As I was stumbling through a bunch of the older fics on this site like I normally do from time to time, I reread the Round Robin that a group of authors did way back when. My question for you fellow authors is would anyone be interested in doing another one of these where each new chapter is written by a different author? The rules for the original round robin (which I am not by any means taking credit for, I just thought it was a great idea) were as followed: must be centered around Niles and CC, each chapter should be between 1000 and 5000 words, each chapter must be posted within 7 days of the last chapter and must start with the last line from the previous chapter. Please try to keep it T rated. If there is enough interest in this, I will post the first chapter. I am not sure if it would be easier to post each chapter as a new story or to have the chapters sent to me so that they can all be in one place rather than having to track down each chapter. I loved this idea the first time it was done here and I know there are some different authors on here now so I thought it would be a good idea to try it out. If anyone is interested please PM me or leave a review.