Okay, so I'm rewriting the first two chapters first before I go on to the fourth chapter, so please be patient. Also, like the original description for this chapter says, I am very terrible at writing multiple chapter stories mainly due to writer's block, so forgive me if I don't update in 5468093 years ;o;

disclaimer;; I don't own Pokémon, you silly fool!

Dawn Hikari was huddled up next to the edge of the blanket, tightly gripping it with her hands. Her eyes reflected the lights of the television screen as she watched in the dark, her mother in the room next door, who had already decided to head to slumber early. The thirteen year old continued to watch, listening to the announcer's commentary on the competition in the background while seeing the Pokémon on the screen battle it out to become the ultimate winner.

The Pokémon Transformations, or the Transforms for short, was a competition that had started some years ago, and was now on the 20th year. Normally, the blunette wouldn't have any interest in the competition and would rather just watch princess movies and get all the details about the competition from her classmates and friends the next day. But this year was different from all those other years.

Her father was also in this competition.

You see, what happened in the competition was that trainers, coordinators, and such were invited to enter the competition - ten people from each region, excluding the Kalos region; she had no idea why, but it probably had to do with something boring like politics or something, after all, the Kaloseans were allowed to compete a couple years ago - and then they enter an arena where they get transformed into a Pokémon and they battled it out with both other competitors and the NPCs in the stadium until only one competitor remained standing.

Thus the name Pokémon Transformations.

"Ooh, Tsukiyomi, Hikari, and Kimura have just been eliminated! Only five people are left in the competition!" the announcer exclaimed.

Dawn stared at the television for a while, a bit in shock. "Dad..."

Well, at least she'd finally be able to see him again. The competition as of that night had only lasted for four days, but her dad had been in the Hoenn region - that was where the competition was being held this year - for some business in some sort of scientific studies for two or three weeks now. Having a dad as a scientist specializing in Pokémon meant having a dad who wouldn't always be around, so most of the time, it was just the blunette and her mom.

But now her dad was going to come home, and they could be together again, even if just for a little while.


A week had passed with no news - unless you count the gossip from magazines and the daily newspaper that appeared on their doorstep every morning.

"Where are they? More news on the recent disappearance of some competitors from the Pokémon Transformations competition this year..." Dawn's mom murmured as she read the words, her eyes skimming over the newspaper article. "This has got to be a joke..." It had been like that for a week, lots of news about the competition and about the disappearance - that was all anybody had been talking about.

The younger blunette stared at her mom, watching her face get more and more worried as she started to read the article. She sighed to herself; 'Did Dad really disappear?' she asked herself for the millionth time that week. Her mother's worries were starting to get her worried; after all, this was the Top Coordinator who got a bit overprotective whenever Dawn wanted to step outside to visit her friend's house, which was right across the street - to put it simply, Johanna Hikari was a person who got worried very easily.

"Mom, I'm going out." she said, hoping to get away from the depressing atmosphere the Hikari household was in. Not expecting a response from her mom, she decided to just step out and get some fresh air. Sitting on the steps of her front porch, she let out a long sigh. She watched as the clouds above lazily rolled across the light blue sky, the sun shining brightly. How peaceful it was to be outside.

"Hey DeeDee!" she heard a voice say, full of enthusiasm.

"Oh, hey Leona." Dawn replied, looking back at her friend. They stood in awkward silence, neither of them knowing what to say. Of course Leona knew about what happened to her dad; their parents were close friends, thus making Leona and Dawn friends since birth. And obviously, neither of them wanted to bring it up. "You want to get some ice cream? I'll invite Kenny and Barry along if you want to."

"Those two losers? Oh, you've got to be joking." she replied, a smile on her face.

"Of course I am!" Dawn said back, giggling. "I'll just go get my bike!"

She'll forget about the troubles going on in her family, just for a little while.


It had been a couple years since she'd been back home at Twinleaf.

