Arkham City: Angel's story

Summary: It had been a year since the events at Arkham Asylum and Penny's death. Angel is captured by Hugo Strange, given multiple shots and thrown into Arkham City. Now she has to figure out how to survive when surrounded by crazy people and being stuck in the middle of a turf war. Femslash/Lesbian/Yuri

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Angel, Julia (My OC who is Black Mask's daughter), and Caterina (my OC who is Penguin's daughter…but she's actually attractive and not creepy like her father.)

Note: This is a lesbian story, if you don't like girl on girl stuff then turn back now. I might also add some Harley and Ivy in here while I'm add it but yeah, I'm warning you. Go away if you don't like. You've got five seconds.

New Note: This rated M just to be safe cause I might add some sex in it but it all depends on my mood and if I wanna write out a whole sex scene lol.

Newer Note: This takes placed after my Joker's Daughter story, it's suppose to be what happens to Angel when she's locked in Arkham City.

A much NEWER note lol: I'm throwing Big Barda into this. Don't judge me -_-…I'm watching you. Anyways I was choosing between Talia and Barda but Angel wouldn't leave her adopted father for Talia who helps Ra's out. So why not just add someone Angel can be with that's good and won't have Angel choose between her family or her lover.






Chapter 8: Harley blames me…

Rain poured down onto Barda's home in the Connecticut Suburbs still even a week after the day Angel and her went out and…had some fun. It was 8:49 in the morning as Barda stared up the ceiling and looked over at Angel who was dressed in one of Barda's night shirts which reached Angel's knees and hung off a shoulder when she stood up. Angel had a pillow tucked under her head and had her hands resting on the pillow beside her as she slept, Angel had gone to bed late. She had been watching the news until 2am, something about Harley going even more insane inside her temporary prison…if it was possible for her to go more insane. She threw the blankets off her and stood up, she heard a groan from Angel and looked over but her lover stayed asleep.

She walked to Angel's side of the bed and turned the police scanner Angel had taken from her bedroom in Gotham and here. Angel had instructed her to turn it on if she got up before her to turn it on. She went into the kitchen and was making breakfast, all she could hear was the scanner going off now and then. She felt arms wrap around her neck and she turned her head to see Angel floating off the ground and smiling at her sleepily. She went to say something but Angel shoved her tongue into Barda's mouth making the older woman laugh into the kiss.

"Whatcha making?" asked Angel after pulling from the kiss making Barda look down.

"Eggs, bacon and waffles." said Barda as Angel floated off the ground behind her, only way Angel was eye level with the taller woman.

"Yummy…can I drown my waffles in syrup? Daddy yells at me when I do it…actually it's not yelling. More like scolding." smiled the red head.

"Yes you can drown your waffles in syrup. I'm your lover, not your father." chuckled Barda. "I won't lecture you unless you do something stupid."

"Yes ma'am." she grinned.

Barda set the plate on the table after placing what Angel wanted on it. Angel grabbed the syrup bottle and tilted it over and started covering every inch of her waffles in sweet syrupy goodness. Angel was eating her food while Barda was watching TV. Barda didn't like Angel eating messy stuff in the living room cause if Angel was more occupied on watching Barda's body she'd spill the food. Last time it happened, it happened with Spaghetti…lets just say Angel actually liked being spanked.

Angel stopped as she heard the scanner going off, a piece of waffle in her mouth as she listened to it. 'This is Commissioner Gordon. Harley Quinn has taken five more of our men hostage and hold up in the Steel Mill."

"What?" asked Angel confused. "When did she break out? BARDA!"

"What?!" shouted Barda.

"I need to use your phone!" shouted Angel.

"Not when you're eating or I'll spank you again!"

"I liked it!" answered Angel.

"Yes I know…" sighed the New God.

Angel quickly shoveled her food into her mouth and ate it before putting the plate in the sink and floating out into the living room to use Barda's phone. Angel laid across her lap and dialed a number as Barda rubbed her back. The first few times it went to voice mail making Angel sigh and hang up. Angel stretched on Barda before punching in the numbers again and she put it too her ear. She listened to it ring a few times when it stopped.

"Gotham City Police Department." said a voice.

"Hi this is Angelina Wayne, could I speak to Gordon…PLEASE?!" Angel got a little loud when Barda's hand smacked against her ass making her glare at her.

