Disclaimer: I only own a copy of the Skyrim game.

This is my first Skyrim story. I'm a HUGE fan of Cicero. Huge fan as in, I am one of those insane fangirls when it comes to him. I love the Listener/Cicero pairing, and since there just aren't many around, I'm hoping that by adding to the small collection, I can increase interest and therefore, increase Listener/Cicero writers. The rating of this fiction is lower than the game rating, because from the plot-line, not much of an above T rating violence is going on. Not much sexual stuff is going on because, although I'm cool with reading it, I can't write sex stuff. I get too embarrassed/uncomfortable.

"Listener, what is troubling you? Why won't you let humble Cicero help?"


Something shattered against the wall. Nazir and Babette paid no attention. They were used to the quarrels between the Listener and Keeper. Babette continued to calmly read her new book on alchemy as Nazir expertly measured spices. Aventus jumped at first, but quickly relaxed and continued sharping a new blade. He proved to be great at smithing, able to make custom blades that were sharp. "Perfect for stabbing!" Cicero had once cheerfully declared.

"Another lover's quarrel?" he guessed.

"Probably," Babette replied.

It had been nearly five years after the assassination of the Emperor. Aventus was their first official new member since said assassination. Although the current youngest at fifteen, he had been eager to become a member of the Dark Brotherhood family as opposed to the Honorhall Orphanage. The woman who now ran it was dearly kind, but it did not mean that there still wasn't enough money coming in to support all the half-starving children. She made due the best she could. After joining, Aventus requested that they spared some spare coin to the children there. Nazir agreed, seeing the potential in this. Having very friendly relations with the Thieves guild, with great thanks to the Listener, they informed Nazir of the children that showed the potential to become a new Dark Brother. So far, Nazir saw five possible future dark brothers, and two future dark sisters. But for now, they were young. Babette had insisted they enjoy their childhood. They would recruit them when they entered their teen years.

Aside from Aventus, they had four more. They no longer lived in the Dawnstar Sanctuary however. A dark elf had insisted on fixing up and reopening the Falkreath Sanctuary. The old members, still haunted by the tragedy there, denied it. Argument after argument brought chaos until Babette suggested they go to another Sanctuary that had been closed and abandoned a hundred years ago. They had left nearly two and a half years ago. Rarely they received news from them, but they seemed to fare well on their own. They had a alchemist and two great killers, the last one showing potential but was still new and unsure of himself when they had left.

Nazir and Babette payed no attention, Aventus sparing only a second's glance when the Listener burst through the door and angrily stormed past them into another room. With a mad smile on his face accompanied by confused eyes, the jester followed her like a lost puppy.

"Listener," he whined. "Tell Cicero what troubles you so. Did Cicero do something wrong? Did Cicero not serve the Listener as she had commanded? Is Mother unhappy with poor Cicero?"

"I said, LEAVE ME ALONE!" the Listener screamed, the sentence ending in a thu'um. Babette simply lifted her book as Cicero went sliding across the table and laying upside down on the other side. The Listener turned on her heel and stormed down the hall. She slammed the door to her and Cicero's room shut.

This was completely normal. Cicero and the Listener would argue, have a small slap fight, scream at each other, and then soon Cicero would do something sweet (and in Babette's opinion, romantic) for the Listener, causing them to make up and spend some alone time in their room. Their relationship was different, based on who you asked. The Listener simply said "No" when you asked them if they were a couple. Cicero on the other hand, would make his wide insane grin, clap his hands and do a dance while cheerfully telling you "Cicero lives to serve, and he will serve his Mother and the Listener until Mother takes him home!" So in short, you never really get a clear answer from the generally silent Listener/Dragonborn and the insanity of the Keeper/Jester. Nazir believed that Cicero was just really devoted to serving his Listener, while Babette was positive that although they wouldn't admitted, Samar loved the fool and Cicero loved her nearly as much as he loved Mother.

"Unchild, why is Listener so upset with poor Cicero?" Cicero asked Babette as he stood and leaned pathetically over the table. "Cicero only tries to serve and please her but the Listener is not pleased."

This also happened often. Without looking up from her book, Babette gave her usual reply.

"Just leave Samar be, Keeper," she told him, flipping the page. "Maybe she just wants to be alone. The Listener enjoys being solitude, and maybe she just needs some time for herself."

"Solitude...lonely Cicero could tell you a thing or two about...solitude," Cicero replied, his voice sounding slightly depressed. His insane grin was gone only momentarily.

"Yeah. I don't know how she can put up with sharing that much time with you," Nazir chimed in. "I would have killed you years ago. I'm sorry, but I would ignore the Five Tenants."

His insane smile back, Cicero gave a giggle and did a small dance.

"Cicero knows how to cheer the Listener!" he chirped, giving another dance before he made a mad dash for the front door. He left and the door shut, leaving them all in silence save for bubbling water and Aventus working the forge he had made himself. It was only temporary. Aventus paused in his hammering to listen.

"Do you hear that?" he asked, putting his hammer down.

Babette looked up, straining to hear what Aventus was talking about. Nazir paused, just for a second to listen before he continued stirring and adding spices to the food.

"It's just Samar," he informed them, slowly stirring the pot with care.

"She's crying," Babette said after a few more seconds of listening. Aventus's hand fiddled with the handle on the hammer. Babette looked at Nazir, who began to stir more rapidly under her gaze. She rolled her eyes and carefully bookmarked her page. "Boys."

