Well, here's the last chapter to Maritime Melody! I won't be leaving any notes at the end, so I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's read this story, added it to their favorites/alerts, left reviews, etc. I've had a great time writing it, and I hope you've all had a great time reading it. :)

Thankfully, Kiku's father had learned to forgive and forget (or so it seemed), and had dropped his grudge against Kiku not wanting to go right back into the fishing business. Soon, he had begun to teach Satoshi the ropes, and the teenager was all too excited to learn.

Kiku's mother forked over as much money from her savings as she could so that the pair could rent a small apartment. For this, they were very grateful, something they expressed with many hugs and kisses. Yao now got around by wheelchair, Kiku always pushing. It was a great deal for both of them.

The only downside was that Kiku was now unemployed. So, he had to go find a job, and quickly. Rent was steep, and Yao couldn't work, so all of their income relied on the Japanese man. As Yao stayed at home and studied Japanese, Kiku went job-hunting.

One day, he came back with wonderful news.

"Yao!" he sang as he burst into their apartment. "I found it! The perfect job!"

Lifting his head from his book, Yao smiled. "Oh? What's that, Kiku?"

"An elderly woman is selling her bookstore, and I have just enough money to get it! It's just a few blocks away, so I can walk or ride my bike if I feel like it, and it's so cute and friendly and I just love it! Like I said, perfect! If you want, you can even wheel down there a few times a week to visit, or go sit with my mother while I tend shop, and-"

"Breathe, Kiku," Yao said, laughing and grabbing for one of Kiku's hands. "It sounds wonderful. I'd love to go see it."

"Oh, you should... do you want to go now?"

Yao shook his head. "No... not now. Just come here, Kiku." He patted his leg, indicating that Kiku should sit in his lap. The man complied, and soon they were holding each other as tenderly as they could.

"I'm so happy for you," Yao said, squeezing Kiku's middle. "This will be great. Sometimes I can't even believe I'm here with you. Waking up with you at my side is surreal. Even if I can't walk... I feel blessed."

Kiku grinned. "I'm so glad, Yao. I feel the same way. It's funny how such an odd chain of events led us to this... but I wouldn't have it any other way, you know?"

"I know," the other replied, kissing the man in his lap over his heart. "Kiku?"


"I love you."

If the kiss weren't enough, this would do it; Kiku's heart nearly leapt out of his chest. Yao had never said that to him before... it sounded so sweet, so right, so perfect. He thought he could cry. Never had the man felt so adored or where he belonged.

"I love you too."

Leaning down for a real kiss, Kiku's head spun with joyous thoughts of he and Yao's future together. Yao, who only a bit ago was a sea creature, beautiful and mysterious. Yao, who was now Kiku's love, thriving in the human world at his side, creating sweet melodies wherever his path crossed.
