Greetings, and welcome to my new project! Don't worry, I'm still working on Peonies and Chrysanthemums, and I don't intend on stopping soon. I just decided to start this because the idea was too good to pass up. Maritime Melody will be a multi-chapter AU fic revolving around a young fisherman, Kiku, and a mysterious merman, Yao. At this point (being the first chapter), the rating will start out as T, just to be safe, but it may move up! Be warned!

Otherwise, please enjoy my new story, Maritime Melody! :)

Honda Kiku, proud member of Nippon Fishing Fleet, Number 12. At twenty-two years old, this fresh faced Japanese man couldn't remember a time when he wasn't near water. His father was a fisherman, his grandfather was a fisherman, all of his uncles and great uncles were fishermen, and every previous generation going back to the sixteenth century had their roots on a boat. Now, it was his turn. When he had children, each son of his would be expected to fish as well. It wasn't like Kiku minded, however; he absolutely loved the sea. The sound of waves crashing gently against the boat, the beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and, most of all... the smell of fresh fish.

Squid, tuna, crab, and salmon (Kiku's personal favorite), among others, filled the boat daily. Kiku was always on deck, pulling lines in with his well-trained arms (although he was smaller than most of the other crew members, standing at a mere five feet and three inches), revealing their catch of the day. It was dangerous work, especially when a storm decided to come through, but every crew member on the Nippon Fishing Fleet, Number 12, seemed to make the best of their jobs. They laughed, drank sake, and ate fish- usually the fish that was deemed unworthy to be sent back to Japan and places otherwise, but the crew couldn't care less. Good times were had when one was not working on board.

Well, there was one exception...

A rather large one, at that.

One particular storm ripped through the Sea of Japan, just a few miles off the coast of China, where the ship was currently stationed, earning their loot. It came as a surprise to most, as the storm radar was having repairs done, so there was very little time to get to shore for safety. Kiku had never seen waves that big; at least a hundred feet tall, perhaps more. Men were running for their lives, clutching their hats to their hearts, making way for the lower deck.

"Honda!" the captain, Fujito, shouted over the roars of thunder and smacking of waves. "Get below, now!"

Kiku was too stunned. His hands clutched the railing on the side of the boat, and his eyes remained fixated on the onslaught of water, heading straight toward him. Winds ripped his hat off and blew his hair in every direction; it was only two in the evening, but the sky was already pitch black. In his twenty-two years of living, Kiku had seen plenty, but this storm, by far, was the most horrific to ever cross his eyes.

"Did you hear me, Honda?" the captain yelled again. "Get below or you'll die!"

However, Kiku's body had another idea. His mind screamed move, move, get down below like he said! but he stayed still. Shouts from Fujito and the other men crossed his ears, but he didn't seem to listen one bit. Their pleas were futile; soon enough, Kiku was the only one left on deck without realizing it. Somehow, he remained standing, still holding on with all of his might to the side of his precious ship. Nippon Fishing Fleet, Number 12; the boat his grandfather helped to build, the boat his father sailed on for fourty years... was going down.

One of the largest waves yet, nearly a hundred and fifty feet tall, by Kiku's estimate, came full force toward the ship, and Kiku's vision went to nothing.

Pain. Pounding, aching, taunting, throbbing pain. What a wonderful first thing to feel upon awakening...

Awakening? He couldn't believe it. Covered in sand, Kiku shot up, bringing even more pain. Still, it appeared that he was alive. His head screamed to lie back down, but somehow he knew that would do no good. He had to figure out where he was, and quickly. Finally opening his eyes, he received somewhat of an answer.

The sea in front of him was calm. Tiny waves floated over the shore, cascading against rocks and brightly colored shells. The sand was a beautiful grain, soft and warm, although it was still dark. Was it still day, or did it hit night already? Unfortunately, Kiku had lost his watch in the storm, so he had no clue. His uniform was dripping wet and covered in salt and seaweed. Fingers and toes caked with dry sand, it was quite difficult to move, accompanied with the resonating pain all over his body. Waiting for some relief, Kiku simply sat and watched the water for what seemed like hours. I must be near China, he thought to himself as a small crab scuttled by. Was it the mainland, or an island? He couldn't be sure at all until he had himself a look around. Pausing for a bit longer, he heaved himself up- but his soaking clothes weighed him down. Shrugging, he removed his shirt to squeeze it out. No one else was around, so he had no qualms about being naked... again, with a shrug, he took his pants off and squeezed them out. Deciding that they were enough, he advanced forward in only undergarments to explore the surroundings.

It was, undoubtedly, a beach. A small forest sat behind him, with a rocky cave to his back left. There weren't many animals, though he could hear birds and crickets singing in the trees and shrubs. Much more peaceful than the sounds of the previous storm that landed him here, he remarked. For now, he wouldn't bother walking around much, as he was quite exhausted and felt a bit murky. Before sleep, he felt it necessary to wash off his hands and feet, ridding them of dry sand. As he did so, something bright caught his eye, somewhere near the cave. It was glimmering, a light red, as brilliant as the circle dotting the Hinomaru. To Kiku's eye, it appeared to be moving. But how? The wind was barely blowing at this point... somehow, the image was intriguing, and despite his better judgement, the man advanced toward it.

Closer and closer he got, the image appeared more vivid. The crimson sparkles began to light the way, almost as if it was calling to him. His feet moved with no regard along the sand, dirtying again, and a mere ten feet away from the mysterious object, he saw...

Long, brown hair. Bright amber eyes, blinking wildly. A perfectly tanned body. The source of the beautiful red shimmer- a long tail.

The majestic creature, perched on a rock, seemed to stare right into Kiku's soul.

Hinomaru is the name for Japan's flag; it's white with a red circle in the middle.

I actually made up the name of Kiku's ship myself, lol.

Aaaand that's the end of the first chapter! The next one will be up soon, with the rest to follow until I finish the story I intend on telling. Thank you for reading! :)