Wake Up Zachy: A One-Shot Series

Chapter 1

Zach's Arms

A/N: Okay, I know, I know; I should be working on my other story. But I'll update this weekend I promise. I just wanted to do this one shot for you while I had the inspiration. Hope you like it; please note some characters may be a little off to fit the story needs. Plus I'm starting a new story; I know, I know, I already have two unfinished Gallagher Girl's stories, but I got a really good idea. I'm discontinuing the second story (If you would only ask). My new story is going to be coming out in like a month. Summary: Cammie hits her head a little too hard on a mission and doesn't remember anything since sophomore year. Zach and her reread her CoveOps report trying to help her remember.

-Katie, the daughter of Poseidon and a True Gallagher Girl at heart

Cammie's POV


All I remember is the running. I was in so much pain, but they were still coming; I had to get away.

My throat burned when I tried to swallow, my eyes displayed white after I blinked; I could barely see in front of me. But I had to keep running; I needed to get away.

I woke up painting; my legs kicking at the sheets. I took a deep breath and pushed away my tears. I slipped out of bed and into the hall to go anywhere but back to sleep.

As I roamed I thought about how they were no longer chasing me; I was finally free. But yet the dream kept coming back; it was almost as if it was a warning. I needed to feel safe; like nothing could ever hurt me. There was only one place I knew made me feel that way; Zach's arms.

I walked to his door and lightly knocked (it was around two in the morning). No answer. I crossed my fingers and tried the lock. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. I walked in and the shut the door after me.

Zach lay on his side facing me. He slept with a smirk on his face (shocker, huh?) but he looked perfectly at peace. He looked like when I first met him; carefree with nothing to worry about. As if nothing bad hade ever happened to use. He looked as if what happened in D.C., Boston, and the tombs was a just a myth. As if he hadn't even come close to dying, as if I didn't forget my summer, and as if Joe never went into coma.

I just couldn't bring myself to wake him up for that. He stirred slightly and moaned, "Cammie." I thought I had been caught, so I just stood waiting for him to get up or something. But he didn't. He moaned my name again; "Cammie. Don't stop." I smiled realizing (more like guessing) what his dream was about.

I walked up behind him, remembering why I was here. I slipped my arms around him as I lied down; careful not to wake him. Eventually, in the comfort of his warmth, I drifted off to sleep.


I stirred, faintly aware of the bright light pouring into the room. I sat up and let my eyes flutter open. Zach.

Zach was sitting near the bed in a chair. I shook my head as the memories of last night came rushing back.

"Have good sleep, Gallagher Girl," he asked, smirking. I nodded. "Do me a favor," he said walking up to sit on the bed nest to me. "Wake me up this way every morning, 'k?" I smiled and decided to play one of his kind of moves.

"So Zach," asked smiling like a crazy person as he turned to look at me. "What did youdream about?" and smirked. His face went white. Smiling I asked, "Anything good happen in it?" The color drained even more from his face. I leaned in close and whispered, "Wonna act it out?" I pulled back and watch as his face turned from the terror of me knowing into shock and disbelief.

"What?" he asked; he sounded as if he was gasping for air. I smiled and leaned in close, kissing up his jaw line. I started at his ear and trailed kisses up to the corner of his mouth. He pushed me on the bed and lowered himself on top of me. We kissed passionately and I let his tongue win in the fight for dominance. He groaned onto my lips as I started grinding my hips.

He left my mouth and started working on my neck; I felt a small amount of pressure as he bit down, but I didn't really mind. The clock in my head said 5:55. I pushed him off me and smiled.

"The girls will be up soon, I should go." He groaned, but he knew I needed to leave. I bent down and whispered into his ear, "We should defiantly continue this later."

As I found my way slowly back to my room, I couldn't help but smile. I was fairly sure Zach would get back to his cockiness during class today, and I would probably end up embarrassed; but for now, I was just happy.

Hope you like. Please keep a look out for my new story. Love ya

-Katie, the daughter of Poseidon and a Gallagher Girl as heart who just happens to LOVE Zammie.