Hey guys! This is my first time writing a short story and posting it on fanfiction. I hope you all will bear with my grammar errors and an amateur writing like this! No hard feelings! This is dedicated to Fairy Tail Natsu X Lucy, coz I love them! All characters absolutely belong to Mashima Hiro, I am merely using her character names .

Chapter 1


There it was again that tension and contraction from her chest that makes it hard to breathe. It was choking her and she felt as if her heart had been torn apart and set on blazing fire. Fire. The word echoed deeply into her mind, it reminded her of a certain pink-haired guy. Even the word fire sets her heart hurting, she laughed in her mind on what a fool she was to fall in love with him. He had already fallen in love with another…

"Lucy?" Mira asked in a worried voice breaking my train of thoughts. My body jerked at the spilled lemon juice on the table and I smiled sheepishly at her. "Oh, I'm fine…I just didn't realize…" I paused midway as I stared at the couple who just entered the guild. A pink-haired guy and a white haired girl who had her arms locked around his arms. He does not seem to mind at all as he laughed with her. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. Hold it Lucy, you cannot show them, you cannot show them. You're going to be fine.

"Lucy," Mira said in an even more worried tone and her facial features deepened. Lucy felt a tug at her heart, it saddened her to know that she cared about her so much even when her younger sister was the source of her distress.

"I'm fine Mira! Don't be such a worry rat okay? You'll have wrinkles on your pretty face! Ne, I'm going home now it's getting late." I put on my best laughter and smack her on the back. "Mira-chan, can you help me clean up the mess? Onegai!" I begged and tried to pout; Mira gave me a small smile and nod her head. I pretended to skip out of the guild ignoring them before running out of the guild as tears threaten to spill out like a volcano. I cried and ran all the way to the apartment before locking the door and hug my knees, curling up into a ball wishing that all the jealousy will diminish. I did not even bother to eat my dinner, all I did was cried myself to sleep.


"Where did Lucy go?" Natsu the one with the pink hair asked Mira as she was wiping the spilled lemon juice on the bar. Lucy had just left not long ago and he was wondering where she was going. "Hmm…she said she wanted to go home," she replied.

"Mira nee! Natsu and I are going out tonight so I won't be back at home for quite some time," Lisana, the white-haired girl informed her sister. Mira smiled at her younger sister, she wanted her to be happy. She must have suffered a lot in Edolas, I want her to be as happy as possible and Natsu can make it possible. But still, Mira could not help but feel that something was amiss. "Natsu, let's go!" Lisana squealed.

"But I'm worried for Lucy…" he said. Lisana pouted at him.

"Lucy will be fine, I think she's just tired you stick to her too much, she's probably tired and wants to rest. Give her some space, after all you can talk to her tomorrow," Lisana assured before making puppy eyes at Natsu. Natsu's heart melt, he could not bear to reject her.

"Lisana's right. You can talk to her tomorrow, so don't worry. You should keep your focus on the date," Mira poked a finger at Natsu and his face became tomato red. Lisana too blushed slightly. "Oh, I sense something fishy," Mira sang in a sing song voice. Natsu's face became ten times redder, "O…Uh…Hmmm…Ah…" he was not talking properly.

"Lisana is going to Natsu's house!" Happy cried out as he flew towards the bar. This attracted the whole attention of the Guild. "Natsu! You naughty boy!" Macao smirked. "Oooh! It's gonna be a night of deep passion," one of the guild members said. Both of the couple stammered and their necks becoming red. Just then Gray shouted across, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING FLAME-BRAIN?" A vein popped on Natsu's head and immediately Natsu's hands were on fire. "SAY WHAT ICE-" Before Natsu could continue, Gray's ice-make lance hit Natsu and he grabbed him on the shirt. "If you ever hurt Lucy, I will not forgive you, I will definitely not forgive you if our nakama is hurt," he warned in a threatening voice his bangs covering his face and he was emitting a dark aura. "Gray!" Erza shouted as she separated both of them. The guild fell silent instantly.

"Lucy? What does Lucy has to do with this?" Natsu cried out. He was being wronged, Gray hit him for nothing! "Gray, explain yourself." Erza said in a dark tone. Gray clenched his teeth and spit it out, "Can't you all see? Lucy's not smiling anymore!"

