"What have you done to me?" Artemis cried as she covered her eyes. "You. are. useless. You are now blind…forever," He smirked.

Her tears rolled down her face as she desperately tried to feel her way around. Now that she couldn't see, she didn't know where she was, her only bet was telepathy. She managed to contact M'Gann and told her where she last remembered to avoid anyone finding out. However, M'Gann was able to read the other part of her mind that she tried to conceal.

"Artemis….can you not see?" M'Gann asked mentally. "You can't tell….not yet….just pretend I can't find my way around because I hurt my leg or something…ok?" Artemis growled telepathically.

"But…."M'Gann said until she was cut off by a fierce no. She immediately flew to the location Artemis was and lifted her up by the shoulder. They flew in the air as M'Gann navigated the forest for the others. Artemis felt light on her feet but couldn't witness the sky or the forest. As they were getting closer and closer to the forest, all the others already met up and were waiting for the two to arrive.

Kid Flash complained, "What took you so long to find your way here? Are you blind or something?"

"Sorry guys, I hurt my leg so I couldn't find my way," Artemis said with an unusual blank look. Robin's mask reached the corners of his face with suspicion however decided to figure it out secretly.

Kaldur ordered her to get into the ship and to lie down temporarily. "Feel better," he said. Artemis forced a smile and with a fake tough voice she said, "Thanks."

M'Gann held Artemis' hand and whispered, "It's going to be alright, but you have to tell the others."

Artemis was facing the wrong way and said, "You open that dirty mouth of yours, I'm going to kill you, you hear me?"

M'Gann knew she didn't mean it but she sighed. It wasn't her right to tell them, but at this rate Artemis can feel the burden and wouldn't be able to handle this alone…

While the other guys were busy discussing the next plan, Robin was listening to the girls' conversation with such slyness that nobody noticed. He heard bits of the word blind and truth, but that was enough for him. Horror covered him as he realized how the truth and blindness correlated with each other. Artemis is blind and she doesn't want anyone to know. He pondered on what to do, whether he should report to Batman or Kaldur or anyone at all. He glanced at Artemis, who seemed normal, but was feeling ultimate pain and confusion inside.

Once the ship landed at the Cave, Robin offered to help hold Artemis. He picked her up on his back no matter how much Artemis refused. Artemis struggled to get out, but she knew she couldn't as long as she couldn't see.

"I could walk by myself," Artemis protested. Robin rolled his eyes under his mask and said, "We both know you can't."

As soon as they reached the door, Robin put her down and wanted to see whether she could realize it was there and open it.

Artemis searched for a doorknob or something. Frustrated, she kept on searching only to realize that there was no doorknob. The only doors to the cave are zeta tubes.

"Robin, is this some sick joke?" Artemis asked at the ceiling. "Artemis, that's what I should be asking you. You can't even see me and yet you try to act all tough and fine. How long do you plan to hide this. You know you can't for a long time," Robin said sadly.

"I know, but I just have to try…" Artemis cried.