Chapter 6

Harry and Sirius arrived in the Hospital wing where Harry was greeted with smiling faces. "HARRY!"

"Oh Harry we are so glad you're okay!" Hermione Chirped "We were beginning to worry when Sirius came in here looking for you"

"Yea I'm okay how about the rest of you? I'm so sorry I got you into that mess. I should have never believed that dream was real." Harry hung his head.

"No worries Mate! Everything turned out okay and not to mention we got Malfoys slimy git of a father locked up so that's a bonus right?" Ron said.

Harry shrugged before giving a slight nod.

"Did you really battle You-Know-Who again Harry?" came Lunas mystical voice.

"Yea I did… Unfortunately He and Bellatrix got away." Harry said shuffling a bit

"Anyway who's hungry?" Sirius asked taking the attention off of Harry sensing his godsons discomfort with the attention being on him.

"I'm STARVING" came Ron's over exaggerated voice.

"You're always hungry Ronald!" Hermione laughed.

"He's a growing boy Hermione he needs his nutrition" Sirius said with a smile.

"He eats ten times as much as Harry does."

"Harry's also too skinny" came a woman's voice from the doorway

"Mrs. Weasley" Harry smiled

"So nice to see you dear, I'm glad you are alright. You six gave us quite the scare." Molly said, sitting down on Ron's bed "I suggest that if there is a next time you alert an adult"

"I did!" Harry exclaimed "I tried to tell Snape but he totally blew me off like he didn't know what I was talking about."

"Slimy git" Sirius muttered

"Sirius!" Molly scolded

"Sorry but he is! If he had continued to give my godson his Occlumency classes this would have never happened"

That made Molly raise her eyebrows "He stopped giving lessons! But Dumbledore..."

"It doesn't matter what Dumbledore ordered, Harry accidentally fell into his pensive and he kicked him out of the office and told him to never come back."

Something flashed in Molly's eyes but she didn't say anything else.

"Now Im going to go down to the kitchens and round us up some food" Sirius said "Before poor Ron here starves to death."

"Erm, I'm going with him." Harry said as he followed Sirius out the big wooden doors. Harry was quiet the whole way down to the kitchens. Sirius glanced at his godson.

"You okay harry?"

"Yea, I just can't help but feel like all of them are hurt and it's my fault. I should have studied harder."

"Harry, It is not your fault. If you want to place blame lets blame Snape and Voldemort." Sirius said "And don't you worry, I'll be leaving Snivelus a little present before I leave tomorrow."

"You're leaving tomorrow?" Harry said looking surprised

"I have to go look for a house for us you know," Sirius replied with a small smirk on his face "Unless you'd like to live with your Aunt and Uncle the whole summer. I'm sure I could think of more than just a week's worth of pranks to set for them."

Harry smiled at that "I don't think Aunt Petunia could handle any more than a week and I don't even know what you have up your sleeve yet"

"Not to worry Harry I was planning on a nice outing just the two of us down to Hogsmeade to ummm, stock up on supplies. Ah here we are!" Sirius said as they reached the portrait of fruit, Sirius reached out and tickled the pear.

"Surely Professor Dumbledore set some rules" Harry said

"He only said I can't harm them, I have no intention of harming them, simply… making their life more interesting for a week" Sirius smirked as he opened the portrait and walked into the kitchen.

"Harry Potter sir!" came a voice and a small force almost knocked out his knees

Harry laughed "Hi Dobby!"

"Harry Potter sir has come to visit Dobby again!" Dobby exclaimed cheerfully

"Only for a short visit though Dobby." Harry said "I was wondering could you send a lunch up to the hospital wing for about 7-8 people?"

"Of course Harry Potter Sir, It would be an honor!" Dobby said "I will send that right up Harry Potter sir."

"Thank you Dobby" Harry smiled as the little elf bowed and hurried off into the chaos of the kitchen to prepare the lunch and Harry and Sirius mad their way back up to the grand stair case and towards the Hospital Wing

"That little elf really adores you doesn't he." Sirius said "wish Kreacher would be like that"

"Dobby is certainly one of a kind." Harry said with a smile. "A good little elf once he stopped trying to save my life." Harry laughed

"Tried to save your life? And do tell what he was trying to save your life from?" Sirius asked with a chuckle.
"Second year when the Chamber of Secrets was opened" Harry said "Kept trying to injure me enough to get me sent home to the Dursleys. He even cursed a bludger to fly after me during a Quidditch game."

"Oh dear," Sirius said with a laugh as they marched up the steps and into the Hospital wing once again where a decent sized meal had been sent up. "Sure didn't take him long to send something up did it."

Harry shook his head as they watched Ron eating like he had never seen food before. "Honestly Ron! You're going to choke!" Hermione was admonishing halfheartedly as she picked at her plate as well. They all talked and laughed as they ate, until Madam Pomphrey came and ushered them out claiming that her patients needed their rest. Harry and Sirius bade them goodbye and walked out onto the grounds and headed towards the gate. Harry smiled to himself he couldn't wait for this summer to begin.