"She-" Mira was cut off by Gray.

"It's not her real smile, it's fake. Don't you know how badly she is affected by Natsu and Lisana? When was the last time you spoke to her?" he asked Natsu. Natsu could not reply, it seemed so…long, so distant. "Three weeks Natsu! Three weeks and she was kicked out form our Team coz you replaced her with Lisana," he continued.

"No I did not! She was not replaced, she is still my partner!" Natsu insisted. But a tiny part in his brain said otherwise.

"Yeah right. I remember you saying 'Lucy, I hope you know that Lisana just return and we used to be a team. I wonder…if you could rest for a while and let Lisana take your place for a while,'" he said sarcastically. Natsu growled deep in his chest but he made no further protest. Levy was crying for her best friend with Gajeel comforting her, Wendy was sobbing, Happy's ears went down as he missed Lucy, Cana stopped drinking and she banged the table, Mira covering her face with her hands as she realized, Lisana looking at her feet feeling guilty, Elfman saying something about not caring and him not being a man and Erza punched herself in the arm and "How many of you actually cared for her?" Gray asked. He was pissed off, his nakama was emotionally hurt and they did not even console her, he wanted to but she would always put on a brave front and assured him even though she was not okay.

"Gray," Erza warned. Gray burst out again, "You were also part of the whole thing, you told her that she should go coz she is weak and that she needs more training. Even though I protested it fell onto deaf ears and see what it happened!" This time Natsu curled his flaming hand to a fist and striked, his hands only inches away from Gray's nose. Lisana was terrified, she had never seen Natsu like that before, so did the rest of the guild members. Without saying anything, he started towards the door before Loke came rushing in.

"Lucy- She's…"he started. At the mention of Lucy's name, Natsu's head snapped up.

"What's wrong with Lucy," Natsu growled as he grabbed Loke's collar. He shook his head vigorously, his eyes held confusion and worry. "She…she…" before he could say further, a figure stepped into the guild. She was wearing a black Lolita dress, black laced high heel boots and on her right hand was a black glove that reached to her wrists. The whole guild gasped as she walked towards where Loke and Natsu were, her blonde hair swayed a little as she walked and her chocolate eyes were dull, no emotions at all.

"Loke, what are you doing here?" she asked toying with a black key that was chained to her choker. "Lu..Lu-chan? What happened to you?" Levy stuttered. Everyone was shocked at her sudden drastic change in fashion. She did not answer back but her eyes glanced at Loke then Natsu before settling to Lisana. Her eyes were like daggers piercing Lisana's heart as she flinched at her glare. Lucy's mouth slowly crept up to a smile and she chuckled, "You're not going to tell her are you?" That question was directed to Loke and he shivered. The others could not believe it; Loke was shivering at his master's presence.

"You're too late anyway. She's going die sooner or later," she laughed as she flipped her blonde hair. "Who's going to die?" Erza demanded.

"Lisana." Lucy snarled. Mirajane and Elfman immediately shield Lisana away from Lucy while the others stared flabbergasted. Gasps and murmurings filled the guild again, sensing the matter becoming deadly Macarov, the guild master entered the scene. Everyone except Erza, Gray, Loke, Natsu and Lucy backed away as they detected the powerful aura vibrating around.

"Lucy, do you know what you're saying? You're threatening, it's death we're talking about. We'll talk nice and easy if you just tell us what's wrong and apologise to her," Macorov said. At the word apologize, Lucy hissed, "Never! Over my dead body! She should apologize!"

"Why Lucy? Why?" he asked, he was concerned for both of his children Lisana and Lucy. "She stole him away from me!" Lucy growled. Everyone stared wide-eyed at her, no one expected to her to be so straight forward with her feelings. "Lucy-"Natsu started before pursing his lips knowing that whatever he said would not do anything good.

"Lucy, if you do not stop I will use force and I don't want to do that. I know that you're not that kind of person, so please think of your decisions, thin k of the consequences," Macarov warned. Lucy stifled a laugh and said, "I don't care, I've been keeping this emotion for too long. It's killing me and killing her is the best option." She stressed on the word best.

"Master please!" Loke begged.