"Miss. Wayne? Are you alright?" asked the woman on the other end.

"I-I'm fine…" muttered Angel as Barda slid her hand under the t-shirt and spread Angel's legs a bit. "C-Could I speak to him please?"

"Hold please." said the woman placing her on hold.

"Barda stop it!" hissed Angel as she felt fingers go across her sensitive area.

"Mm…" blinked Barda staring down at Angel's ass when she slid two fingers inside of her and chuckled as the younger girl tightened around her.

"This is Gordon." said the deep male voice making Angel try to keep her cool.

"Hey Gordon it's Angel."

"Been listening to that scanner have we?" he asked with a chuckle when Angel groaned into the phone as Barda moved her hand, moving her fingers in and out of Angel. "Angel?"

"Y-Yeah the s-scanner." choked Angel a bit as the fingers moved faster. "Could you explain w-what happened?"

"Well Harley broke out of her temporary hold about four maybe five days ago and started capturing out men. Her doctor said, and I'm quoting here, she's loosing it big time since Joker's death."

"Mm-hm…" muttered Angel putting her hand over her mouth as she listened. "Stop it!"

"Angel?" asked Gordon and he heard laughter in the back ground.

"N-Nothing. Look thanks for telling me that, I'll be back in Gotham soon. Bye." Angel hung up on him and quickly sat up and sat on Barda's lap glaring at her. "Finish it…"

"Yes dear." grinned Barda pressing her fingers deep inside of her and using her thumb to rub at Angel's bundle of nerves. She started panting and held Barda close and kissed her deeply when she squealed into the older woman's mouth as she came onto Barda's hand and she nearly fell back but Barda caught her with her free arm. "Squealer."

"Shut up." she sighed straightening up. "I gotta go get dressed."

"Where are you going?"

"Gotta deal with Harley." said Angel hitting a button on the wall as she walked by. The wall with the TV on it slid up and showed, Barda's outfit, her deceased husband's outfit and Angel's Batgirl outfit.

"Not by yourself you're not." snapped the older woman.

"Barda…" stated Angel looking at her with narrowed eyes. "Harley is my problem."

"No. You're mine." Angel looked at her with a raised brow. "My lover, girlfriend, what ever you'd call it…mine. So that means Harley is my problem as well."

"Babe…Harley is my problem."

"Angel I…" Angel put her fingers against Barda's lips.

"If I need anything, I'll signal you. You have the boob tube…"


"I know. If I'm in trouble, I'll signal you. You come to me through boom tube. I'll wear the choker you got me that has the tracker in it." whispered Angel. "She's upset cause Joker died…she's my problem."

"Are you sure?" asked Barda. Angel nodded and hugged Barda close. Barda wrapped her strong arms around Angel and held her close, not wanting to let her go. "Promise if something's wrong you'll contact me?"

"I promise." whispered Angel as Barda leaned down and pressed their lips together.

Later that night Gordon turned as a loud bang happened behind him. Angel stood there dressed as Batgirl and had small crater under her feet. Her Batgirl outfit was purple and zipped up the middle but due to her breast size the zipper stopped in the middle of her cleavage. She had her fangs in her mouth and looked around as her lenses turned blue and scanned the area. All there was cops and she could see some of the goons with sniper rifles in the distance.

"Alright what's going on?" asked Angel walking up beside him.

"Harley is inside and she's holding my men hostage. Batman showed up two days ago and we haven't seen him since. I saw Robin go in through a hatch on the roof." stated Gordon.

"Mm…" said Angel turning the tracker on in her choker before opening a pocket on her utility belt and pulling a shot out that had the Lex-Corp logo on it. She slid it back in and closed it.

"What's that for?" asked Gordon.

"What's what for?" asked Angel looking at Gordon confused.

"I saw that shot."

"It's just incase I have to do something stupid." she said before running and kicking herself off the ground.

She fell through the hole in the wall that was created from the Protocol 10 movement two weeks ago and she opened the door into the mangers office. She walked down the steps and saw a baby crib in the middle of the room. It had a desk lamp in it with a Joker doll and something else she had to get up closer to see. As she got closer her eyes widened, inside laid a pregnancy test and the box. She lifted the thermometer like device and turned it around to read it.

