to yew because yew are such a fag."

"Fuck yew."

With that the boys started to wrestle.

"Boys...boys... stop it." Her words falling on deaf ears. So she grabbed a pitcher of water and poured it on the two idiots. That stopped them in their tracks. They both looked at her with shock written on their faces.

"Idiots! Clean this up then if you both say you are sorry to me for being idiots I will let you watch the next movie with me." With that she walked out of the kitchen with a smirk on her face.


"Love, sorry for fighting."

"Aye. We cleaned the kitchen. Can we please watching the movie with yew."

"Yes you both may." With that the boys sat on either side of her.

"You idiots do realize I am in love with both of you right."

"Aye." Both responded.

"Idiots." She smiled and lean back into Murphy as she tossed her feet on Connor's lap. Connor started to massage her feet as Murphy ran his hands threw her hair.

AN: So this is the end of this story. No worries though I already have a sequel in my head. I am just trying to figure out how to start it, well more like where to start it. In the meantime I have a new story that should be on here soon. Please check it out. It is going to be a Derek Lord story, a Norman Reedus character from Law and Order SVU. ~ Duckie