AN: My first X-Men FF ever. So please be gentle with me. Also my first attempt on writing a story in English for a long time. So all mistakes are mine.

I just sat here the last couple of days and watched the X Movies again. Reading some ff's of Jean/Logan here as well and as for I was always a fan of them I just came up with this. I'm not a native English person so please bear with my mistakes... I recently watched the X3 blu ray with that writers comments about the whole movie (which is quite interesting) and gave it me some ideas. So here we are.

This is in Jean's POV and is catching up on how everythng could be for her (and what will happen) after the X3 ending but I'll as well try to explain certain events from X3 from her POV.

I am trying to make her reasonable and I'll try to put in more of Logan (and maybe the rest) later on.

Please tell me if you'd like to read more of that because I really don't know if I should continue writing .. ;-) I hope you like it. Feedback would be sooo amazing. Just let me know what you think, please. For I can't read your minds, not yet at least... ;)

Awww and... For there is a reason an eagle combines wings and claws.

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em.

Summary: I knew he would save me. He always would. / And I hoped he knew that a Phoenix would only die to be reborn again. / We will for sure have enough time. For we are eternal. / I need someone to save me every once in a while. Jean/Logan. Alcatraz and on.. (and why she did what she did)

The chaos from my mind exploded around me. Frequently destroying the remainings of Alcatraz as he walked up to me. And I was captivated. Proud that someone took a stand. That he took a stand.

There I was. Overwhelmed by everything that was happening around me. This was too much. I couldn't control myself any longer. I couldn't focus and Phoenix and me were both too angry and too stubborn.

But there he was. And as Logan tried to reach for me Wolverine battled Phoenix. She wanted him to go. I didn't know what I wanted and he just wouldn't let go. So he healed his wounds as she was finally giving in more and more.

I didn't exactly hear what he said. Everything was so loud in my head. Waves crashing. Fires burning and humans and mutants thinking too much of how to come out here alive. I could hear them. All of them. And I wanted them to stop. I wanted them to shut up.

And between all of this he was calling to me.

He stood in front of me.

"Save me", was all I could manage to say as I looked into his eyes. And I knew that he knew what I wanted him to do. "I love you", was the last thing I heard before Wolverine stabbed Phoenix and I gladly closed my eyes. There was satisfaction displayed in them a moment before and I hoped Logan saw it.

He would take care of me. I knew he would save me. He always would.

And I hoped he knew that a Phoenix would only die to be reborn again. As well as she is a part of me. For we are one. We just hadn't have much time to control each other to live along side in my body. For the Professor tried to save me from myself by pushing her away.

But she's a part of me. And I need her as much as she needs me. Just as much as I am Jean Grey, she is. And just as much as she is Phoenix, I am too. We are one. And if we have enough time to learn to work together and get along we can be so much more.

But we'll figure that out. We will for sure have enough time. For we are eternal.

And I know that I need help. I need someone by my side to achieve that. I need Logan to teach me to get along with Phoenix. For he is my true soulmate and as bold and human as that may sound I need someone to save me every once in a while.