"Oh…Harley." whispered Angel. Instead of it saying Positive like Barda said it did, this one said Negative. She ran her gloved thumb over the negative sign and felt tears threatening to escape her eyes. She laid it back down and sighed as tears left her eyes and went down her cheeks. "I know why you're loosing it Mama…you're my mama…"

She found a vent and when looking in it she fell through it after loosing her balance and slammed into the ground of the vent only to crash through it. She grunted as she slammed into a railing and she held onto it as it dented from her body hitting it. She then dropped herself and stopped half way, she spun around and floated up to see red lights aimed at her and gun shots go off, the bullets bouncing off her body. She grabbed Batarangs and threw one at each sniper, they exploded in front of them knocking them out. She heard grunting and floated down to see Harley tied to a railing and upside down.

"We can't get her down!" shouted a goon when Angel floated back up and hissed loudly making them freak out and run. Angel kicked one in his ass and he ran screaming. She reached down and grabbed Harley's tied foot and cut the rope when she slipped making Harley scream but she saw a blur and she was caught under the arms making her stare as Batgirl held onto her.

"Let me go B-Girl!" snapped Harley kicking Angel hoping to hurt her. "He's dead! He's dead and you did nothing to help him!"

"Harley stop it." said Angel lowering the two down and setting her down. Harley punched her across the face and cried out as all she managed to do was hurt herself.

"You let your father die!"

"NO! I showed up too late to do anything!" snapped Angel making Harley seem a bit taken back.

"You still could've helped him!"

"HOW?!" shouted Angel. "I don't know how I could've helped him Harley! You knew he was ill! How thick headed can you be?!"

"How dare you speak to me like that?!" she fired her gun at her and the rocket exploded after connecting to Angel's chest but Angel stood there completely fine, just covered in a bit of soot. Harley ran off from her before she could do anything and Angel sighed.

Angel walked into the Joker Shrine room and flinched a little at the giant Joker. No one was around except robots from Wonder City and they where painted with some red paint. Angel looked around and saw Harley had drawn and written all over the walls making Angel blink when she heard running and saw Batman standing there and he was looking past her. She turned around and saw Harley standing on the Joker hands. Wait wasn't she just alone?!

"Where you there the whole time?!" snapped Angel confused.

"I was hiding!" snapped Harley.

"Look Harl! The whole mourning look is working for ya." started Angel. Harley had died her hair black and only one pigtail had some red in it, her outfit was a darker shade of red and black and she wore a torn black see through veil over her face, her eyeliner and eye shadow smeared on her face. "But look! It wasn't our fault! And there's someone that loves you more than Joker ever could!"

"No one could ever love me more than Mistah J!" shouted Harley while tears ran down her cheeks.

"Angelina what are you doing?" whispered Batman to Angel.

"There is B-Man…she loves Harley." said Angel.

"Ivy." stated Batman and Angel nodded.

That's when Angel noticed the bots started moving and Angel spun around. "Not good." said Angel when they ran at them and Angel punched one making it break at contact.

Batman started punching and kicking the Wonder-Bots, moving between them all when Angel flipped over one as Harley fired her gun, the rocket exploded and blew up a few robots and Angel punched another one making it shatter. She spun around and blew her super breath making it freeze and she kicked it making it shatter into little pieces. That's when she felt something hit the spot on her neck through her choker making her fall down and clutch it when a robot hit her aside making her hit the ground and roll to a stop. She looked up and saw Batman trying his best to fight them off but they where surrounding her. Her eyes moved over to Harley who was laughing and Angel's eyes glowed red making the bot fly backwards.

"Bats! Get back!" said Angel as her eyes turned a brighter red and he backed up when large heat ray beams flew out of her eyes and covered the entire ground and started destroying the robots that ran at them making Harley's smile disappear when Angel fell onto her knees after using it and sighed. It took a lot for her to use her heat vision that powerful.

"You kill my Mistah J! Than you destroy my toys!" cried Harley holding a bomb trigger in her hand. "That's in! The two of us Batman! We'll both die here!"

"H-Hey! I'm here too!" shouted Angel.

"We'll you're like Superman…" she muttered. Angel pulled the shot out of her utility belt and bit the cap off.

"Harley!" snapped Angel making Harley look. Angel waved the shot in her hand before jabbing it into her neck and injecting herself it with making Harley's baby blue eyes widen. "Come on mama…going to kill me?" She saw tears swell up in Harley's eyes when Angel called her mama.

"YES! I'm going to kill all of us!"