"I'm not you're master anymore. Find another," she said and taking out all of her silver and gold keys, she tossed it on the ground. "LUCY WILL NEVER DO THAT! SHE'LL NEVER HURT HER SPIRITS!" Happy blurted out. Lucy merely raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Stupid cat." This sent Happy bursting into tears as he fly to Lisana and buried his head to her chest for comfort.

"Lucy stop this madness!" Gray said.

"Tsk. This is-" she was cut short by a pounding headache. She clutched her head and screamed in a shrill voice. Ray of light appeared forming a figure-it was Mavis. Lucy crouched like a predator and she rasped, "You!"

"Lucy calm down…Ssh, it's fine," Mavis soothed as she glanced Macarov in the eye hinting that she will take care of this matter. He understood and stepped back so did the others filled with mixed feelings. Mavis placed her arm on Lucy's shoulder and caressed her face, "Don't be stubborn; killing her won't solve your problem. Don't fall…not yet…don't fall into the darkness," Mavis cooed. Her headache had numbed now and she tsked back her before chuckling, "I'm not an idiot. I got my emotions in check, killing her won't make me fall into the darkness."

"I hope you don't mind but will one of you tell me what is going on?" Macarov asked. He bet he was not the only one who was dumbfounded about the unexpected turn of events. Mavis heaved a sigh and said, "Well, I shall start from the beginning then. Lucy is a Heartfillia and her mother was Layla Heartfillia as you all know. She is…special like her mother, no, even more special than her. She is the one who will bring judgment to this world; there is a name for this, 'The Old Lords'. I am The Lord that will bring Light to this world and Zeref is the Lord that will bring darkness to this world. To put it in simple words, Lucy is in the middle of both darkness and light and she is my sister and Zeref is her brother. Her drastic change is due to her awakening; her mother sealed off her other 'part'." The guild hall was filled with silence, if anything weird had happened these days, it was nothing compared to hearing that one of their nakama was Zeref's younger sister.

"Is it true?" Macarov asked. He held the expression of fear that his children would be hurt and sadness that his child had to suffer all of this. Mavis nodded her head. "She is extremely vulnerable at this stage, she has just awakened and can neither control her powers nor her emotions. It is only natural for her to go through massive emotional breakdown or mood swings, please third, do not hurt her." Mavis begged. Lucy must be really special to her; he had never seen the founder of FairyTail act like that before.

"Mavis," Lucy suddenly growled to her. Lucy was frowning; she was sensing something evil lurking and approaching closer as the seconds ticked. "Yes I know, Stay here I'll take care of it." Mavis smiled before vanishing as hundreds of glitter dust exploded.

(Lucy's P.O.V)

I was sensing something really bad, it was lingering on my mind even though Mavis told me not to worry. I remembered feeling this kind of aura from, who knows how long ago. I knew that I had the same soul but led different lives in different bodies, it was reincarnation. Karma, the word popped into my mind. I had no idea where it came from but it just.

Snapping myself away from my thoughts, I looked at my guildmates. They were silent and their eyes held fear. Levy, my best friend was sobbing along with happy buried in Lisana's arms. I clenched my teeth, shy must it be her not me? A hiss came out of my mouth and Macarov had all his attention on me. Calm down. Don't let your emotions take over you. Calm. Down. Easier said than done. "Loke go back to the spirit world, Earthland hold no business for you," I said emotionlessly. Loke winced in hurt, "Master but-but what are you to do without us-your spirits," he protested.

"I don't need your help neither do I need the help of the other spirits. I can take care of my own now, besides I possess other keys," I murmured as I toyed with the black key chained to my choker again. Loke heard it and he shouted, "Even if you have others now, you'll still need us. You can't abandon us just because you have new spirits!"

"I can't let you all fall to the dark sides…no one have the right to die because of me," I mumbled before walking out of the guild. I expected Loke to shout back and ask me to stay or at least someone to hold me back but surprisingly, no one did. So, I just walk out with no where in mind to go.


So…how was it? I know, some of you may think that my story is kind of boring but I am an amateur so give me a break kay! This is the current story so far and I welcome any comments with a smile XD. You can all voice out your ideas to help me. Thanks and Bye!