Chapter Two of "Forgotten Secrets & Forgotten Love." After waiting FOREVER to get one reveiw, Thank you Bubbles, I am continuing the story. Mature details in later chapters. Mirkou & Kouga yaoi pairing.

Switching between P.O.V.'s - Kouga is here to start!

Miroku had been walking for two days. Unknown to the monk, he was being followed by a wolf. As Kouga followed the monk, while keeping far enough away to be unnoticed by the human, the wolf's mind wandered.

Why was he suddenly so concerned about what the monk was doing and what he was hiding? No one else thought Miroku was hiding anything though. They all just assumed he was off to find a young maiden to spend his time with.

That was one of the things the wolf demon found add about the monk. One of the things that drew his attention to the human. Though a man of "the cloth," the human made himself out as quite the woman chaser, but Kouga could swear the monk smelled as if he were a virgin.

InuYasha didn't notice this kind of "scent." He was only a half demon and didn't have all the senses that a full blooded demon does and the little fox was to young to tell the difference quite yet.

Kouga knew the monk was hiddening something, but why he even cared is what he wanted to know. Kouga shook his head. He turned his gaze back toward the monks campfire, but noticed he was gone? He glanced about and sniffed the air. Water.

The wolf demon made his way to the lake where the monk had wandered off to. The human was knelt by the waters edge, having what appeared to be a staring contest with his reflection.

Suddenly Miroku opened his robes slightly to reveal his chest. Tilting his head back, the monk removed his hair tie and shook his head about. He let out a soft sigh that caught itself in Kouga's ears, causing him to shiver.

Dropping his head, Miroku took in a deep breath and gripped the beads that wrapped snuggle to his right wrist. Slowly pulling them off the monk uttered soft words. "Baindingurirīsu."

Kouga's eyes widened greatly. As the beads left the monks wrist his body began to change. His once short hair flowed down his back. His ears shifted from there spot at the sides of his head to a slightly higher poisition. A tail slipped from beneath the once human's robes and twitched about. His skin became like fresh snow.

The once human monk now resembled the young and adoreable hanyo that Kouga had met long ago, but no longer carring the look of a child. He, in all honesty, looked like a young women. Minus the fact he was male. Kouga couldn't help but let out a shocked gasp.

Miroku's now fox-like ears twitched sharply and he turned quickly. His senses stronger now in his hanyo form. His eyes shot to the tree directly behind him. He smelled Kouga easily. Without a second thought, Miroku, bolted from his spot at the edge of the lake.

In his shock and fear he had forgotten the speed at which Kouga could travel and was being gripped tightly against the strong and firm chest of the wolf kept his head down. Ears flat and his body shaking. He had been caught and by the last person he had wanted to ever be caught by.

As the moments pasted the grip Kouga had on him never loosened, but the fox was to scared to meet the eyes of his captor. Taking a chance he lifted his head to be met by eyes filled with anger. Kouga then shoved the fox to the ground.

"What. The. Hell." The wolf's words were not a question. They were a demand. They were laced with anger and hit Miroku hard. He didn't speak. He couldn't. He just looked up at the angry wolf demon. Shaking as if he was about to be devoured.

"Well 'Miyuka' I can't wait to hear why you have been hiding in a human form. Why you disappeared all those years ago." Miroku pouted cutely and if possible, began shaking more. This wasn't going to be fun...

Chapter two complet! So what's Miroku reason for hiding out as a human? What's Kouga so upset about? And when is there gonna be some hot demon-x-hanyo sex happen? Lets find out in the next chapter! Please review!