"Oh fuck this." said Angel pressing down on the tracker and it started beeping rapidly. As Batman fought against Harley he hit the bomb trigger button hoping to stop it and Harley began laughing. "Barda!"

Commissioner Gordon sprinted at the building when it exploded making him fly backwards and his eyes widened. "NO!" A loud crash happened and he looked up to see Batman and Harley flying out of a window and the two hit the ground with a thud, Harley rolled away from Batman.

"Why did you save me?!" said Harley. "You should've just left me to die…then I'd be back…" a sob escaped her. "Mistah J."

"Angel?" asked Batman turning around. "No…"

"Stings doesn't it?" asked Harley looking up at him.

"What have you done?!" he asked turning to her when he looked back at the burning building. Harley pulled a dagger out and ran at him, Gordon looked and ran at her when a hand snatched up hers but not before the dagger could stab someone.

Angel cried out as the dagger buried itself into the spot between Angel's shoulder and her breast making Angel fall down clutching it making Harley back up with wide eyes. "N-No…" said Harley when she tripped and landed on her ass.

"ANGEL!" screamed Barda running to her once seeing Angel get in the way. Barda had arrived a split second before the bomb went off and managed to catch Angel and get her out of the way before they both got hurt. She ran to Angel and put her hand on the dagger and Angel cried out in pain once she accidentally moved it. "Okay…you'll be fine." She put a hand on Angel's cheek and turned to Harley glaring at her. "You hurt her!"

Harley pushed herself back as Barda went at her but Angel grabbed Barda's wrist with her bloody glove making Barda stop. Harley held herself and looked at Barda crying but the older woman turned to Angel and ripped Angel's suit to see how bad her wound was, the dagger was all the way in up to the handle of the dagger. "We need to get her medical attention." said Gordon.

"Come on." said Batman picking up in her arms, making sure the dagger was on the outside so he wouldn't hit it.

"What about her?" asked Barda pointing at Harley when Angel forced herself out of Batman's arms making him try to grab her again. Angel ran at Harley, snatched up her wrist and used the rockets she had installed in her boots incase she couldn't fly. She flew off into the air holding onto Harley. "I'll get her." Barda ran off to go get Angel.

"Put me down!" snapped Harley clawing at Angel's hand.

"Do you really think that's wise?!" snapped Angel making Harley look down and see that they where flying over the city.

"I can wait." said Harley looking a bit scared.

Angel hovered over a walkway and made her boots shut down and she landed on her feet, falling over onto her knees. The blood loss was getting to her but she had to get Harley somewhere first. Angel pulled a lock pick out and quickly opened the lock that held chains together and she pulled the chain off. She pushed Harley through the chain link door and to the wood door, Harley opened it and blinked as he saw Ivy sitting on a bed of leaves and she had mind controlled men on the ground in front of her. Ivy looked up and uncrossed her legs, glaring at Angel when Angel shoved Harley forward making the blonde jump the gap onto the floor.

"What are you doing here Batgirl?!" snapped Ivy.

"H-Harley…take care of Harley." she whispered when the door was thrown open and Angel turned to see Barda standing there.

"Come on." said Barda picking Angel up in her arms and Angel rested her head on Barda's shoulder.

"W-Wait." said Angel looking at Ivy who was looking at Harley. "Please take care of her."

"I will." said Ivy getting down and Harley ran to her, throwing her arms around her and hugging onto Ivy tightly as she cried into her shoulder. "Oh Harley…" she rubbed the other woman's back and they both fell to their knees.

"Okay…m-medical attention?" asked Angel looking at Barda who nodded and ran out of the building, leaving the two women hugging onto each other.

Barda laid Angel onto a stretcher and ambulance medics ran to her side and one ripped the dagger out making Angel scream in pain making Barda go to punch his face in but Batman grabbed her arm making her look. "He could've done it more gently instead of ripping it out!" snapped Barda making the guy flinch.

"We've gotta get her to the hospital." said the driver getting into the front seat.

"One of you want to come?" asked a medic looking at Batman and Barda.

"Go." said Batman patting Barda's shoulder and she nodded. She climbed into the ambulance and the door was shut.

The medics asked Barda to hold gauze to the wound and apply pressure as they set up an IV on her. "How long does the shot last?"