"It's hard enough listening to him sing and dance all day and hearing them at night, I don't want to get even more involved in their bizarre relationship," Nazir insisted as he began to stir slower when Babette stood to go to Samar's room.

"Listener?" Babette said gently, lightly tapping her pale knuckles against the door.

"Go away you stupid jester!"

"It's Babette," she said. Silence before Samar opened the door. Babette took pity, seeing the Listener's eyes red from crying. "Listener, what's wrong?"

"Come in," Samar said softly. Babette walked in and plopped on the bed. Samar closed the door before she walked over and made herself comfortable on the bed next to the pillows. They were silent. "Where's the fool?"

"He ran out the door, shouting about knowing how to cheer you up," Babette replied. Samar gave a sad smile.

"He's so sweet sometimes," she murmured softly.

"You two are so cute together," Babette said with a wide smile.

"We're not a couple," Samar insisted. "He just serves me."

"He serves you in very interesting ways," Babette teased. Samar's cheeks blushed red as she smoothed her hands through her long black hair. "Seriously though, Samar, what's troubling you?"

"I can't go on anymore contracts," Samar murmured. "On Mother's orders."

"I hardly see why this is Cicero's fault," the unchild replied with a small frown. Samar shot a look of death.

"It it entirely his fault," she scowled.


"Babette...the Night Mother just informed me that I'm about three weeks pregnant."

Babette's eyes lit up brightly as she jumped to her feet, bouncing and clapping.

"Oh congratulations! We're going to have a baby in the Sanctuary!" Babette squealed. She had always wanted children, but due to the age she became a vampire, it just was not possible.

"Shhh!" Samar hushed her. Babette could see the pain in Samar's dark green eyes. "I don't want anybody to know just yet."

"Samar, you should be excited. This is a baby, a little bundle of joy, a symbol of just how much two people love each other," Babette said, a tad confused as the excited grin was swept off her face and her hands dropped to her sides.

"Firstly, I don't love Cicero. I never planned this. Secondly, how am I supposed to raise the baby and be the Listener? And never take on another contract?" Samar began to tear up again.

"Are you sure the Night Mother just didn't want you to take on any contracts while you carried?" Babette asked. Her eyes suddenly grew wide and a horrified gasp escaped her as a thought came to her. "Wait...You're not thinking of..."

"I asked Mother if she willed me to carry this child to term or if I should terminate it," Samar said shortly. "She said that he or she was considered another one of her children, and killing the baby would be considered a violation of one of the Five Tenants."

"Do you want the baby?" Babette asked softly. Samar was silent for a few moments.

"I had been thinking about it...and yes...I do. I really do. The more I imagined myself as a mother, the more I grew to love the idea...but I can't help but fell that I can't be a loving mother and a cold-blooded killer at the same time. Have women ever done that?"

"You're Dragonborn as well, dear Listener." Babette smiled softly at her. "You can be a very wonderful mother and still strike both fear and dagger into hearts. You can do anything."

"I suppose," Samar said softly, playing with her gloves. Silence passed over them. "Do you know what I'm mainly afraid of?"

"What?" Babette asked, honestly unsure of her exact fears. She had a small suspicion that she was still afraid she wouldn't be a good mom.

"Cicero." That she wasn't expecting.

"What about him?" Babette asked. "I'm sure he'll want Cicero Jr. Or Samar Jr."

Samar shook her head. "Not that. Babette, he's not normal."

"Well duh."

"No no no! I mean...when Aventus first came, he was about ten years old. When he first found Mother in her coffin, he was fascinated. A kid being a kid, he began to explore the coffin. Cicero was so furious, he left a horrid bruise on his wrist from dragging him out. Anybody who slightly upsets him has the chance of getting their throat slit. He's unpredictable. How am I supposed to know that he can be gently with our baby? I know he would never mean it, but..."

"I know what you mean," Babette said, saving her from having to finish. "Well, several things can happen. You two could get your motherly and fatherly instincts and be just fine. Cicero and you may get the new parent freakouts and become extremely overprotective. Cicero may become as obsessed with taking care of the baby as he does with the Night Mother and you. To be honest, there are so many things that could happen."

Before Samar could respond, Cicero burst through the door.

"Listener! I have returned!" he exclaimed cheerfully. He handed her a silver necklace with a sapphire stone that had a few specs of blood on it. "Cicero was walking along the trail when he saw one of the overgrown cats walking with this one. She tried to hit poor Cicero with a glass sword, but Cicero was much faster. He slit her neck and found something beautiful for his Listener!"

Samar sniffed as she wiped her eyes again and accepting the necklace. The Jester's grin of insanity dropped when he saw the redness around her eyes.

"Listener, why were you crying? Tell poor Cicero who made you cry? Cicero will STABSTABSTABSTABSTAB him until he is no more for hurting his poor, sweet Listener."

Samar smiled slightly as she put the necklace on.

"It's nothing now. Don't worry about it," she murmured, standing up on her tiptoes to kiss the keeper's cheek, his insane smile returning as he gave one of his mad laughs.

"Did Cicero make the Listener happy?" he asked hopefully, that mad grin remaining on his face.

"Very happy," Samar admitted. Babette smiled as she slipped out of the room, unnoticed by the not-couple.

And Samar said she didn't love him. They were both fools.