The night air was cold, blowing iciness onto a man and his baby. The man, his dark hair and sunken face windswept, had a frantic look about him, his dark eyes darting here and there. He knew they were coming for him, they had to be.

Pettigrew had set him up and there was no way the ministry wasn't all-hands-on-deck with the search for him. He still had a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that little Peter Pettigrew had turned their closest friends over to the Dark Lord. Lily and James are dead. It didn't seem like the right combination of words to him.

Though the air was cold, the child did not cry. It was wrapped in several layers of blanket.

"I have a feeling you are not the only baby being left on a muggle doorstep tonight, my daughter," the man said quietly, thinking of the Potter child. His godson. His own daughter was only a bit older than young Harry. A few months maybe.

The muggles he was leaving her with were sure to take good care of her. The couple was young and had been trying to have children, but the woman could not conceive.

There it was. The stone house with the terracotta paneled roof. Morning Glory was snaking its way up the surface of the three brick walls bordering the small garden in the front of the house.

Julianne and Tommy Grimm. He found the name fitting… in a morbidly ironic kind of way.

He took slow, deliberate steps up to the door, watching his child's face. Her eyes would soon turn into a deep hazel with the mix of her father's and mother's eye color. He kissed the baby's forehead lightly before setting her gently on the doorstep. He stood and turned, taking a few steps away. Then he stopped and looked back. "I'll see you again someday… Kylin." With a pop, he disappeared.

Tucked safely away in the side of the baby's blankets was a note to the Grimms.

"This is Kylin. She was born on February 7th, 1980. When she turns eleven, she will receive a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am entrusting her in your care.

-Sirius Black"


The moment Sirius Black was captured by the Ministry of Magic and taken into custody, less than an hour later, Kylin woke up and began to cry.

"Is that a baby?" asked a very sleepy Julianne.

"I'll go check," Tommy responded, rolling out of bed with his brown hair cast in every direction. He walked downstairs and opened the door, looking outside blearily. It had indeed been a baby. "Jules, come down here!" Tommy called back up the stairs, picking the baby up and smiling.

They had been trying for quite some time to have a child, but were unable. They had been left a baby.

"What is it, darl-" she cut off when she saw the bundle in Tommy's arms. Her eyes brightened and a smile crept onto her face. She made an "aww" noise and walked over to them, holding her arms out for the child.

He settled the baby in her arms and noticed something sticking out of the crying baby's blankets. He grabbed the paper as Julianne rocked the baby, attempting to soothe it. It was working. Her crying started to abate and she stared at Julianne with intelligent eyes.

Tommy scrunched his eyebrows together. "It's a good thing her parents left her with us… They're complete nutters."

"What did they say?"

"Her name is Kylin, her birthday is February the 7th of this year, and when she turns eleven she will be summoned to go to some school teaching magic."

Julianne wasn't surprised crazy people were getting more and more crazy nowadays. "Is it signed?"

Tommy scanned the page again. When he got to the bottom, he said, "Sirius Black."

Julianne shivered. "That's a rather creepy name."

"Like we have any room to talk," he said with a slow grin, tossing an arm around his wife and new child. "Mrs. Grimm."


Tommy and Julianne put the letter away, deciding to let Kylin think that they were her biological parents. There was no reason she should have to go through the pain of knowing she had been abandoned by some crazy man.

Often, though, Kylin asked why she had no brothers or sisters. As always, their response was "We are more than happy with just you." To which Kylin frowned and whined, sounding enough like an actual puppy to make the couple confused.

How could she manipulate her voice like that? And at such a young age? But they pushed that thought to the back of their minds.


One day when Kylin was wandering around the park while Tommy watched her from a park bench, she met a young boy a little bit older than her. Kylin was only 5 and this boy was easily 7, very tall with bright red hair and a lot of freckles. Kylin had her fair share of freckles, but her ginger-ness was incomplete by her lack of red hair and blue eyes.

She had bumped into him and fallen over.

"Oh, sorry," the boy said, turning around to look down at Kylin, frowning on the ground with her pink sundress. He held his hand out.

She took it hesitantly.

"My names Fred Weasley," the boy said energetically.

She cocked her head to the side and chewed on her lip, as though trying to figure the boy out. Eventually, she said, "My names Kylin Grimm."

He smiled exuberantly. "Wanna go play?" he asked.

She smiled back and nodded. Then she grabbed his hand and they played on the playground all day… and all of the next day… and the next.

Kylin and Fred became best friends. Though Fred's family was a wizarding family and she couldn't know about the existence of magic. Molly and Arthur Weasley adored the young girl, as did the rest of the Weasley family. She visited them often at the burrow, though she never managed to stumble upon anything that might enlighten her to their magical lifestyle.

She wondered why Fred and his twin brother George, and his younger brother Ron, and sister Ginny, and their older brothers Percy, Bill and Charlie all seemed so mysterious. Bill and Charlie, both of whom were quite fond of Kylin, were almost never at the burrow. And the younger kids didn't go to the same school as Kylin. When she voiced this thought, Fred had explained, with shifty eyes, "We go to a private school." She didn't question it any further.

When she turned eleven, Tommy and Julianne were relieved to see that no such letter had come to tell them that their daughter was going to some magic school. Though they had known it couldn't be true, both were subconsciously worried that her real parents might have been telling the truth.

But that didn't mean that the magic didn't stay away from Kylin. Strange occurrences happened with the young girl. She was constantly trying to make excuses to cover up the weirdness, like "That table has always been closer to the kitchen counter than that. Just because I needed it closer and couldn't move myself doesn't mean the table moved for me." or "Are you kidding? That trash can has always levitated." But the weirdest of all, was that she always felt like she needed to run. And not just run, but drop to all fours and sprint as fast as she could. Once she even caught a glimpse of paw prints leading up to the house the morning after a night she didn't really remember.

She was 15 when she was finally informed of her acceptance to Hogwarts. This is her story. Well my story actually. My name is Kylin Black and I am a witch, as weird as that sounds.

So it begins :) Thanks for reading, hope you liked it! Review! :)