"T-Three hours…I think." muttered Angel looking at Barda. "If they need to do surgery, incase if ruptured something. I have more in my utility belt." Barda nodded and kissed her forehead and she saw Angel smile weakly.

"Love you." said Barda making a medic look.

"I love you too." smiled Angel. The Medic just smiled as he watched Barda rest her forehead against Angel's.

At the hospital, Angel was taken from Barda who was trying to get to Angel but Bruce had showed up and calmed her down. She sat in a chair waiting for the doctor while Bruce filled out Angel's patient forms. Last time Barda had been in a hospital, she was told her husband was dead. She put her hands over her face making Bruce look at her and looked for signs of crying but the woman wasn't. He put a hand on her shoulder making her freak out and swat his hand away but he just smiled at her making her sigh.

"Don't like hospitals?" he asked.

"Scott was declared dead in one. So no I don't like hospitals. I'm afraid that doctor will come out here and say she died. I already lost Scott…"

"She's been in these situations before and she's pulled through." said Bruce signing the paper with his signature. Angel was old enough to do her own forms but since she was being treated, she couldn't.

"What do you mean she'd been in these situations before?!" snapped Barda as she watched the nicely dressed man hand the nurse the clip board.

"I mean she'd been in situations before. She used to inject herself with shots now and then to see if she could make it a day with out her powers and was shot in her back by Two-Face. She was sprayed with Joker venom and had to be hospitalized for two weeks. Killer Croc accidentally bit her arm and broke it when he did so…"

"But her and Waylon are…"

"Friends I know. That's why I said accidentally. He was going for Two-Face but he moved and Angel got in the way. He's the one that brought her to the hospital." stated Bruce. "Of course everyone accuses him of attacking her on purpose, he ran after putting her on the stretcher."

After an hour a doctor came out and Barda looked up, her hands gripping the arms of her chair so hard it broke. "She's fine Mr. Wayne. You two can go see her now." said the doctor.

Bruce stood up and motioned to Barda. Barda held the broken chair arm to the doctor who took it and looked her weird. Angel was laying in her bed and gnawing on her hand. "And why are we eating our self?" asked Bruce walking in.

"My arm is numb…they had to numb me up to stitch me cause I was freaking out. I can't feel it so I'm biting myself." answered Angel like it was an everyday thing with her biting herself. She felt a hand smack her upside the head hard. "Ow! But I can feel that!"

"Don't you EVER worry me like that again." snapped Barda leaning over the bed at Angel.

"I'm sorry." she pouted looking at Barda and she watched Barda's stern look hold for about three minutes but Angel's pout got to her and she sighed.

She leaned over and pressed their lips together. "Pain…" she pecked their lips together. "…in…" another peck. "…the ass…" she held the last kiss for a few minutes before pulling away and Angel grinned at her before biting onto her hand again and making growling noises. Barda laughed and smiled at Angel.

"Okay now you're doing it for show…" Bruce smacked Angel's hand out of her mouth. "Knock it off."

"Love you too dad." snapped Angel a bit annoyed. "I wanna gnaw on something." She looked at Barda and down at her breasts.

"Hell no." snapped Barda crossing her arms over her breasts and Angel laughed loudly.

"Not gonna bite on your breasts."

"I'll order you something to eat. You can gnaw on that." sighed her father going to the phone in the room. Barda sat on the side of the bed and took Angel's non numb hand and laced their fingers together.

"Where you worried?" asked Angel.

"Very." whispered Barda.


"It's fine. I know why you did it." answered the New God smiling at Angel making Angel smile back. "I love you…"

"I love you too." answered the young girl pulling Barda close, although with out her strength at the moment she knew Barda let her pull.

Barda sat closer to the young girl and wrapped her arm around Angel in a gentle and caring way. "Forever mine." whispered the black haired woman.

"Forever yours." she whispered nuzzling Barda's neck as she closed her eyes.

She missed Penny…she missed Penny dearly but Barda filled that hole in her heart. The New God made her happy. Maybe being trapped in Arkham City was a good thing, Barda wouldn't be with her…so yes, Arkham City was a good thing.

The End?

Lol this is over for now. I might do another Arkham Asylum story but Angel won't work at Arkham and only knew Penny from sessions she had with her every week, donno yet. Lemme know what you think…Angel would still be a super-powered Batgirl and I might have Penny life. I donno, been watching Batman Arkham Asylum videos and had the sudden urge to write another story between Angel and Penny.