A/N: So some of you have been asking for an epilogue. I present to you, said epilogue.

A month passed after Emily had told Callen she'd loved him. They were relaxing in her apartment, her typing at her laptop, trying to get a small column finished for the next day's print, him reading a book when she asked him. "You want to move in?"

He lifted his gaze to stare at the wall opposite for a few moments, his brain working in overtime, trying to figure out something to reply with. The most his mind could come up with was, "What?"

It was now that he turned his head to look at her, trying to keep the shock out of his face. She peered up at him innocently with a hint of a small smile beginning to grow, "Well, you're here every other day and there's a good deal of your stuff here. I mean, I don't see a problem with it and it is entirely up to you."

The next few minutes were spent in silence as he kept his gaze fixed on hers whilst he debated internally with himself. She had good points, half of his stuff was already here in the apartment and his car did live outside in the parking lot half the week. Part of him knew it was a big commitment to move in with her, to actually live with her, sleep next to her every night, wake up every morning next to her.

But, he felt comfortable with the idea of it, of being with Emily on those nights and those mornings. Emily made a face at him and turned back to her laptop, "Like I said, if you don't want to, you don't hav-"

"I want to," he pushed forward, capturing her gaze once more. She stared at him, the smile returning to the corners of her mouth. "I," he nodded with a faint smile, "I would like to move in with you."

She frowned at him, "You, you're not just saying that are you?"

Callen waved a hand at her and shook his head. "I mean it. I do want to move in with you."



"So," she said after a moment.

Callen smirked and said, "So."

They shared a look for a moment before Emily uttered a small laugh and kicked her feet out to sit them on top of his legs. "Feel free to bring the rest of your stuff whenever."

"Will do," he said, leaning his arms on top of her legs and continuing to read his book.

It took all of three days for the rest of his stuff to appear, to which Emily was shocked by how little stuff he brought with him. But she held her tongue, shrugged her shoulders and pointed towards a set of drawers in the bedroom, a second set that sat next to hers.

Two months later a nasty case had caused the tension to rise at Ops and the temperature to drop through fear and worry. A guy was taking it into his hands to create mass panic through the video streamed executions of six Naval men and seven Marines, all who had supposedly committed crimes against humanity. The videos had hit the mainstream and the man in the mask, was threatening to attack members of the public next who had committed crimes against humanity. When that threat had hit the web, four more military men had been killed.

Everybody had been on the edge of their seats for days, tracking everything to try to find the guy. Overall, it had taken almost two weeks to find and kill the man with the risk of almost-death to everyone on the team.

That night, Callen left to head off with one specific task in mind.

To simply hold Emily.

It was way past midnight when he got in and he dumped his bag and jacket on the couch, shed his shoes and jeans and quietly stepped towards the bedroom. Quietly, he pulled the cover back, slipped in behind her, wrapped an arm around her and put the cover back. He pulled her tight against his chest and just inhaled the smell that was her. The words fell from his mouth before he could think. They fell knowing that she was safe, that she was a safety net against his job, that she was the anchor that held him down after such a terrible job.

"I love you."

When his mind realised what he'd said he simply repeated the phrase, feeling the warmth of it well up in his stomach and begin to bubble up into his chest. He let that feeling settle in and lull him into a deep sleep against her side. It was in the morning, when he'd remained next to her, simply watching her. He waited until she was awake before repeating those three words. "I love you."

She'd smiled, and repeated it back to him, capturing his mouth in a long, deep, drawn out kiss. That kiss had led to hands pulling the other closer and then those same hands had wondered. That morning, they were both late to work with a grin on their face.

Callen was happy to say that he thoroughly enjoyed having a somewhat normal life. Especially one that involved Emily accepting some of the things he kept to himself and some of the weird habits that he had. He didn't admit it to anyone, but deep inside, he knew that he could spend a long time in this happy state with Emily.