She had decided to go become a Coordinator, just like her mom, and go on a journey. Dawn left when she was fifteen, and now she was seventeen. Two whole years, and now she was Top Coordinator, just like she wanted to. The blunette had met so many people, like Ash and Brock, and May and Gary Oak - she still couldn't believe that she was able to meet the Gary Oak in person! - on her journey.

But looking back at the house where she had spent her entire life, she could remember the lifetime scars that the Pokémon Transforms had given her.

She hadn't kept up with the news on the competition in years, ever since the 'disappearance', as she liked to call it. The blunette sighed and entered the house, leaving her bag on the couch in the living room. "Mom, I'm home!" ...No response.

Shrugging to herself, she picked up her bag from the couch, found a quick snack to eat, and went to her room to unpack. Dawn had been planning to stay with her mom for a couple weeks, until she figured out what she wanted to do next with her life - after all, she had already completed her dream. What else was there to do? She was surprised to see her room relatively the same, with just a few dust gathering on the corners of her room and such.

After a quick cleaning, she went back downstairs, trying to figure out where her mom was. "Maybe she went out?" she muttered to herself, walking around the house, remember the familiar hallways and rooms as she searched for her mom. She finally reached her mom's room, the door locked. After struggling to get the door open - now that she thought about it, how was the front door of her house open anyways? Mom never forgot to lock the door. "Mom?"

"Dawn?" came the muffled response.

"Yeah, mom. I'm home!" the blunette called out cheerily. She stood outside the closed door for a while before realizing that her mom wasn't going to open the door. "Mom? Are you going to open the door?"

"Oh, sure honey..." she responded, almost inaudible. The door swung open to reveal a very... unkempt Johanna Hikari. Her hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in days and her eyes were red. "I didn't know that you were coming home today. If I did, I would have prepared something-"

"Mom, are you okay?"

"...No." And she burst crying.

What was she supposed to do? Even years ago, not once had she seen her mom actually cry. It hurt to see her mom like this. Dawn pulled her mom into a hug, awkwardly standing in the hallway as her mom wept on her shoulder. "What's wrong, mom?"

But she didn't need to ask, because she knew exactly what was wrong.

'Dad, I'm going to find out what happened... For mom's sake.'


One Year Later

Dawn had awoken by the combined sounds of the group of Starly chirping outside her window and the beeps her annoying alarm clock, shaped to look like a Starly. She groaned as she got up and did her basic needs; showering, changing, etcetera, etcetera. She went out back to let her Pokémon out; after all, they needed to exercise even if she wasn't a full time Coordinator anymore. Then she went out front to collect the mail.

The blunette had been living by this routine for about a year now; she just couldn't leave her mom alone after the day that she had returned home from her journey. She let out a long and loud yawn, awkwardly covering her mouth with her hand to not seem as rude as she most likely looked. She opened the mailbox to see a bunch of mail cluttering it. Taking the mail inside, she sorted it out.

First, she got rid of the junk mail, advertisements, and such - which got rid of 80% of all the mail. This left her with four letters; three for her mom and one for herself. She left the mail for her mom in a neat pile on the kitchen counter, while she went to the living room in her favorite couch to read her letter. After all, just getting a letter was weird - she was obviously more of a text messages and e-mail person.

Just the font on the envelope intrigued her; it was so fancy - was this supposed to be another love letter from Conway? But he usually stalked him on Pokébook, so it probably wasn't him. Plus she didn't think anyone she knew wrote fancy letters to people - keyword, think.

"You are invited to join Pokémon Transformations, Ms. Dawn Hikari!" she read out loud.

This was it; this was her chance.

"Mom, I just got a letter!"

updated;; 11/10/13

I'm still updating the second chapter, so be patient I suppose. ;w; ALSO WOW THIS IS WAY BETTER THAN THAT FIRST CHAPTER I WROTE AJDKFAJ so this chapter is basically now a prologue I guess?