Title: One shot and the whiskey goes down, down
Pairings: Dean/Cas/Sam/Gabriel (Team Free Love)
Warnings: Fluff? Sexual innuendo? Swearing? AU
Summary: It all starts with doing something good for the community. And it ends with stolen rum and Spin the Bottle. Prequel to Pillow Pets

"C'mon, Sam, it'll be good for you! Community service and all that," Dean says brightly, having managed to wrestle Sam out of the library and into the gorgeous California air.

"You know that's not it, Dean," Sam scowls. "I have to study or I'm gonna fail out of my physics class, you know this."

"But look how gorgeous it is," Dean whines, pushing out his lower lip. Sam very determinedly does not look at the slick, plump skin, keeping his eyes firmly on Dean's face.


He sighs, dropping his books. "Fine," he grumbles. "But if I fail it's your fault."

Dean grins brightly and nods, grabbing Sam's wrist and tugging him to his Impala.


They arrive at a clearing already filled with people, a short, brunette man shouting orders as he waves a lollipop in his hand. Dean's eyes linger on him for a moment before he's bustled into heavy labour, muscles bulging as he lifts and grunts his way through the day, working side by side a dark-haired man with a slim build and quiet strength.

Sam ends up with the short man, who he finds is named Gabriel, with a wicked tongue and bewitching golden eyes.

It's been hours and they're the last ones, helping Gabriel-he's the senior in charge, Dean's age, and Castiel, a year younger than Gabriel, though they've known each other for years. Dean and Gabriel bicker lightly and trade sexually-charged innuendos, Dean's black shirt sticking to his chest like a second skin. Sam awkwardly draws his eyes away from it, accidentally catching Castiel doing the exact same thing, meeting his eyes.

Sam's cheeks burn and Castiel's darken, tracing his entire body with unashamed interest.

"So, who wants to share?" Gabriel's voice breaks them out of their trance as he pulls out a bottle of liquor from his bag.

"You brought rum?" Sam asks incredulously. Gabriel smirks, winking.

"What better way to get you three to take your clothes off?"

Dean laughs, a deep, reverberating thing that vibrates through his whole body and he winks at Sam. "Hey, Sammy, if I take a drink and then you do, does that count as kissing your brother?"

Sam nearly chokes on his spit and flushes dark red as Castiel lets out a low growl and grabs the rum, taking a deep, gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing as sweat drips tantalizingly down his collarbone.

Sam faintly hears Dean breath a soft "Fuck," but he's too busy staring at Cas, mouth parted, while Gabriel's lips quirk dirtily.

"W-what was that?" Dean asks faintly, voice hoarse.

Castiel stares at them, eyes stormy, lips red and slick. "Let's get this bottle empty so we can play Spin the Bottle."

And the rest, as they say, is history.

A/N: The title is from Adam Lambert's song Runnin' from his new album Trespassing

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