Waking up first, Castle decided to get a head start on the day by making Beckett some breakfast. He knew she would be heading back to the precinct to work on the Maddox case, and would need some sustenance to make it through the morning. He dressed quietly to be sure not to wake her, and tiptoed into the kitchen. He threw together some pancake batter, cracked some eggs, and before he knew it, he had made them each a pancake and egg breakfast wrap. He placed them each in a to-go bag, poured on some maple syrup, and placed hers on the counter. He grabbed a post it note and wrote "Picking up coffee. Breakfast is on the counter. See you at the precinct." He paused for a moment, debating if he should continue or not, then wrote on the bottom in smaller print, "Love you". A slight smile came across his face as he picked up the note, walked into the bedroom and placed it on her forehead, where it couldn't be missed. He then placed a soft kiss on top of the note, and walked out of the loft, on his way to their favorite diner for some coffees.

The diner was busy that morning with a line nearly out the door, the hustle and bustle of last-minute Christmas shoppers all around. Castle didn't mind, he left plenty early, figuring that the diner would be busy with its convenient location to the many pop-up Christmas markets in the city nearby. "Is it always this busy in here?" Castle turns to find a disgruntled looking gentlemen in jeans, a backward baseball cap, and flannel shirt staring at him. "Thankfully no," Castle began, "otherwise I'd have to get up an hour earlier every day, because my wife loves the coffee at this place". Disgruntled man chuckles and gets a small smile upon his face, stating "I feel your pain, my wife needs a daily coffee IV. Would save a lot of time and sure as hell be a lot cheaper". Castle smiles and extends his hand to the man, "Richard Castle". Disgruntled man shakes his hand saying, "Luke Danes".

"So Luke, what brings you and your wife to the city?" Castle asks, seeing that this line isn't going anywhere anytime soon, he might as well have someone to talk to.

"Well, my wife's daughter Rory is a writer for the New York Times, the travel section. We live in Connecticut and don't make it out to see her as much as we'd like because she travels a lot, so we came to spend Christmas with her here this year".

"A writer, eh?" Castle begins, "noble profession".

"Yeah, Rory wanted to be a writer pretty much since she was old enough to read. We're both very proud of her. You practically need a forklift to pry a book out of that girl's hands".

Castle lets out a soft chuckle, "I hear you on that one, my daughter Alexis is the same way"

The men continued on talking and laughing about their families, the seemingly never-ending line, and the crazy guy walking around the diner in shorts at the end of December, until Luke reached the front of the line and placed his order. As he received his coffees (and a bag of strawberry and chocolate frosted donuts) he reached his hand out to shake with Castle, "It was good talkin' to you. Enjoy your holiday with your family".

Castle shakes his hand while reaching in his pocket with his other hand for a business card. "You as well. And hey, if you, Lorelai and Rory need some good company for dinner sometime while you're visiting, give me a call. Kate, Alexis and I will bring you to one of our favorite places in the city".

"That'd be great, thanks man." Luke says as he takes the card and exits the diner.

Hope you guys enjoyed the crossover! I will be doing a little more with the families meeting one another. I hope other Gilmore fans enjoyed the couple references back to the show as well! Reviews are encouraged, and happy holidays everyone!