I sometimes feel I have NO name. Its oh, yea your Percy's and Annabeth's daughter. I do have a name though. Its Sonia meaning wisdom it is like the Greek version of the name Sophia. I am twelve years old and live at Camp Half Blood during the summers. I usually stay in the Poseidon cabin because its less crowded, but I study in the Athena cabin. But enough of my boring details lets get to the part when I fist discovered who I really am...

It was my twelve birthday May 29th right after school ends. I woke up early and found my parents talking- about me. They were saying something about a whole summer long camp. WOW WAIT! Was I that bad this year? I went through the lists in my head bad grades (hey don't blame me I'm dyslexic), detention (ADHD so what I caused some trouble), and my boyfriend. I don't get why my parents don't like him he is super cute and really nice. Then they gave me the I'm-trusting-you-to-make-the-right-decision speech. So I kept on dating him, Why not? I backed up a few steps then stomped loudly so they would hear me and think I didn't hear them. "Hey Honey" they said in almost perfect unison like they had planned it. My dad took all the credit of making breakfast, but I knew it was my mom. It was a owl-shaped blueberry pancake, scrambled eggs, and bacon. It looked absolutely delicious!

After we ate my parents took me to my swimming lessons- I LOVE to swim. After that they took me to the bookstore and bought me four new books I wanted. When I got home there was a huge wrapped box in the middle of the living room. My parents had the nerve to make me open the birthday card first. Then it got to the good stuff it was a sleek new white laptop. Also in there was a case for it with the charger cord and other stuff like that. I said a thank you bunches of times then I plugged it in to charge. My parents made me sit down like everything was normal. "Sonia, were sending you to a camp for people like you" my mom started. "What do you mean people like me" I asked defensively. My dad finished for you mom "Sonia your a demigod..."